>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Friday, December 30, 2005

Movie Addendum

When listing movies I was eagerly awaiting I left out a couple:


An Eli Roth film, I like his earlier efforts okay and hope this one rocks my socks. I want to have to cover my eyes.

Also looking at Wolf Creek and the remake of When a Stranger Calls. I'm dubious at best about WaSC as the trailer pretty much shows you the entire movie, but it's an old favorite so I'd like to see what's been done with it. Another remake, The Hills Have Eyes, looks promising though. Wow, my theme is Vacations/Trips gone terribly awry. Maybe I should put off travelling for a while or at least pack an assualt rifle and some mutant-b-gone.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

What Made My Christmas

Music at the moment: Wunderkind - Alanis Morissette

I've been way too busy to do any blogging worth anything since November given the holidays and John's time home. I fly out tomorrow morning to spend christmas weekend up north with the italian family. I'm terribly excited about this, but really Christmas already happened here while John was home.

John got me something from my childhood that I loved dearly and truly never thought I'd have again. He coordinated with my Mother and made it happen. I love you John.

Dark Tower

I have to say this is one of the best Christmas times I've ever had. It felt like Christmas. By far the moment that made it so wonderful was seeing The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe with my mother and my husband. This book one of the most vivid and possibly the strongest childhood memories I have. To have my mother and John with me when it was finally done justice on a big screen was the pinnacle of my year. I love you Mom and thank you for reading me that book so many times.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Merry Whatever

I sent this to a friend in a card and though this should be my holiday blog entry:


Happy homogenized, nonexclusive, politcally-correct Holidays!

May a jovial, differently-abled, horizontally-challenged Man or Woman in a red suit bring you an ample amount of environmentally-sound, non-toxic, racially and religiously sensitive gifts, all of which are not gender oriented and completely inoffensive to those around you!

Then I found this and thought I'd share:

'Twas the night before Christmas and Santa's a wreck.

How to live in a world that's politically correct?

His workers no longer would answer to Elves,

Vertically Challenged they were calling themselves.

And labor conditions at the north pole

Were alleged by the union to stifle the soul.

Four reindeer had vanished, without much propriety,

Released to the wilds by the Humane Society.

And equal employment had made it quite clear

That Santa had better not use just reindeer.

So Dancer and Donner, Comet and Cupid,

Were replaced with 4 pigs, and you know that looked stupid!

The runners had been removed from his sleigh;

The ruts were termed dangerous by the E.P.A.

And people had started to call for the cops

When they heard sled noises on their roof-tops.

Second-hand smoke from his pipe had his workers quite frightened.

His fur trimmed red suit was called Unenlightened.

And to show you the strangeness of life's ebbs and flows,

Rudolf was suing over unauthorized use of his nose

And had gone on Geraldo, in front of the nation,

Demanding millions in over-due compensation.

So, half of the reindeer were gone; and his wife,

Who suddenly said she'd enough of this life,

Joined a self-help group, packed, and left in a whiz,

Demanding from now on her title was Ms.

And as for the gifts, why, he'd ne'er had a notion

That making a choice could cause so much commotion.

Nothing of leather, nothing of fur,

Which meant nothing for him. And nothing for her.

Nothing that might be construed to pollute.

Nothing to aim. Nothing to shoot.

Nothing that clamored or made lots of noise.

Nothing for just girls. Or just for the boys.

Nothing that claimed to be gender specific.

Nothing that's warlike or non-pacific.

No candy or sweets, they were bad for the tooth.

Nothing that seemed to embellish a truth.

And fairy tales, while not yet forbidden,

Were like Ken and Barbie, better off hidden.

For they raised the hackles of those psychological

Who claimed the only good gift was one ecological.

No baseball, no football; someone could get hurt;

Besides, playing sports exposed kids to dirt.

Dolls were said to be sexist, and should be passe;

And Nintendo would rot your entire brain away.

So Santa just stood there, disheveled, perplexed;

He just could not figure out what to do next.

He tried to be merry, tried to be gay,

But you've got to be careful with that word today.

His sack was quite empty, limp to the ground;

Nothing fully acceptable was to be found.

Something special was needed, a gift that he might

Give to all without angering the left or the right.

A gift that would satisfy, with no indecision,

Each group of people, every religion;

Every ethnicity, every hue,

Everyone, everywhere, even you.

So here is that gift, it's priced beyond worth.

May you and your loved ones enjoy peace on earth.

Notice: This poem is copyright 1992 by Harvey Ehrlich.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Please take a moment to watch and review my newest film!
(registering to review at the site is free)


New from Phred cetera Philms!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Itching. Itching I say.

I've become such a hater of the hollywood engine in the last several years, but now and again there are spots where a veritable herd of movies all descend at once and make a theater whore out of me. This is one such time.

Still waiting for this to find its way somewhere nearby:


I've only been talking about this one forever, but it's finally almost here:

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

On the very same day that comes out we have these which I've been anxious about as well as new additions:

Brokeback Mountain

Memoirs of a Geisha

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

Then later in the month we have:

The New World

Master of the Crimson Armor

And then much later of course is:

Superman Returns

X-Men 3 (Which I'm terrifed about actually)

I'm sure more will pop up here and there and there is a list about a mile long of indie stuff I'm dying to see that would take up too much room. I'll just note it as it comes.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Baby Boom

In related news, yours truly is on his way to becoming an uncle a third time over (Well, not technically since I have 2 nephews and another niece i'm meeting on my next trip up to Jersey in december).

My sister Tara announced to me the other day on the phone that her second is currently baking away in his/her own private womb. They're hoping for a boy, but if they have a girl Tara says she's still done. Two's the limit in the devers family it seems.

Let's hope he's cool like his Uncle Phred

Saturday, November 19, 2005

A Quick English Lesson:


aberrant, anomalous, atypical, bent, delirious, deviate, deviative, devious, different, divergent, freaky, heretical, heteroclite, irregular, kinky, Tetsuo: The Iron Man, off-key, perverse, perverted, preternatural, queer, twisted, unrepresentative, untypical, wandering, wayward


In other news, below is the result if two people are left unchecked, allowed too much free time and sit idle for too long without anything to do:

I give you all six pounds and change of Gabriel Matthias Wright.

Congratulations Heather and Chris! Get a hobby please!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Phred the Director

Anyone who knows me knows of my love for direction. Videos, movies, shorts, I love them all and wish I could make them as a career. For now though, I'll have to settle for this.

The Movies game has been sucking up my time a lot recently, though i haven't been *playing* that much. Most of the time sink has been actually making my own flicks. It's quite an involved process. I've made 2 shorts so far. My first was "The Bank, The Bandit and The Ballsy Blonde". It was met with decent reviews for being a freshman effort. My second has just uploaded and is a parody of Lost. Feel free to check them out at the link below. It's free to register and registered people can do movie reviews. Movie reviews will net me virtual credits as well that will later allow me to buy new props and sets from the Propshop. better props means better movies!

Phred cetera

Monday, October 24, 2005

Music at the Moment: Depeche Mode - John The Revelator

Oh goody. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to try and figure out why I haven't slept in two days and why I'm tingly and numb from the waist down. Loads of phun! Maybe I'll get free samples of something.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


I haven't been this excited about a movie since waiting for Star Wars (The original) to be released. I've cried more watching these trailers than I have in some full length films.

Step through the Wardrobe

Aslan looks so good! And Mr. and Mrs. Beaver...and my favorite character, Mr. Tumnus! *sigh*

I am so never going to make it through this movie.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Died And Gone To Olympus: House Update, Movie Reviews and a New Crush

Music at the Moment: Bodyrockers - I Like The Way

While fixing myself lunch and getting ready for my workout I was suddenly startled by an unexpected ring to the doorbell. A surprise package? A long lost relative? Another neighborhood child asking "Yoo wanna buy dis baloon fuh a dollah?" I had no idea who might be at the door. As I neared it I spied the trucks through the living room windows and my heart jumped with elation.

The Roofers had arrived.

The three men explained that they were looking over the roof and dropping off the supplies for their work which they'd commence with tomorrow morning at 8 AM. Kitty was summarily squeezed and loved on with joy. He was not happy about it. 6 more weeks of Hurricane Season and the roof is finally getting fixed. The siding should follow suit in about 3 years after we've already sold and moved.


Music at the Moment: Tom McRae - A day Like Today

High Tension

Okay. I'd heard mixed reviews of this flick and even a trusted source said it was "eh." I'd had no great expectations for this movie. I was very pleasantly surprised. Admittedly I hadn't cared for the title and hoped some witty play on the words connected it to the movie. That was not the case. Quite literally the title was an apt description of most of the film. Usually when I watch a horror flick on my way to slumberville I lie in the bed sprawled out and oblivious. This one had me bundled in sheet with gripped pillow and even a couple unexpected jumps. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Like any movie, it has its plot points that make me go Hmmm, but for the most part it was a great ride. I watched the original unrated french cut as I tend to avoid dubbed movies. I can't attest to how close the english dub is to the original script, but if you can deal with subtitles watch the original. C'est géniale!
Phred Phun Phactor: 6/10

Music at the Moment: Toni Braxton - Shadowless


When one wants to see a good made-for-TV genre flick, one does not automatically gravitate towards the SciFi Channel. One would assume that the creators of such instant classics as Boa vs. Python, Crimson Force, Mansquito, Raptor Island, Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy, Chubacabra: Dark Seas, Alien Express, Alien Hunter, Alien Lockdown, Alien Siege, Cerberus and Manticore would only strive harder to continue cluttering the small screen with new and innovative concoctions like Crimson Alien Boa vs. El Hammercabra: Dark Frenzied Siege on Alien Mansquito Lockdown Island. Sometimes, however, even they can make a mistake and show something halfway decent.

I had no hope of even liking the 4 hour Hercules two parter especially given the most recent incarnation of the greek hero. Kevin Sorbo is vile and I have an eternal hatred for all these similar shows that insisted on taking a decent premise and updating it with modern vernacular and high cheese factor, but I digress.

I actually really liked the movie. No the effects weren't Lord of the Rings, but neither were they an abomination to the senses that caused my eyes to melt out of my head. The story was involving and kept a good pace. It was nice to see a greek myth not replete with magic. Don't get me wrong, there was magic and magical beasts, but every scene didn't rely on the mythical. The story was solid and stood on its own. I love Elizabeth Perkins and she was wonderful as Alcmene. Leanna Walsman initially annoyed me to look at, but eventually impressed me as Megara. And then there's Hercules...
Phred Phun Phactor: 5/10

... which brings me to the last part of this blog entry. My new infatuation. Hercules.




Look. At. That. Smile.



*Dreamy sigh*

Mind you, the movie was decent on its own. Honestly. But let me tell you, watching Paul Telfer in each scene didn't hurt in the least. I'd like to personally welcome Paul to the club with Eduardo, Cillian, Billy, Christian and Clive. Damn...I mean DAMN.

I wonder...

What Would Maya Do?

If Maya really, really loved me, she'd show up on my doorstep and use her Molecular Transformation to become Paul. That hour is all I need.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Music at the moment: Ruby Blue - Roisin Murphy

Nothing to say really. Waiting on contractors to actually SHOW to do their work. Ready to move. Life is in limbo right now. Feh.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Pets via Pete

Pete got a hedgehog. I almost got the cat, but then I saw the pig. I've always wanted my own little Amityville friend. Here it is! Now just to get the eyes red...

my pet!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Kittums: Back in the Saddle

The orange behemoth we know and love is home again and doing quite well. Thankfully his lump was a Lipoma or fatty Cell tumor which we've been told is no cause for alarm. While more common in dogs, it does happen in cats. Kitty is lounging around with a shaved pit and stitches and seeming none the wiser. he is very loving and sweet.

Then there's Julio.

Julio, another name for SATAN in other countries, has repeatedly hissed, growled, snorted, swatted and tried to bite kittums since he came home. We're told this is normal and that they should sort things out in a few days. I think perhaps Julio is trying to tell us something...

Julio: Hisssssssss phtt phtt, groooooooowl hisssssssss
translation: (That isn't Kitty! It's a Pod-Kitty! Can't you see it? They're taking over!)

Phred: Julio, calm down. That's your best friend and he's feeling icky. Go love on him.
translation: (So help me Julio, if you keep this up I'm making Spicy General Chicken out of you)

Julio: HISSSSS *snort* grooooooowl hiss hiss, *swat* *snap*
translation: (NO! Don't let him near me! You're all blind! They'll get you when you sleep! No one is safe!)

Phred: Aww Julio, it's okay.
translation: (Keep it up you little bastard and I'll let Kitty eat you.)

John: Shhh Julio.
translation: (Is there chocolate downstairs? Mmm chocolate.)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Wow...go to Google, type in "failure" and click on the "I'm feeling lucky" button. The results had me laughing.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Happy Johnday!

I want to yell a big
to the most important person in my life.
There is many a day I couldn't manage without you.

I luz you heeny!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

That's mah guuur!!!

Music at the moment: Traci Chapman - Change

You scored as Jean Grey. Jean Grey is likely the most powerful X-Man. She loves Cyclops very much but she has a soft spot for Wolverine. She's psychic so she can sense how others are feeling and tries to help them. She also has to control her amazing powers or the malevolent Phoenix entity could take control of her and wreak havok. Powers: Telekinetic, Telepathic

Jean Grey




Emma Frost


















Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
created with QuizFarm.com

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

So I haven't wanted to blog much recently. Honestly, with everything going on I've had to live it and would rather let it pass than talk about it and drag it out. But Pete mentioned me not posting anything real and I guess anyone who reads this as a window into my life deserves an update.

Katrina...yadda yadda yadda. I don't have to mention anything about it. Every channel on the T.V. and radio already has and the papers are replete with hurricane information. Suffice it to say, it's close by, it's horrible and we are damn lucky to have made it by with as little damage as we did.

John crew changes today and I'm worried sick about him getting home. I-12 is open but with "significant delays" which doesn't bode well for gas. He said the city where he gets dropped off has gas and I told him to try and find a gas gan to fill for the road. A crewman on the boat gave him a louisiana map and he's going to try and get home via some backroads. My stomach is in knots over it.

Our siding/roof contractor that came has yet to get back to us with a quote. nearly 4 weeks later and I haven't heard from him. The other roofer gave us a quote that day, so we're probably going to just use him. At least the roof will be fixed. We're so ready to sell and move.

We took Kitty to the vet yesterday. The day before I'd picked up Kittums to love on him and found a large lump just next to his upper right armpit. It didn't seem to bother him, but it's there nonetheless. The doctor said if she'd been able to get her fingers completely around it or draw fluid from it she wouldn't have been concerned. Unfortunately she could do neither, so Kitty is scheduled for surgery next Wednesday. They'll be removing it and having it biopsied. I've been spoiling Kitty a lot these past two days. He's been my little boy for nearly 12 years. Needless to say I'm sick over this too.

On the game front updates and expansions galore. Sims 2: Nightlife comes out today and it looks fun. Issue 5 went live on City of Heroes and it has me depressed about my future in the game. Ditto goes for the EQ2 expansion which has drastically altered everything and made any summoned pets pretty much paper. City of Villains beta is nice, but still can't talk about it much.

Don't know what we're doing for the holidays. Don't know what we're doing for thanksgiving. With the year the way it's been so far, I'm inclined to pass on holidays this year. John's b-day is September 20th and he's forbidden me from having a party of the like. His b-day present still isn't here and has me pissed off. It was supposed to have made it here already and been set up by the time he arrived. I have a mind to call Alienware and tell them to stuff it. A month is a bit long to wait on shipping.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three

List 3 things that bug you - things that others may find trivial. Then tag 5 of your friends to do the same:

1. People with more than one face. There is being "polite" and then there's just downright being a lying, fake, piece of shit.

2. Minority sub groups with holier-than-thou attitudes. I mean, it's hard enough being gay, but then you have people marching around saying "Equality! We're no different than you!" while at the same time looking down their noses at other gays who aren't like them? "Bears", "Twinks", "Cubs", "Otters", "Doms", "Subs", whatever-the-hell other animal or fetish comparisons you care to choose as your title...GET OVER IT.

3. Companies with no interest in Customer Srvice. Clue people...customers are why you exist. I suggest you be nice to them and LISTEN to their complaints.

Well Pete thinks I won't "perpetuate the cycle", but having never been "tagged" I guess I might as well do it this time.

Tagged: Panamabry, Heathen, Josh, Myshe, and Miss Sarah
!!!Random Cuteness Drive-By!!!

That is some cute shit right there.

Yet another meme

Music at the moment: Warning Siren - Tiefschwarz ft. Matty Safer

Music meme from Pete via Ericdabear via who knows who else...the cycle is endless

Rules: Go to Music Outfitters and in the search field type in your year of birth. Copy and paste the list, bolding the songs you like. ('like' in this instance indicates a song that you wouldn't immediately turn from if you heard it on the radio.) *I'll be changing color since bold is hard to distinguish on this blog.

1. Bridge Over Troubled Water, Simon and Garfunkel
2. (They Long To Be) Close To You, Carpenters
3. American Woman / No Sugar Tonight, The Guess Who
4. Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head, B.J. Thomas
5. War, Edwin Starr
6. Ain't No Mountain High Enough, Diana Ross
7. I'll Be There, Jackson 5
8. Get Ready, Rare Earth
9. Let It Be, The Beatles
10. Band Of Gold, Freda Payne
11. Mama Told Me (Not To Come), Three Dog Night
12. Everything Is Beautiful, Ray Stevens
13. Make It With You, Bread
14. Hitchin' A Ride, Vanity Fair
15. ABC, Jackson 5
16. The Love You Save / I Found That Girl, Jackson 5
17. Cracklin' Rose, Neil Diamond
18. Candida, Dawn
19. Thank You (Fallettin Me Be Mice Elf Again) / Everybody Is A Star, Sly and The Family Stone
20. Spill The Wine, Eric Burdon and War
21. O-o-h Child / Dear Prudence, Five Stairsteps and Cubie
22. Spirit In The Sky, Norman Greenbaum
23. Lay Down (Candles In The Rain), Melanie and The Edwin Hawkins Singers
24. Ball Of Confusion (That's What The World Is Today), Temptations
25. Love On A Two Way Street, Moments
27. Which Way You Goin' Billy?, Poppy Family
28. All Right Now, Free
29. Julie, Do Ya Love Me, Bobby Sherman
30. Green-eyed Lady, Sugarloaf

31. Signed Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours), Stevie Wonder
(Awwww! According to my Mother I used to stand up in the car when this came on and dance when I was TEENSY while singing "Side Seed Delibit!")
32. Ride Captain Ride, Blues Image
33. Venus, Shocking Blue
34. Instant Karma (We All Shine On), John Ono Lennon
35. Patches, Clarence Carter
36. Lookin' Out My Back Door / Long As I Can See The Light, Creedence Clearwater Revival
37. Rainy Night In Georgia, Brook Benton
38. Something's Burning, Kenny Rogers and The First Edition
39. Give Me Just A Little More Time, Chairmen Of The Board
40. Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes), Edison Lighthouse
41. The Long And Winding Road / For You Blue, The Beatles
42. Snowbird, Anne Murray
43. Reflections Of My Life, Marmalade
44. Hey There Lonely Girl, Eddie Holman
45. The Rapper, Jaggerz
46. He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother, Hollies
47. Tighter, Tighter, Alive and Kicking
48. Come And Get It, Badfinger
49. Cecelia, Simon and Garfunkel
50. Love Land, Charles Wright and The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band
51. Turn Back The Hands Of Time, Tyrone Davis
52. Lola, Kinks
53. In The Summertime, Mungo Jerry
54. Indiana Wants Me, R. Dean Taylor
55. (I Know) I'm Losing You, Rare Earth
56. Easy Come, Easy Go, Bobby Sherman
57. Express Yourself, Charles Wright and The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band
58. Still Water (Love), Four Tops
59. Make Me Smile, Chicago
60. House Of The Rising Sun , Frijid Pink
61. 25 Or 6 To 4, Chicago
62. My Baby Loves Lovin', White Plains
63. Love Or Let Me Be Lonely, Friends Of Distinction
64. United We Stand, Brotherhood Of Man
65. We've Only Just Begun, Carpenters
66. Arizona, Mark Lindsay
67. Fire And Rain, James Taylor
68. Groovy Situation, Gene Chandler
69. Evil Ways, Santana
70. No Time, The Guess Who
71. Didn't I (Blow Your Mind This Time), Delfonics
72. The Wonder Of You / Mama Liked The Roses, Elvis Presley
73. Up Around The Bend / Run Through The Jungle, Creedence Clearwater Revival
74. (If You Let Me Make Love To You Then) Why Can't I Touch You, Ronnie Dyson
75. I Just Can't Help Believing, B.J. Thomas
76. It's A Shame, Spinners
77. For The Love Of Him, Bobbi Martin
78. Mississippi Queen, Mountain
79. I Want To Take You Higher, Ike and Tina Turner
80. The Letter, Joe Cocker
81. Ma Belle Amie, Tee Set
82. The Bells, Originals
83. Yellow River, Christie
84. Somebody's Been Sleeping, 100 Proof and Aged In Soul
85. Vehicle, Ides Of March
86. Gimme Dat Ding, Pipkins
87. Lay A Little Lovin' On Me, Robin Mcnamara
88. Up The Ladder To The Roof, Supremes
89. Travelin' Band / Who'll Stop The Rain, Creedence Clearwater Revival
90. Come Saturday Morning, Sandpipers
91. Psychedelic Shack, Temptations
92. Without Love (There Is Nothing), Tom Jones
93. Are You Ready?, Pacific Gas and Electric
94. Woodstock, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
95. I'll Never Fall In Love Again, Dionne Warwick
96. Look What They've Done To My Song Ma, New Seekers
97. Walk A Mile In My Shoes, Joe South
98. The Thrill Is Gone, B.B. King

99. It's Only Make Believe, Glen Campbell
100. Call Me, Aretha Franklin

Not surprised. I like a LOT of music. I just have never had an ear for Ellvis

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Yay Joshy!

Here's a shout out to one of my oldest and dearest friends! Though we don't get to see each other very much we love and think about you a lot. Wish we were there to help you celebrate Dimples!!

Friday, August 19, 2005

"R2, do you is fucking": Subtitle Phun In Other Lands

My good pal Jeff sent this to me today and I nearly peed myslf. Now I want to move to Thailand just to rent movies. Thanks Jeff!

The Backstroke of the West aka Revenge of the Sith

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Phred is...

Thanks to Tripp via Miss Sarah for this litte time killer...


Search on google for your name using quoets like so: "Phred is"

Cut and paste the first ten entries.

1) Phred is a base calling program for DNA sequence traces widely used by the largest academic and commercial DNA sequencing laboratories. (Rock on, I sound important)

2) Phred is not included as part of the Staden Package. (But if you order now...)

3)Phred is pop-culture's ambassador to foreign affairs. (Well duh)

4) Phred is not heterogeneity but determinacy (Please, I'm not hetero anything)

5) Phred is extremely conservative about splitting peaks in order to minimize erroneous splitting. (Yeah...so..there.)

6) PHRED is intended as a design review process which can be used at all stages of process design to provide guidance regarding conceptual design, equipment selection, equipment specification, control system and piping design, and even the design of ancillary facilities such as stormwater collection systems and control rooms. (Apparently I'm quite versatile)

7) Phred is a calico and, yes, a girl. (Who knew?!)

8) PHRED is leading the PHRED research. (Well I wouldn't expect Phred to be leading Bob research now would I?)

9) Phred is required and/or recommended. (You must all have your daily dose!)

10 phred is offline (How perfect is that one for the finish?)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Yay! Evil!

puts on his evil nasty supertights First wave of invites for City of Villains Beta baby. Ready to beat down some heroes!

Friday, August 12, 2005

You are Francesca Fiore! You have no problem
getting what you want, where you want it, and
when you want it. Sometimes you get a little
sidetracked by your sexy sidekick Bruno, but
there is no mix that you cannot get out of. You
are sexy, you are beautiful, you are glowing,
you are Francesca-enough said! You have starred
in many movies, even if their content is
somewhat questionable and has been censored all
too often, and you have a love of all furry
creatures, especially if they can make a good

Which Kids in the Hall Character Are You?
brought to you by

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Otis is feeling much better now at home with his Mommies. Hallelujah! Thank goodness it was apparently just a bad trip to a den of evil negligence that didn't go more awry. Yay Mr. Otis! Run and play and eat carrots!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Our friend's handsome doggy isn't feeling well.
Please send out your love and thoughts and make mister Otis get better.

Mr. Otis

Monday, July 25, 2005

Stupid People Give Me Migraines

Music at the moment: Rock 'n' Roll Soldiers - Funny Little Feeling

Well, my weekend was shit. Yay. We didn't go see Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (Henceforth referred to as "That molestation movie") because Bryan's nephew Austin didn't make it down here for birthday fun.

Austin, a great guy and fellow video game afficianado, was going to be coming down with Bryan Saturday afternoon for "That molestation movie" and then Sushi at Fuji's for his 16th. His "mother" (I use the term loosely since Hitler would have made a better mother) had planned to do whatever she was going to do for his birthday either Friday night or Saturday morning/noonish.

So Bryan heads down to pick up Austin and calls later to say that he's headed back alone in tears. I'm like what the???

Apparently Ingrid (henceforth referred to by many other more colorful names) thought differently of the situation. The douche bag, who for so long has been sweet and supportive of John and I and had some incredibly kind and meaningful words for me at their father's viewing suddenly decides to tell Bryan she doesn't want Austin hanging out with "The gays". She kept on repeatedly refusing to allow him to come down and be around "all Bryan's homosexual friends". Bryan tallied for her the hordes of gay friends he has down here that he sees: Me and John. He detailed how Myshe, Josh, heather, Jennifer and George are all breeders, but that did little to fix anything in Frieda Fuckup's little mind. On and on about not condoning that life and not wanting Austin around it (Even though he's hung around us plenty of times before with her consent and even came down here for Bryan and my mother's birthday bash), how she doesn't want him to come down here and drink (when her live-in boyfriend drinks more than our household combined on a daily basis) and how she doesn't want him coming down to see "That molestation movie" (Apparently that one came straight from her ass because I can't even begin to explain that one other than possibly saying: Um..IG-NO-RANT Redneck).

Then, after further details from Bryan later it came to my attention that we were most likely a means to an end and a convenient excuse to save her from looking like a shitty mother (You failed asshole). Apparently she'd done nothing Friday night and had been to lazy or intelligent to do anything Saturday morning as was planned. In fact, she was out picking up his birthday cake when bryan arrived there that afternoon. Nothing like waiting until the last minute and then using others to mask your incompetence.

There's a hell of a lot more to it, but I won't go into it. Suffice it to say she is a total wastoid cunt. That's right, I said it. Wastoid. She's a sad woman with mental issues who's mood and intelligence flounders like a fish on the beach. She has no business having kids and is too irresponsible to act as she should. She shits on her mother and did the same to her father when he was here.

So all that and apparently she never did anything for his birthday. Austin sat at Bryan's house all night for his birthday so Bitterella could "win".

Well Ingrid, you won the battle. But when your kids leave your sorry ass at the stroke of 18 and your family and friends drop you like the damaged goods you are rather than be repeatedly burned, you'll realize what a fuck up you are. Enjoy! I know I will.

Side note: As for anyone else in our lives that can't get over whatever problems you have with John and I, let me put it to you simply:

We do not need you. We do not need your ignorance. We do not need your conditional love. We do not need your presence. We will have a wonderful life with you or without you. It's your job to move past your own ridiculous issues, not ours to crusade for your evolution.

There it is.

You might wonder how things would work differently were this involving someone else:

Maya would have just used her molecular transformation to become some respected doctor, had Ingrid committed and the kids turned over to Lilia so they could have a good life. Problem solved. Because Maya rolls like that.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Reviews on the Fly

Music at the moment: Shakira - La Tortura

Received my ordered copy of John Waters' A Dirty Shame. Funny, irreverent and crass. This harkens back to classic Waters. I didn't even mind Johnny Knoxville being in it. DO NOT watch "The Neuter Version". It's abysmal.

Phred Phun Phactor: 7 out of 10

Fantastic Four

Le sigh. Okay so it's better than all the previous incarnations of this film. This concept's screen history is long and troubled and I fear this is as close as we'll ever get to a correct realization.

Reed? Okay. I was happier with his portrayal than expected. He's still too young in my mind's eye but I keep telling myself that Reed was young at one point in time anyhow so I deal. Powers? So-so done. I felt the CG was a little low in spots and they made far less use of him than they could have. Elasti-Girl in the Incredibles kicked more ass than him.

Ben? Chiklis did a really good job. After all, this was typecasting. I liked Thing a hell of a lot more than I thought I would and despite the overall rubber factor, his look wasn't that bad.

Johnny? Wow. Okay so I've been hot for Chris Evans since Not Another Teen Movie. It's the chest, it's like my Kryptonite. But did he ever peg Johnny Storm. I thoroughly enjoyed the hell out of his performance. I still dislike the fact that he isn't blond (yet they even make a reference to him being blond in the movie..um...ok.), but he did a great job. His effects were splendid and I felt I was really seeing The Human Torch.

Victor? Feh. What was SO incredibly hard about inserting Doom with the right history? I mean come on! The staple of FF nemeses cheapened to hell and back by giving him electrical powers, fleeting references to Latveria and turning him to metal. Vomit with a capital Spew. I guess next it will be the Iron Man Movie where we find that the alien T'ony S'tark from the planet of Ironia has come to earth to protect its people using his racial powers to change to an energized metal. STOP FUCKING UP ORIGINS. There is no call for it.

Alicia? Um. Er. You people need to read a little closer next time. She's BLind. Not BLack.

So did I forget anyone? Nope. Absolutely no one at all. Thus ends my review of Fantastic Four.

Phred Phun Phactor: 3 out of 10

Oh...Sue? Wait...was Invisible T&A in the movie? If so, I totally missed her poorly-cast, usless, terribly-portrayed ass. Geneticist..yeah, like I believed that.


Going to go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today. We'll see. I don't know about Johnny Depp.
Music at the moment: Blondfire - L-L-Love (Acoustic)

I haven't been in the mood to blog since evacuation. So sue me.

We made it through okay. More damage to the siding, fence and roof, though no leaks or serious roof damage yet (knock on wood). The adjuster said since we have 75% damage to the siding he might be able to replace it all. Yay. We shouldn't have to pull fucking teeth to get this shit fixed. I'm sick of the legalized extortion that is Insurance.

John and I have decided that, beyond impassable obstacles, we will not remain living in the Flaccid Penis of the USA for another year. Between the machine gun hurricanes and the utter deterioration of any sort of kindness in the southern community we're sick to death of this place. I have no love left for this place other than the sentimental attachment to it being my home for so long and my remaining family. To those I love: get out now while you still can. To those that I don't: Move to Florida! It's great! By this time next year we should be northerners. Hallelujah I say.

Music switch: Citizen Cope - Son's Gonna Rise

I was further saddened Wednesday by the passing of the third to leave in a magical team that shaped my younger years. James Doohan best known as Star Trek's Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott was lost to us and it sucks. Thanks Jimmy for your contributions to the sci-fi genre and pop culture. I'll not add to the barrage of vomitous and uncreative Scotty beamed up references I've endured already this week. Suffice it to say you'll be missed buddy.

James Doohan
March 3, 1920 - July 20, 2005

Friday, July 08, 2005

Once again into the fray

Well, just a wee quick update to let everyone know that we're off again to Tennessee to escape our first major hurricane of the very early season. I'll shout out once i'm home again with power.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Choose Life...

in a cute little jar!

I came across these and decided a pet might be nice on the blog. Hell, maybe even a few! I'll name them later. If anyone can think of a nice name let me know! Everyone should have a name.

I adopted a cute lil' death fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

I adopted a cute lil' ninja fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

I adopted a cute lil' mummy fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

I adopted a cute lil' batman fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

Speaking of Batman. Now that John's home we finally went to see my men in Batman Begins. Mmmmmmm. It was truly a religious experience. I'll blog about it this week.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Veni, Vidi, Vici Quisquiliarum


Garbage disposal removed and new one installed dammit! All I had to do was beat the holy hell out of the old one. And the best part, the new one actually works!


@!*$# -or- Plumbing Woes beget Phred Throes

So Saturday I discovered water in the cabinets under the kitchen sink. Investigation soon turned up a connection (referred to henceforth as the rubber tube thingy with the c clamp on it)which was loose or simply shot. Closer examination revealed that the metal valve (referred to henceforth as the little metal sticky-out pipe thing) was severely corroded and half had broken off. There was now very little of the little metal sticky-out pipe thing for the rubber tube thingy with the c clamp on it to hold onto. Dilemma.

This small equation will explain the problem:

PhredJohn - Apartment + House = Do It Yourself

Okay, fine. More equations:

PhredJohnHouse + Home Warranty = Trade Call - Do It Yourself

Problem. The Home Warranty bitches aren't open on the weekend.

PhredJohnHouseHomeWarranty - Weekends = Do It Yourself for Immediate Gratification or Wait for a few days.

I chose Immediate Gratification. A Call to the father type and a trip to Sears netted us a new garbage disposal unit ready for installation.

The problem is not putting it on. The problem is getting the old one off.

Let us move past all the punny Phred can't get it off witticisms and get back to the blog entry shall we?

Here are some words I've become intimately aware of over the weekend:

Heave, pull, wrench, jerk, pry, wedge, strain, chisel and mallet.

Phred Phun Phact: Wrenchettes are groovy

So here is the problem...

You see, The Devil won't come apart. It's like crazy fossilized and wouldn't budge. What's more, now as I try to turn it clockwise to unscrew it the sink flange turns as well when it needs to remain still or go in the opposite direction. This, of course, causes:

So the new dilemma consists of a couple options.

1) Take the kit back to Sears then call the Home Warranty people and wait to have half a sink and a dishwsher that works again.

2) Continue to try and get that little monster out from beneath the sink and put the new one in myself to feel a sense of accomplishment.

I have yet to decide what to do. If I had another pair of hands I might have more luck. Maybe if I lodge Kittums in the sink flange it won't turn anymore and I'll have the resistance I need.

Things that make you go Hmmmm.

Situations like this make me wonder...

Maya would most likely tell me that the garbage disposal is primitive and set to designing some new laser disintegration device that would destroy any garbage we placed in the sink. I would most likely then suggest that a Meson Converter would be a better idea since it would allow us to change the garbage into more useful matter rather than destroying it and allow us to recycle 100% of all our waste products. Maya would then change into a large orange space creature with a tail, bulbous faceted eyes and a black mane and slap me silly. Changing back she would explain that only Dorcons use Meson Converters and that my statement was a terribly insensitive and ignorant thing to suggest. Maya would be right.

Maya rocks.
Added a new site under Groovy Links today. Ron showed it to me. Thanks Ron! He got it from Cookie. Thanks Cookie! Postsecret

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Oh, my. I needed this to start my day off nearly peeing myself with laughter. Have no fear. It's G-Rated.


Friday, June 17, 2005

Childhood Rears Its Ugly Head

Okay, so I really liked the Super Friends when I was little. Though I can remember even then having a problem with inconsistencies in plot and feasibility. Never had I imagined how badly these concepts were utterly tossed to the dogs. Admittedly, Volume One was no better, but Volume Two is even worse. Were kids really that stupid back then? Or did the producers of such shows just think so? Some highlights...

Episode 2: Demons of Exxor is about the evil Lord Darkon who seems hellbent on ruling the the galaxy of Nova 12 which lies "a million light years from Earth". His last hurdle before total victory is the planet Exxor, home to the Wonder Twins Zan and Jayna. Using his something-something-or-other ray he creates a large creature from the fears of all Exxorians that proceeds to wreak havoc by melting the same stock footage building repeatedly. So, all the super Friends are busy. Zan and Jayna are, of course, told to come home and help and are promptly teleported "a million light years from Earth" to their home planet. They prove useless (as usual) and it looks like the Exxorians are all doomed (even though according to the twins all exxorians have these powers...but they're the only two who even attempt to use them). So, yadda yadda, the Super Friends find out what's going on and all head to Exxor in the Bat Rocket and Wonder Woman's Invisible jet. The trip only takes a brief few minutes since it's just "a million light years from Earth". Fighting breaks out, Super Friends are thwarted, blah blah blah, then Lord Darkon (Welfare Darth Vader) turns the scrambledy-pambledy ray on Wonder Woman and creates a creature from her greatest fears: A giant, floating, pink, polka dotted, bearded octopus-jellyfish. Assuring us that Wonder Woman did not use too much acid when younger, Aquaman points out that this is "Logar" a creature from amazonian mythology. Um. Yeah. Okay. I'll believe Aquaman because he's hot. More story, more story and the good guys win, Exxor is saved.

That jumps us immediately over to Episode 8: Terror from the Phantom Zone. Interestingly enough this is seriously similar to Superman II, which came in '80. So, we have a comet that happens to smash into the Phantom Zone thereby releasing three kryptonian criminals Superman placed there some time ago. (The timeline is hazy at best. Were they placed there post Krypton's destruction? Meaning they survived? Or were they placed there before the end of that world, meaning Superman couldn't have put them there.) Anywho, the kryptonian captives Hul, Rom-Lok and Logar-

. . .

Logar? Wait. That's a kryptonian name? But I thought it was an amazonian creature from mythology that Wonder Woman peed her panties over. Were the creators reeeeally lacking the creativity to make another name? Let's hope this was some little homage to someone named Logar. So Hul, Rom-Lok and the kryptoamazonian mythological criminal all head to earth where they too are as powerful as Superman. They cause much chaos and manage somehow to procure some red kryptonite to make Superman grow old (though when they expose him to it they aren't affected). Long story short, blue kryptonite fixes Superman and they trick the criminal trio into being exposed to red krytponite as well causing them to shrink, turn to metal and get hairy before sending them back to the Phantom Zone. Oh yeah, some of the super friends were put into the Phantom Zone earlier in the episode too and apparently there's a multi-tentacled phantom creature running around in there that Hul, Rom-Lok and Logar have avoided for a very long time.

But wait, there's more! Episode 7: Attack of the Vampire was a doozy. Okay, Dracula wakes up after 100 years. He turns into a bat and carries a little pouch up into the stormy clouds of Transylvania where he sprinkles the magic vampire dust. An unsuspecting jet passes through the powder and all aboard turn to vampires!!! It's amazing how far the vampire process has come since Nosferatu. No more messy blood-sucking, just add powder! So, these vamps all meet with Dracula who wants "To change the entire world into vampires!" I can't possibly understand why he'd want that, but okay. So the Newpires all head out along the Alps and other equally remote areas and begin to change more people into Vampires. But do they use powder? NO!! The creation process has taken yet another evolutionary leap in the span of a few minutes. These vampires shoot red beams from their eyes that turn people into blood-suck-...um..undead beam-shooters. There were just so many issues in this one I can't cover them all. Somewhere in the mix Zan and jayna try to help by changing into a Wooly Mammoth and ice water. Whatever. So Superman, Zan and Jayna all get shot and become Vampires. Okay, fine. So now they're vamps. Whatever shall the Super Friends do? In one conflict Batman and Robin barely manage to escape! Luckily their capes seem to reflect the vampire eyebeams. Thank Goodness! Blah blah, they head to the Swiss Institute for Biological research where some chick tells them that there is one type of bat that seems immune to the effect of the vampire rays. Um, how did miss thing know this? What possible reserach was done to let us know this during this situation?! Okay, fine. Batman and Robin head to the Andes caves where this bat lives because apparently the gas in the cave makes it immune. They manage to collect a teensy and I mean small cannister of the gas which they intend to use on hundreds of hundreds of beam-shooting vampires, but almost fail to make it away when they have to struggle in a fight with your typical every day standard issue giant Andes cave spider. Okay, fine. Having procured the gas they turn Superman and the Blunder Twins back to normal. Superman has a great idea! Using his heat vision to make his clothes gray and drab again like when he was a vampire (Though NO ONE else's clothes changed color) he decides he'll sneak back to Dracula's castle and take him out! Excellent idea Superman! With the aid of Batman's Bat-makeup...no, I am not lying. Really. I mean it....*ahem* Bat-makeup(which he has on him of course. Never leave the cave without your Bat-Drag), they make him look like a vampire once again. He flies back, shakes Dracula around by the shirt which is apparently all you needed to do to the most powerful vampire in legend and the world is saved once again!


All I can say is...

I'll tell you what Maya would do. She'd have used some sort of wonderfully devised sonic-laser device to round up all the vampires, changed into an Andes Cave Gas Creature, broken the mammoth's neck, drank the Zan Ice water, spewed the curing gas all over the vampire minions, shoved Dracula out an airlock and then stayed on as a Super Friend to train the others in how to kick ass. Their first mission, of course, being to destroy the planet Exxor and rid the universe of such poseur "metamorphs".

So, with all this in just a few episodes how do I feel about the Super Friends cartoons I used to love so much in my youth?

I couldn't love them more!

Pencils Down, Close Your Tune Test Books

Tune Test answers all completed. Overall not bad...for the two people I knew would get most if not all.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Shape of a 2 DVD set! Form of a new blog entry!

Music at the moment: Michael Bublé - Feeling Good

YAY, Volume Two!!!

It took long enough dammit. Short entry today as I head out...

Meanwhile, downstairs in the living room...

to watch an episode while working out.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Happy Birthday Pete!

Again with the jumbled dates in the head! This blog entry is late by 2 days unfortunately.

A very happy *62nd birthday to my dear friend Pete! Sorry I mixed up 12th and 15th. I'm hard pressed to block this small section of June from memory since it encompasses another birthday that is better left forgotten. I'll try harder to replace June 13th birthday alert with the 12th.

* Just kidding folks. I think he's closer to 43 or something.
Music at the moment: Backstreet Boys - My Beautiful Woman

Michael Jackson acquitted across the board. What-thefuck-ever. Again we see the immunity celebrity affords iniquitous scoundrels. Feh and double feh.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

One Of The Few Christians I Genuinely Like!

I love Christian Bale.

It's no secret. Any of my friends know he's quite high on the Phred top [insert number here] list of "Men That make Phred Swoon." It doesn't hurt that he's an Aquarius that shares the same birthday with me. (Yay!)

I remember seeing him in Empire of the Sun when he was like 13 and then a little later that movie Newsies. It wasn't until Swing Kids, another one of my favorite old movies, that I began to really get into him. Sexy, talented and fun to watch, Christian always struck me as a real actor. By real I mean not some hollywood construct that's prefabricated and packaged prefectly for public consumption. Too many "actors" these days are simply assembly line products rather than bona fide craftsmen.

Continuing on through his career, one of the sexiest cartoon characters in Pocahontas (Yes cartoon characters can be sexy.) was voiced by him much to my titillation. I love Thomas. He beats John Smith any day of the week.

Portrait of a Lady, Metroland (Love this film and Emily Watson as well!), Velvet Goldmine (One of my favorite movies), A Midsummer Night's Dream, American Psycho (Yay Brett Easton Ellis!), Captain Corelli's mandolin, Reign of Fire (The movie itself was a let down but he was nice to look at), Equilibrium (Vastly underrated movie. Love this film), Howl's voice in the english version of Howl's Moving Castle, Batman Begins (Rrrrrrow) and coming up as John Rolfe in The New World.

Last night I watched another of his movies. The Machinist. Wow.

This movie was a return to the creepy movies that used to make one get nervous as if one was the main character in the movie. 106 minutes of Hitchcockian Twilight Zone calibre film that kept me watching the screen. All the performances were great, Jennifer Jason Leigh (Who's always fantastic) and Christian, of course, at the top of the list. The most disturbing thing about the movie is how well you're sucked into the movie's setting. You want immersion? Nothing immerses you better than feeling like you really are watching a guilt-stricken man fighting with sleeplessness and slow, steady disintegration than seeing an actor who usually looks like this:

turn into someone who looks like this:

It's surreal. I've seen other performers take similar action for films, Ben Kingsley in Gandhi, Oprah Winfrey in The Color Purple, but never to the level Christian did for The Machinist. He was unnervingly gaunt and his waistline alone made me wince.

The movie is superb. I recommend it to anyone who likes a good scary thrill-ride.

Phred Phun Phactor: 8.5 out of 10

In summary:

I love Christian Bale MORE.


Came across this today and nearly piddled. Must share!

Love is...


My wait for this movie has been way too long!


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Music at the moment: Juliette and the Licks - Got Love To Kill (Remix)


Finally found this movie to watch and snatched it up. This was another Tartan film that I'd read about when i first heard about A Tale of Two Sisters. This one was good, but rather slow. It's never a good sign when you find yourself looking at the time to see how far you are into a film. The movie begins feeling a bit like some Korean rendition of a Hannibal film. (Sirence of the Rambs). Eventually it moves past that association. The characters were decent and the plot interesting. I guessed at the title early on and laughed when it turned out to be right. Were it not for the slow pace, this would definitely be among my Asian Horror collection. Extreme bonus to this film? Jin-hee Ji. I don't know what the word for Hot is in Korean, but he's all that and a bowl of Kimchi. Mmm!

Phred Phun Phactor: 5 out of 10

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Here's To You Mrs. Robinson

Well damn. Today was going so nicely until I saw the news. Between stand-offs in California and the Jackson trial I was lambasted by the news that one of my favorite actors was gone. I guess now i'll watch Torch Song Trilogy and some of the other Bancroft movies I'd thought about a couple weeks ago. All the good ones are moving on. Sigh.

Anne Bancroft
September 17, 1931 - June 6, 2005

47 Years, 26 Making Art

Music at the moment: Prince - The Greatest Romance Ever Sold

Another year rolls around and June 7th hits us again.
Just want to send a sincere "Thanks!" to a man who has
single-handedly kept me dancing since I was nine.

REAL NAME: Prince Rogers Nelson
BIRTHDAY: June 7, 1958
"Peace and B wild." - Prince, 1997

Monday, June 06, 2005

Tune Test

A spot of phun from Pete. I hope someone other than Bryan and Josh do these. I have no doubt they could hit most of them without trying. If no one gets them and Josh and Bryan don't eventually fill in the answers I'll post them later. In some I put a hefty chunk of lyrics because the smaller lines are pretty vague. Some are simple, some are obscure, all are on my huge playlist. Have Phun!

1. Put your iPod on "Shuffle Songs". (Or if you defy iPod and use an alternative)
2. Take the first 20 songs and write a line of lyrics from each.
3. Strike out the song every time someone guesses correctly.
4. NO CHEATING! It's no phun!

Okay all the answers in Red no one got. The ones in Purple are credited to those that answered them first.

Our winner is:



1) Guess I left you shell shocked baby, I didn't mean to cry so hard (Wendy & Lisa - Turn Me Inside Out)

2) 7-month-old baby died in her sleep, The parents went crazy and cried for a week , They swore they heard her laugh in the crib by the wall, They're convinced she's with us if she's anything at all (Others Here With Us - Prince: Panamabry)

3) Limousine, Diamond Ring, Caviar, Make it with a star (Madame X - Just That Type Of Girl)

4) ...this ain't revenge, it's puttin' the past on the shelf, 'cause bitch means being in total control of herself. (Tairrie B - Ruthless Bitch)

5) It may seem to other people like we've come from outer space, but we're really just two nurses on the staff. (I had to include this one just to make Bryan pee a little) (Dykes Are We - The Frogs: Panamabry)

6)I'm in heaven with the maven of funk mutation (Genius Of Love - Tom Tom Club: Panamabry)

7) Confusion heads a lonely game, nothing answered things left the same, if I still don't understand myself, how can I explain to someone else? (Jean Beauvoir - Feel The Heat)

8) ...can't be trusted, good for nothing type of brotha, everything you claimed to be was a lie (Why'd You Lie To Me - Anastacia: Panamabry)

9) Can you ride the rhythm of this human wave, Caught up in the music and the space you save, Caught up in the magic of it, Caught up in the madness (Device - Hanging On A Heart Attack)

10) And I don't want no other to play my stupid games, you were the one for me and I feel I'm losing my soul (Jocelyn Enriquez - Everything I need, Shame shame Bryan! I knew you'd get this one.)

11) sell us ersatz dressed up and real
fake (Marilyn Manson - Rock Is Dead)

12 Made your acquaintance late one night, You were floating around, You know you gave me quite a fright (Supernatural - Madonna: Panamabry)

13) No me digas cuanto es que me amas (Falsas Esperanzas - Christina Aguilera: Panamabry)

14) I cant go on, stop rocking the tune, 'cause I get down, 'cause I get down (Don't Stop - Freestylers: Joshua)

15) Just before 2:15 in the morning, Josie was doin the hustle with a ruffneck named James (Tuesday Afternoon - Jennifer Brown: Panamabry)

16) What could he do? Should have been a rock star, but he didn’t have the money for a guitar (Army Dreamers - Kate Bush: Panamabry)

17) Alabaster moon, incandescent power, Kunda flower. She is white as snow, gleaming, pure, divine ivory ascending, I am calling (Sarasvati - Jane Child: Panamabry)

18) The owner is this mean old bitch who degrades him every day (I've Committed Murder - Macy Gray: Panamabry)

19) The bed's on fire, your fate is sealed and you're so tired and the reason is camille (Shockadelica - Prince: Panamabry)

20) A delectable dimension undetectable
by sight (The World Exploded Into Love - Bob Schneider: Panamabry)

Friday, June 03, 2005

Music at the moment: The Pussycat Dolls - "Don't Cha"

Today is sort of blech. It's icky, sticky and hot outside and there are too many bugs. I can't wait to be up north where it's either not so oppressive or at least only oppressive in smaller intervals.

Kittums seems to feel a little better since we clipped him. For not being a long hair cat he's quite the shaggy hippy. I want to keep him shaved, but it's such a chore. Julio isn't even an option. He needs a cut, but the minute you turn on the clippers he freaks and goes on a killing spree. Cats suck. Dogs suck. Birds are the devil. I miss my Boa.

I watched a few movies this week so here's my contribution to the world of opinion.


I really enjoyed this movie. It was an odd look at country people with a thriller side story. Since Billy Elliot I really liked Jamie Bell. In this movie he's really gorwn up. Which sort of makes me feel dirty because he's so hot now. Sort of that "I remember him when he was little" thing. The movie's "making of" special was really well done. Josh Lucas headed it (Who I have a newfound love for. He's rrrrrrrrrrow). And I always love Dermot Mulroney. Patrice Johnson also moved me in her small, but potent performance. It's actors like her that make me pine for the craft.

Phred Phun Phactor: 6 out of 10


Meet The Fockers

This was cute, but really didn't have the spirit of the first one. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it and it was entertaining for the time spent so I guess it did its job. Barbara had me laughing believe it or not in some of her moments. Her "Plotz" line got me good.

Phred Phun Phactor: 5 out of 10



My gay cinema infusion for the week. Feh. There were no characters in this movie I liked. They're all pretty despicable. Ryan's a prick and then we're supposed to feel sorry for him when Grant does the cute transient in the bathroom as their wedding ceremony starts? No. Grant should have walked out earlier that day when Ryan was being such a shvantz! And Grant! What a piece of work. Don't do the cute transient when you're supposed to be downstairs getting married! Lord! Have you no couth???And then there are all the extraneous dysfunctional family members that you just look at and shrug. Who cares? I'm supposed to care. I don't care. Burn the house down while they're all in it. If I wanted to watch a family with stupid problems I'd just organize a reunion of my own.

Phred Phun Phactor: 1 out of 10


Music at the moment: Gorillaz - "Feel Good Inc"

I rented another Takashi Miike called MPD Psycho. I believe it's a series or somesuch. Let's hope it doesn't disappoint. If it does, I'll need to go back and watch Audition again. Truly a new horror classic for me.

I need a chai. This no car thing is getting to me a hell of a lot more than I expected. I loathe the idea of another bill, especially one around 300 a month, but I think we're going to have to go looking for another car when John gets home. Ick.

I also want to dance. It's odd to get the urge after so long. By dance I mean perform, not just shake butt around the house. I know I could pick up the phone and be booked with Snowy in two shakes, but I just don't know. I'm not 18 anymore. That was 5 long years ago.


Music at the moment: Shakira feat. Alejandro Sanz - La Tortura [Shaketon Remix]

Okay okay..I tried. that was 17 long years ago. And while I still jam around the house here and there I don't know if i still have the stamina for routines. I guess i won't know until I try. Maybe when I drop another 20 pounds and I'm back to where I was when I used to dance I'll make that call. Then I can chant "Don't call it a comeback because I never went away!...oh wait, yes I did. Okay, call it a comeback."

Okay off to pay bills. *nose wrinkle*

Oh My God Becky...

Look at this video!

Baby Got Book

Thanks to Live Journalist Matthew Keller for exposure to this.

I think I just peed a little.

You know, Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938 should really employ Southpaw! Then they could send me Sacred Anointed CDs. At least then it would be music.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Blow your Nose For Jesus!

Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938 really want me to flourish in the lord.

Returning from our trip to orlando, Myshe presented me with their latest addition to my "Holy Crap" collection: The Annointed Acts 19:11,12 Faith Handkerchief! This fine piece of sacred paper "is like an anointed prophet of God coming to your house to bless you."

According to the blurbs all along the accompanying paper people received special miracles of all kinds by using handkerchiefs and aprons sent to them by the Apostle Paul.

Well dammit. I get screwed again! The last time all I wanted to be able to do was see the damn camel. And now?! Now I get a handkerchief when I could have received an apron. I was just complaining the other week about not having a damn apron. Really! I even commented to Myshe that I saw one I really liked that read "Shiitake happens" and how much I wanted it. But hell, I'd be just as happy with an Anointed Acts 19:11,12 Faith Apron. I figure with it I can do all sorts of neat stuff that I couldn't with a normal apron. Undoubtedly I'd be able to make double if not triple the amount of fish and bread I could before with the same ingredients. And why part the red sea when I can simply walk through it as my Faith Apron deftly pushes water away from me keeping me dry and preventing any unsightly stains from my clothing underneath.

Oh well, I guess I can't have everything. But wait, according to Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938 I can! The testimonials from everyone that received the handkerchief list miracles from "Blessed With $6,000.00!" to "Son in Law Off Dope" (Yes, sans the proper hyphens). At the very bottom it tells me...

"Mail It Back To The Church In The Morning...
God is blessing people who have taken God as their partner."

Whoa whoa whoa! God as their partner?! So Massachusettes and Heaven both have same sex marriage laws in place?? Excellent! But they also say people taking God as their partner. That's plural, indicating polygamy is okay too! Wow, so many interpretations shattered by this one simple piece of paper sent from Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938. I had no idea!

So all-in-all this was a positive bit of mail. I feel good knowing God is okay with the gays and people who marry more than one person. I also walk away from this with no headache from trying to stare at Jesus to see the camel. What's more, I realized that the handkerchief sent from Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938 is also a miracle in itself! I discovered it had so many uses! So, to further this blessing of the postal service using my digital camera I decided to pass along my personal miracle with all of you:

It Doesn't Just Promise Salvation! It's Also...

A Fantastic bib! Though not as great as an apron.

A lovely addition to a place setting.
A little food on your chin?
Wipe away the mess while wiping on a blessing!

A comfy blankie for Kittums! He was so thrilled to be
so warm and toasty!

A Holy Beer Coozy. Perfect for sacred events
such as the Super Bowl and Martha Stewart Court Trials.

A welcomed diversion for the children of unexpected guests!
No more cranky kids! Set them down and let them color
their way to the Lord!

It's a shame the people at Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938 don't receive more mail like this themselves. I'm sure they would weep with joy. Here's to hoping Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938 starts getting a lot of wonderful mail in their mailbox as well!

Revenge of the Corporate Mogul or My Parents Went To Kashyyyk And All I Got was This Lousy Movie

So we bent over backwards to make sure that even though we were trapped in Orlando on May 19th we would not break tradition and we'd see Star Wars III on its opening day.

We should have saved our money.

You have to understand, this isn't to be taken lightly. I'm a huge Star wars fan. It's one of if not the fondest childhood memory I possess. It truly shaped my creative life and I still adore it to this day. That being said, I've waited for this movie in particular for a long time. Sure most people didn't like Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones. I did. They aren't the original's by a longshot, but i still enjoyed them. And besides, Darth Maul is in PM! I mean Darth Maul! I digress...that is a whole other sultry sexual fantasy.

So we go to see it at PLeasure 24 on Pleasure Island in Orlando braving the masses and the drunken vacationers so see this monumental tale of the final step from Jedi to Sith Annakin makes. Wheeeeee!

I was absolutely disgusted the entire way through.

The story was weak. Lucas insists you make all sorts of leaps of faith rather than actually SEE a progression from turmoil to dark side. Padmé and Annakin were as much paper cut-outs as really adding anything to the screen. Palpatine was an utter disappointment. What happened!? Is Lucas senile or did he step out, for oh say 2 years, while someone else made this movie? I bet it was Berman and Braga, they ruin everything.

There wer so many things wrong with this movie that I simply can't muster the will to put it all here. At random I'll insert Things I Hated About Episode III along the way. We walked away sad. And now it's over.

Back from The Money void

Music at the moment: The whoosh of the fan and other assorted outside morning noises.

Well, it's been over a week since we returned from Orlando on our trip to the capitalist Mecca known as Disney World. I have pictures, but why put them up? I hate the way I look in them and it's not like everyone hasn't seen some aspect of SellHell in pictures anyhow. So, without further ado here is my breakdown of the parks we visited:

Magic Kingdom - Sing with me! It's a hot, expensive, fairly boring, kid oriented world after all. Supposedly the happiest place on earth, I was surprised to find the number of Satan’s crabby minions that they actually allow to come into the park. Then again, money and root of all evil, I guess this is just one big refueling station for them. So, we split up for a bit to do some stuff right? John, Jersey Dad and I all go to something while Charlie, Tara and Jersey Mom take the baby to little kid things. We get done with the Haunted Mansion and such and decide, Hey we'll go in It's A Small World After All while we wait for them. It turns out they're in the impossibly long line to the Peter Pan ride directly across the street from us. We see them across the way and Alexis (My niece) sees us and waves. So I smile and wave back at her. Apparently in the 2.4 seconds I waved, the line ahead of me moved approximately 5 feet. Alarmed by the prospect that such a huge 5 foot gap will undoubtedly cause her to miss such a monumentally historic ride, the 65+ year old douche bag 3 people behind me yells "LET'S GET A MOVE ONNIT!"

um... OK.

Grandma has fucking issues. We are in line for IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL for Pete's sake! (Not you Pete, that other Pete.) The ride that teaches you "Hey! We're all the same wonderful people no matter where we're from! Let's all love each other and sing songs!" and this decrepit sack of osteo-ridden bones is snapping at us because the happy happy line isn't advancing the 5 feet she needs to get that much closer to the pinnacle of smiles and harmony. I didn't move. I continued to wave and looked back at the old bitty sorely in need of an ironing and smiled replying very loudly "The ride isn't going anywhere honey! I thought we were in Disney World where everyone is happy!" She immediately ducked back behind others in the line in what, I guess, was an attempt to hide.

Epcot - Epcot was groovy. The Spaceship Earth ball had just barely begun construction the first and only time I'd come to Disney when I was like 6. Though, in recent times they've apparently decided it wasn't flashy enough and added some ugly-ass Mickey Hand holding a wand onto the side of it. Feh. I think my and John's favorite part of Epcot was walking through all the countries. We made reservations for Chefs de France, in France of course, and had dinner there that evening. It was superb! John and I started off with escargot and both settled on the Cabillaud en croute de pommes de terre which is a baked cod stuffed with salmon and scallop mousse then wrapped in potato slices with a lobster demi glace! All this is served on a bed of leeks. Heaven I tell you. Our waitress, Melissa, was from Nice and surprisingly I understood everything she said. I guess a lot more French stuck with me than I thought. I was even able to order for us and respond appropriately. For dessert I had a scrumptious cannoli from Italy. Mmmm. The end of the night lightshow and fireworks were gorgeous and we had a great place right in front of Norway to watch them. Hot Vikings and Pyrotechnics, not bad.

MGM - This was fun for the most part. The shows were neat and the backlot tour was pretty groovy. Being able to take up close shots of the ship from Flight of The Navigator, the desert skiff from Return of the Jedi (A real star wars movie...more on that later) and a snow speeder from The Empire Strikes Back was trés cool. The Aerosmith Roller Coaster and The Tower of Terror were fun too. This was, however, the most expensive place along the way. I mean damn.

Sea World - We absolutely loved this place. I sort of wish we'd been alone so we could just take all day and meander from site to site. John and I love marine life and the associated things. The Manatees were sooooo damn cute and reminded us both of our cat. Kittums was definitely a Manatee in a former life. The dolphins were pretty and the seals were hams. The Otter and Sea lion show has us in stitches and the pre-show mime actually made me nearly pee myself. This was a great park.

Next time we go, we'll be hitting Universal and Discovery Cove to swim with the Dolphins. I intend to pocket one and bring it home so Kitty and Julio will have a playmate.