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Monday, June 06, 2005

Tune Test

A spot of phun from Pete. I hope someone other than Bryan and Josh do these. I have no doubt they could hit most of them without trying. If no one gets them and Josh and Bryan don't eventually fill in the answers I'll post them later. In some I put a hefty chunk of lyrics because the smaller lines are pretty vague. Some are simple, some are obscure, all are on my huge playlist. Have Phun!

1. Put your iPod on "Shuffle Songs". (Or if you defy iPod and use an alternative)
2. Take the first 20 songs and write a line of lyrics from each.
3. Strike out the song every time someone guesses correctly.
4. NO CHEATING! It's no phun!

Okay all the answers in Red no one got. The ones in Purple are credited to those that answered them first.

Our winner is:



1) Guess I left you shell shocked baby, I didn't mean to cry so hard (Wendy & Lisa - Turn Me Inside Out)

2) 7-month-old baby died in her sleep, The parents went crazy and cried for a week , They swore they heard her laugh in the crib by the wall, They're convinced she's with us if she's anything at all (Others Here With Us - Prince: Panamabry)

3) Limousine, Diamond Ring, Caviar, Make it with a star (Madame X - Just That Type Of Girl)

4) ...this ain't revenge, it's puttin' the past on the shelf, 'cause bitch means being in total control of herself. (Tairrie B - Ruthless Bitch)

5) It may seem to other people like we've come from outer space, but we're really just two nurses on the staff. (I had to include this one just to make Bryan pee a little) (Dykes Are We - The Frogs: Panamabry)

6)I'm in heaven with the maven of funk mutation (Genius Of Love - Tom Tom Club: Panamabry)

7) Confusion heads a lonely game, nothing answered things left the same, if I still don't understand myself, how can I explain to someone else? (Jean Beauvoir - Feel The Heat)

8) ...can't be trusted, good for nothing type of brotha, everything you claimed to be was a lie (Why'd You Lie To Me - Anastacia: Panamabry)

9) Can you ride the rhythm of this human wave, Caught up in the music and the space you save, Caught up in the magic of it, Caught up in the madness (Device - Hanging On A Heart Attack)

10) And I don't want no other to play my stupid games, you were the one for me and I feel I'm losing my soul (Jocelyn Enriquez - Everything I need, Shame shame Bryan! I knew you'd get this one.)

11) sell us ersatz dressed up and real
fake (Marilyn Manson - Rock Is Dead)

12 Made your acquaintance late one night, You were floating around, You know you gave me quite a fright (Supernatural - Madonna: Panamabry)

13) No me digas cuanto es que me amas (Falsas Esperanzas - Christina Aguilera: Panamabry)

14) I cant go on, stop rocking the tune, 'cause I get down, 'cause I get down (Don't Stop - Freestylers: Joshua)

15) Just before 2:15 in the morning, Josie was doin the hustle with a ruffneck named James (Tuesday Afternoon - Jennifer Brown: Panamabry)

16) What could he do? Should have been a rock star, but he didn’t have the money for a guitar (Army Dreamers - Kate Bush: Panamabry)

17) Alabaster moon, incandescent power, Kunda flower. She is white as snow, gleaming, pure, divine ivory ascending, I am calling (Sarasvati - Jane Child: Panamabry)

18) The owner is this mean old bitch who degrades him every day (I've Committed Murder - Macy Gray: Panamabry)

19) The bed's on fire, your fate is sealed and you're so tired and the reason is camille (Shockadelica - Prince: Panamabry)

20) A delectable dimension undetectable
by sight (The World Exploded Into Love - Bob Schneider: Panamabry)


Bryan said...

Hmmm... Lets see how well I do:

2) Prince "There's Others Here With Us." (GREAT SONG! One of His spooky ones...Hard as hell to find.)
5) The Frogs "Dykes Are We!" (Yes, I did just pee a little... Ow!)
6) Tom Tom Club "Genius Of Love" (Whoo hoo! That song is going to be in my head all day. Thank you!!!)
8) Anastacia "Why'd You Lie To Me" (Damn damn damn damn damn. "Fine" doesn't say enough about that woman... and that voice. Makes you wanna slap yo mamma. Whew!)
9) (This is really hurting me... I can see the hair... I can hear the music...it's two guys and a girl, isn't it?)
12) Madonna "Supernatural" (Yay! That's the second Spooky Prince song on the list!)
13) Christina Aguilera "Falsas Esperanzas" (...Or as someone I know would call it "Chitta Chitta Es-pair-anzass!")
15) Jennifer Brown "Tuesday Afternoon" (This has become one of those songs that I NEVER get tired of. Jennifer and I are related. No, we really are! We are! Fine.)
16) Kate Bush "Army Dreamer" (Thank God we finally know what a BFPO is!)
17) Jane Child "Sarasvati" (The "Kunda Flower" gave it away. Come on, How often do you hear "Kunda Flower" in a song?!)
18) Macy Gray "I've Commited Murder" (Greeeeaaaaat Song!!!! We should all talk with a voice like Macy Gray's...)
19) Prince "Shockadelica" (Did I spell that right? I think I did.)
20) Bob Schneider "The World Exploded Into Love All Around Me." (This song makes me sad... eventhough it's a very happy song.)

...ok, off to work again. Adios, Party People!

Bob said...

Taking a guess at 14.

Freestylers "Get Down"?

Bob said...

Yeah, I woke up this morning and realized..."Hey you goob...it's not Get Down. It's Don't Stop."

PHRED said...

I knew you knew you were talking about the right song Joshy. Of anyone, I knew you'd get it. It's one of those Josh/Phred/Bryan bond songs.

Pete said...

Well, my original comment didn't stick for some reason. Lemme try different glue...

That's some weird music dude, and I have no clue about any of it. :P

Wow, I suck at this.

Bryan said...

You know, I'm surprised I didn't get that Jocelyn Enriquez song either. DAMMIT! DEVICE!!! Damn DEVICE TO HELL!!! THAT'S who I couldn't remember. El Sigh-O.
:: grumble bark snarl grumble ::