>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Music at the moment: Blondfire - L-L-Love (Acoustic)

I haven't been in the mood to blog since evacuation. So sue me.

We made it through okay. More damage to the siding, fence and roof, though no leaks or serious roof damage yet (knock on wood). The adjuster said since we have 75% damage to the siding he might be able to replace it all. Yay. We shouldn't have to pull fucking teeth to get this shit fixed. I'm sick of the legalized extortion that is Insurance.

John and I have decided that, beyond impassable obstacles, we will not remain living in the Flaccid Penis of the USA for another year. Between the machine gun hurricanes and the utter deterioration of any sort of kindness in the southern community we're sick to death of this place. I have no love left for this place other than the sentimental attachment to it being my home for so long and my remaining family. To those I love: get out now while you still can. To those that I don't: Move to Florida! It's great! By this time next year we should be northerners. Hallelujah I say.

Music switch: Citizen Cope - Son's Gonna Rise

I was further saddened Wednesday by the passing of the third to leave in a magical team that shaped my younger years. James Doohan best known as Star Trek's Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott was lost to us and it sucks. Thanks Jimmy for your contributions to the sci-fi genre and pop culture. I'll not add to the barrage of vomitous and uncreative Scotty beamed up references I've endured already this week. Suffice it to say you'll be missed buddy.

James Doohan
March 3, 1920 - July 20, 2005

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