>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Unrlz 4rlz. Srsly.

So this term I had Texture Mapping for Games. I just sort of shrugged when I read it over and thought it might be, at the most, "interesting."

I had no idea I'd love it so much. In fact, I think texturing may very well be the niche I aim for if I decide not to go to Vancouver Film School.

This is my final project in which I constructed the geometry for a level in Unreal and then created and applied textures. I was very pleasd with the end result.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Phun with Names or "Holy Crappellation!"

I live for inventive names. Collecting them is a hobby dating back to middle school and the discovery of Magdelena Babblejack and Swanera Crudup.

So, over the years of Myshe and Bryan working for call centers and having to deal with the high turnover of employees, we get many a giggle over the names we encounter.

A couple of days after Thanksgiving, I and some friends that came down from Ohio all converged on my mother's house to spend time with her after the cancer diagnosis.

Billie, a nurse, told us about one of the best I've yet to encounter.

Doing paperwork, her co-worker called a patient to confirm appointments. Listed on her file, her name was "Le-a." The nurse called and asked if she could speak to "lee-uh." when the patient got on the phone she was upset at the mispronunciation of her name. She couldn't understand why no one could say it right. She explained to the nurse:

"The dash don't be silent!" Her name is pronounced "Le-Dash-uh"

After peeing myself, I began to think about all these gems and how I should share. So I'll be asking Myshe and Bryan to bring me new ones and I'll post them when I have them. Fast, safe, cheap family fun!

<><><><<< New Names >>><><><>

Le-a (le-DASH-uh)

Anchanter (awn-SHAWN-tay)

Shithead (shuh-theed)
No, I'm not kidding. This was on a friend's paperwork who works for social services.

Ocupina (aw-kyoo-PEE-nuh)

Sanitosha (san-uh-TOE-shuh)

Linquenette (leen-KWIN-et)

Tekeshashley (we don't know the pronunciation for this one. Have fun.)

Letreasure (that's right. Le Treasure. I guess it's french...for ignunt)


What a great start. If anyone finds any, submit them in the comments and I'll see about adding them!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Quantum of Hotness

Double Ohhhh Heaven.

With both a new Watchmen trailer AND a Trek trailer.

Oh yeah. Good stuff.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Love this

Monday, October 27, 2008

Music at the Moment: JaConfetti - Step Up


I think I should go do something I DON'T love for work so I can simply finish and leave it behind to enjoy myself when not at work.. I sort of want to go to Vancouver now.

I'm formulating my thoughts before I vomit forth my review of the refuse that is the new Indiana Jones movie. Suffice it to say, it isn't good.

I met a hot Russian at church this weekend. Sergei. Сексуальный! I'll be asking John to get me one for Christmas.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Phred Phussilade - 10.20.08

Music at the Moment: Supergirl - Saving Jane

Early voting began today.

I went and voted.

No on 2.

The rest is a blur.

I think I wrote in Prince on the presidential ballot.

This chick next to me stunk like weed. I didn't have the heart to tell her that her boyfriend she was outside with likes men. She'll find out soon enough.

Michelle Obama looks like Satan.

I'm having Greek Pasta Cake and Sushi at my wedding.

My grandmother is a self-centered asshole.

My mother is doing better today. They took a quart of fluid out of her lung. We'll know more tomorrow I hope.

Low sodium soup is terrible.

I introduced Shannon to the joys of Horizen sushi today. She was smitten muchly.

I've come to love my next door neighbors. John and Melissa are the best.

I'm bored.

Heroes is a crap show.

I lost two more pounds, but I'm still sore from last week's workout.

I found myself missing old friends today. The meth addict, the hypochondriac, and the two-faced, insecure, lesbian gamer were not among them.

I'm excited about he prospect of continuing school after graduation. Vancouver Film School...hope to see you soon.

My car needs washing badly.

I have begun my Michaels Wretched-Wreath-Whore reconnaissance. Tis the season. Die bitch.

Blockbuster sells food now. Idiots.

Little Britain is okay. I'm scared of this second attempt at an American Absolutely Fabulous.

My new Keurig stuff came in today. YES to Spiced Mayan Chocolate. NO to Mahogany.

My nine pump chai burned my throat today. Hurts so good.

My pastitsio was a big hit. Thicker bechamel is the way to go.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Call to Floridians: Say NO to 2

I urge you when you vote, say no to Amendment 2. It is damaging and unconstitutional to more than just same-sex couples.

Say NO to 2

Saturday, October 18, 2008

À Dieu Vous Commant

I'm very sad. I just found out that one of my favorite actors died a few days ago.
Apparently it was complications from pneumonia.
Lovely, that's why my mother is in the hospital with as of yesterday.

Merci et je t'aime Guillaume.

Now I have to go watch Tous les Matins du Monde and bawl.

Guillaume Depardieu
1971 - 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nicked Quicker Than A Ray Of Light

I made a hobbit burglar on Lord of the Rings Online today. In going through and tweaking her look to something that was cuter rather than goofy, I stepped back and realized I'd made Hobbit Madonna. I love her.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Huntress: Hunters of the Pack Book 1

Now in Print!

Coming Soon...

i r keepz mah jee pee ay hi

Yay, another term down and still at a 4.0

Only a few left to go and then...

possibly going to another school for a year. More details later.


I thought I was going to absolutely soil my pants tonight when I saw this.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Music at the Moment: Britney Spears - Womanizer / Jack White & Alicia Keyes - Another Way To Die

1) It sounds like it could either be a continuation of Blackout or just a half-ass rehash of an otherwise good CD. I guess we'll see. The jury is still out.

I think nutjob Britney makes better music.
Maybe I'll "Spear"-head a "Keep Britney Nuckin' Futs" campaign.

2) I was quite wary when I heard about this combination for the next Bond theme. I'm still not convinced I like them together. Now, I love the music and it definitely has a 007 flavor, albeit a little rougher than I'd have liked. Mind you, it's hard to top Chris Cornell's You Know My Name, which blew me away. I'm sad to say this one will have to grow on me and I'll gain new appreciation (or loathing) for it when I see it in unison with the intro to the movie. We'll see in November.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Shifting Gears

Music at the Moment: B.o.B. - I'll Be In The Sky (LOVE this song)

Stay Tuned. Possible big life changes coming within the next few months.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

In Need Of A Beat-Down

Spoiled-rotten, deluded, whiney, dick.

I'm sure I could come up with a few more words to adequately describe this one-trick pony.

What a tool.

She makes me want to kick Betty Paige. I hope a bird attacks her head.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Keeps Gettin' Better...But It's Not Anything New

Music at the Moment: Christina Aguilera - Keeps Gettin' Better

So, love love love the new Christina song. But honestly, all you ridiculous "omg she stoled britneyz radar song i hayt kristina aqualira. britney iz teh bast!!!!!!111" need to shut the hell up and take an English class.

No, this wasn't stolen from Britney's "Radar"

No, this is nothing fresh and new.

Yes, this is derivative.

Goldfrapp has been doing this (and Radar) for years and it's still a good sound. There is nothing original any longer, only new in the moment.

So get over it, enjoy it for what it is, and just shut up and dance.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Better With Age

Happy Big 30 John!

You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I love you more than I can express. I can't wait to post a happy 60th message down the line. Well, that would make me...yeah, actually I can wait.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Boring Term

Music at the moment: Sincerely, Jane - Janelle Monae

Career Management and Organizational Behavior - Individual suck skank hyena butt. I hate crap gen ed. classes.

A Phred Whaiku

Game Art & Design.
APA, who f**king cares?
Let me hone my art.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test...

NFDC - The Seeker

Nature, Foreground, Detail, and Color

You perceive the world with particular attention to nature. You focus on what's in front of you (the foreground) and how that is affected by the details of life. You are also particularly drawn towards the colors around you. Because of the value you place on nature, you tend to find comfort in more subdued settings and find energy in solitude. You like to deal directly with whatever comes your way without dealing with speculating possibilities or outcomes you can't control. You are highly focused on specific goals or tasks and find meaning in life by pursuing those goals. You are a down-to-earth person who enjoys going with the flow.

The Perception Personality Types:


Take The Perception Personality Image Test at HelloQuizzy

Friday, August 01, 2008

Bats, Bad Guys, and Burn Victims

The Bat

I love Bale, so it's hard for me to not like a character he plays. He didn't dissapoint.


The Bad Guy

Not bad, but not the "oscar-winning" performance everyone else seemed to see. He played good crazy, but there was still too much Nicholson in his act.


The Burn Victim

Wow. This was the performance that made the movie for me. What a great job. I only wish there had been a lot more of him in the course of the film. Eckhart's the winner on this one.


Phred Phun Phactor: 8 out of 10

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Can You Believe It Made Me Cry?

I'll be a blubbering fool in the full-length feature.

My strongest desire has always been to see the X-Men on the silver screen. This was always a very close second that I'd resigned myself to never seeing. I'm glad it looks as though it was done right.

WATCHMEN (Apple Link)

WATCHMEN (Alternative Link)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I never called him "Grandpa" or "Grandad" like everyone else in the family. Apparently when I was very small I emulated my mother and aunts in calling him "Daddy," but I wasn't as adept as they were. So, "Dally" stuck. It's rumored he hated it, but he never said a thing to me and always answered to it like any other name. Thanks for that Dally.

Sunday, June 29, 2008



Strange signal? Let's land.
Look, eggs! And one’s opening.
What’s that on your face?

©2008, Phred

Saturday, June 14, 2008


And I still don't mean that crap-ass MMD (Massively Multi-player Daycare.)

No, I refer to the fact that my friend Heather and her co-author actually hit number 1 today on the Dark fantasy bestseller list of Fictionwise. What's more, it's my cover on that number 1 book! Suh-weeeet.

We can totally go to stupid conventions now as guests and sign stinky people's shirts. That's always..um..fun...ish.

"The Crappening" Eluded

Thankfully, I didn't have to title this post as such because the movie was a total waste of my time. In fact, I quite ejoyed it.

Mom and I took an opportunity to shop for Father's Day, get haircuts, eat sushi, and see The Happening yesterday on one of our fletting "Phreddy Days." I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Was I blown away and riveted? No. Was I beside myself in shock at the "twist?" No, I had it pegged not far into the movie actually. But I didn't sit through an hour and a half of M. Night Shmlamlylymlalammy and continually berate myself for not using this time to clip Kitty's claws.

All-in-all the movie was fun and had a decent turtle factor at the beginning. I ecpially enjoyed it given that I'm in a Science Fiction class this term and dissecting my favorite genre of literature.

Phred Phun Phactor: 5 out of 10

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Elizabeth II


Do I know any other old queens?

Yes I do!


For your birthday I sent flood water. I don't have a tracking number so let me know when you get it.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Happy 50th!

Merry Princemas!

Friday, June 06, 2008


When I first saw him I was immediately taken. I sort of made a connection as to what I liked about his looks when it dawned on me and others that he bore a striking resemblance to my ex Robert. I chalked it up to that.

Then I saw him dance. Smitten.

So naturally I let loose a scream that echoed off the walls when they announced my Cody the winner tonight. I wish He and Mochi could have shared it, but really I'd have been happy if anyone would have won as long as it wasn't that catty faggot Miguel.

Yay Cody! You deserved it!

Suck it Miguel.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hard Candy


So I was talking to Bryan and he directed me to the My Space Music site where I could listen to the whole new Madonna CD.


So we listened to it from begnning to end and talked about it as we did.


That's a shit-ass album.

4 Minutes is primo Timbaland and Devil Wouldn't Recognize You is pretty good in the vein of What Goes Around. The rest of the CD? Crap.

What a disappointment.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good Enough To Eat

Music at the moment: Duffy - Mercy


If I have another boyfriend named John, technically it isn't cheating right? We'll go with that.

I love pastry. If I'd ever pursued my love of cooking and made it into a career, pastry is what I would have focused on. However, if I'd gone to school with the new love of my life, i'd have focused on little else beyond him.

Johnny Iuzzini not only excels at desserts and artistic pastries, but he's also right up my Mr. Right alley. And come on, John LOVES chocolate. He'd be perectly fine with having handsome Iuzzini as our "third."

Ohhhhh Johnny. Daaaamn

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Macs, Games, Movies, Beds, Birthdays, and Books: What I Did On My School Break: The Mega Post

Music at the moment: Vincent - Enemies


So, I love my new Mac. Love is perhaps inadequate here. If I didn't rely on so much software for Windows, i'd chuck the whole bootcamp thing out the do
or and go Mac exclusive, but unfortunately that can't happen yet. Suffice it to say I want to migrate solely to the Mac OS.


I finished my first PS3 game with John Saturday night. Heavenly Sword, a game I never thought I'd be all that crazy about, absolutely blew me away. It's rare that a video game story is done well enough to make the player interested in the plot rather than just the action filling the screen. This one delivered on so many levels. My only complaints were some minor in-game control issues and how very short it was. I was even more disappointed to hear that this had been an intended trilogy, but the plans for the next two games has been indefinitely postponed (shades of Advent Rising.) This game really astounded me. The characters, the really well-written dialogue, the texture and animation work,
all of it was a bar-setter in my opinion. I'll even risk ridicule and confess that I shed more than a couple tears at the end. To do that to me it has o be quite a story.
Phred Phun Phactor: 9 out of 10

A few months ago John and I also finished Mass Effect, our first Xbox 360 game. This too was an incredibly well-done game with satisfying story, visuals, and game play. We just downloaded the add-on content for it, but have yet to begin. For our first foray into the world of Xbox, we were very pleased.
Phred Phun Phactor: 8 out of 10 (-1 for no option to have John Shepard get it on with Kaiden or Garrus or Wrex)

On the Wii front, we also finished Metroid Prime 3: Corruption this time home for John. The game was addictive and we really enjoyed the hell out of it (a 52" Sony HD TV doesn't hurt the experience on any of these either.) The Metroid series has long been a fave of mine and stirs fond memories of Josh and I cussing and playing until all hours of the night to finish Metroid Prime. This "Threequel" was no different. John and I had a lot of fun playing and even went the extra distance to complete 100% of all pick-ups and the like to unlock all the super secret mega cool bombtastic endings and mess. So when we finished the last boss and sat back for the awesome spectacle that was to be our long and cinematic ending we were more than a little disappointed when it was essentially Samus taking off her helmet, a very brief flashback of the boss battles we actually played through (been there, done that, seen it already, cussed it thoroughly), Samus hopping in her ship to zip away and then a message that Hypermode was unlocked and to play again. Um. Hate. You mean I enjoyed the hell out of this game only to finally come to the end to get the 2008 version of "Congratulations Mario! You've saved the Princess! Press B to play again."? Crap. We were not very happy.
Phred Phun Phactor: 5 out of 10 (-2 for crap ending)


We've also been taking in the second and terribly exciting installment of 8 Movies to Yawn For. Please tell me you detect my sarcasm. It's quite hard to convey venomous disdain of facial expressions in text.

In November we actually went and used a free pass to see Unearthed (refer to my previous post on that work of crap.) That was pretty pathetic. Now that they're out on DVD we've started watching them here.

We started with The Deaths of Ian Stone. Okay, so the acting in this was decent. The story was far too Dark City for my tastes, but still watchable. That is, until the movie got lost in itself. This movie had a very hard time keeping its focus. Am I watching Mystery? Wai, not this is a horror. Uh-oh, no, this is a Thriller. Oh my bad, now it's a supernatural action epic. Huh? How many movies did I just watch? The story is derailed by far to many shifts in gear and overall the experience leaves one with the feeling the movie had an identity complex. Mike Vogel is pretty, but something about his looks says "stinky ass" to me for some reason so he doesn't do muh for me. The one definite plus to the movie? Jaime Murray. She is too damn hot and it makes me miss Hustle.
Phred Phun Phactor: 3 out of 10

Next we enjoyed Lake Dead. Yeah. Bad title choice. It would have better captured the sheer horror of the movie if they'd called it Lake Shit. So this movie...yeah. Casting was done at the local community theatre or downtown modeling agency apparently. The acting quality was that of-- okay I can't in good conscience put the words acting and quality in the same sentence when referring to this movie. Suffice it to say that the writer/director/janitor, whoever put this film together REALLY liked the X-Files episode Home and felt that it necessitated a 90 minute "improvement" complete with stolen lines. I'll stick with the Peacock family thank you very much.
Phred Phun Phactor: 2 out of 10

The latest we viewed last night. Nightmare Man was the next step in our journey through 8 Films to Make You Regret Not Having A Lawn To Mow Instead. Wow. I mean WOW (And again I don't mean that crap MMO, though playing it might have been preferable.) I've only walked out of two movies in my life. One was some shit foreign horror flick called Burial Ground we decide to go see because we were bored. The other was The Squeeze with Michael Keaton. Nightmare Man would have been my third had we been in a theatre. This was not a movie. This was a very poorly done extended episode of Amazing Stories or Tales from the Crypt complete with extremely bad acting and horrid makeup and effects. Where Lake Shit used local amateur actors, Nightmare Man undoubtedly recruited "actors" from the local Circle K, a Pimp on the corner, or a downtown sports bar at happy hour. The writing, the plot...screw it. I'm not even going to detail this atrocity. This movie sucked dog ass.
Phred Phun Phactor: -1 out of 10. That's right, Nightmare Man gets my lowest rating to date! Good job!


The doorbell rang repeatedly this morning prompting me to dress quickly and risk broken neck as I raced down the stairs to the door. Ready and quite willing to eviscerate whatever salesman was hounding us, I yanked the door open to find no one. In fact, the only thing I did find was four large boxes piled in front of our door that dwarfed me. Our Sleep Number had arrived! We only bought it a few days ago and had been told it wouldn't arrive for a couple of weeks. Hallelujah! We're setting it up today and hopefully sleeping our way into more energy and less neck and back problems.


Happy Birthday to our little speshul kittee Julio!


Recently a very good and long-time friend had her first book published. While initially in e-book format, the print version was soon to follow. I was absolutely dumbstruck when she asked me to do the cover for her. I'm still not comfortable with Photoshop, but I'm getting there. I find I learn a lot more when I dive in and hit buttons than from that crap class I had that taught me nothing. So, I told her I would and we brainstormed some ideas about what to do for the cover. In the end, I was pleased with it as were the authors (her and her co) as well as the publisher.

Whirlwind by Jim Richards and Trinity Knight

The print version was supposed to be out a while ago. Unfortunately, we've had no end to print problems with the printer (Lulu.com - avoid at all costs)
Having found a new printer and relying on hope and crossed fingers, the print version will be out soon and I'll have one in my hand. I really enjoyed doing my first print cover layout despite the measurement and printer problems. The next book is due out in may, so i get another cover to play with.

Congratulations to that heathen I've known and loved for nearly two decades!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Have A Phat Easter

Music at the moment: Nocturnal - The Unknown

Friday, March 21, 2008

Music at the moment: Madonna/Timberlake/Timbaland - 4 Minutes

Meshes and textures make my brain bleed.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another term down and 4.0 secure. Now for a break. I'm taking this next term off and getting the house and such in order while I take a breather.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Awwwwwww. I have absolutely no interest in the sport, but I happened across Brett Favre's retirement press conference and it made me all weepy-eyed. He's such a doll. I just wanted to hug him while he cried.

WOW...And Not That Crap MMO

So, I and a few others I know have been incredibly excited about the Watchmen movie since it finally started moving after so many years in limbo. My Mac Daddy Jeff and I e-mail back and forth all giddy and school-girl like about every little detail and I repeatedly swoon every time I think about Patrick Wilson in a Nite Owl costume or Billy Crudup all blue and in no costume at all. Unfortunatly, we've had very little in the way of stills so far other than some incredibly accurate location shots (The newsstand is straight off the pages of the graphic novel)

However, now we have a smattering of character shots. And let me just say, I got goosebumps. No Dr. Manhatten mind you, but Nite Owl is absolutely amazing (ship in the background behind him too!) and Ozymandias is way more than I'd expected. They all look amazing really and i can't wait to see them all in action.

Goodbye To The Greatest DM

I never expected this to affect me as much as it did, but I guess he was a man that really did totally affect my generation. Thank you Gary for making life so very cool.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

bedroom toys

Why am I going to school to make video games?

Monday, March 03, 2008

School Stuff

Okay, as I promised the fabulous Miss Sarah, here are the storyboards I posted about in addition to my final project animatic I had to create from them. Personally, I don't feel they're anything stupendous. I could have spent a lot more time on the detail had we longer to work on it. Either my teacher is very accepting of a lot of different qualities of art or he was simply bowled over by how good mine were in comparison to a lot of the crap I see come through the classroom.



So from those I had to create my animatic, which is pretty much the step between a storyboard and full-blown animation. This is my final and with any luck he'll give me a good score on it too.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Memory Lane

Our discussion in Sequential Art this week was on television ads and where/when/what they air. A couple of us talked about how when we were little were chronic night owls an would watch television in the middle of the night. One girl and I were practically identical in our "owlism." Six to Seven years old, go to bed at 8 PM, up at 2 AM and then a full night of drawing in front of the TV while we watched Space Giants, Prince of Space, Spectreman, Dynaman, and any cartoons we could find. It made me remember how much I loved one Warner Bros. cartoon in particular called Rocket-Bye Baby. On a whim I tried punching it in at You Tube and can't believe I found it. I miss these innocent days. Cartoons were so good back then.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Belated Birthday Bonanza

So John told me to go and buy myself something I wanted for my birthday since I was between a few things I wanted. I couldn't tell him exactly what I wanted and kept waffling, so he gave me carte blanche. I never actually bought myself anything. A Bose iPod docking station? A cassette to MP3 digital component? Those are only two among many, yet I still never could decide.

Finally though I spurged on my music collection. I didn't expect to, but there were a few CDs I've never been able to find on eBay before so I couldn't resist the bid to win. I did make out with some of the ones I really wanted, though not all. The original Ta mara and the Seen CD went for 170 dollars. I have it on vinyl, so I wasn't about to shell out that much. The ones I did get are pictured below. All-in-all got some rare jewels that I've never owned or had to replace after the shattered-window-in-San-Antonio-CDs-stolen incident.

Monday, February 25, 2008

An Unexpected Surprise

So, I was floored today when I checked my grades for our mid-term project in Sequential Art and Visual Narrative. My teacher is picky and by picky I mean a perfectionist. I adore this guy truth be known. He was my 3D Modeling teacher and he pushed me hard in that class, but in a good way. A way that really helped me. Well this class hasn't been any change. He still nickels and dimes me to death with particulars an makes me work for my grade. I was dreading how much he was going to dock me on my mid-term storyboard project when, at logging in, I found he had given me a perfect score. That wasn't the exciting part though. Here's what he said:

Phred: Here's how the Week 5 Assignment was graded: Two parts to the assignment, 65 points each. First of all, Dang... These are just super, Phred. Just from a cursory look at them, they meet the required elements, but...

Storyboards: First of all, I look at whether the shot list and the storyboards are consistent. Yours are. Second, I looked at the sketches to evaluate whether they convey the action of the shot. Perfect... No problems. Third, I look at whether your boards include an additional area per illustration for a bit of descriptive detail on what is going on in the shot. You do this, and the needed information is there and neatly typed. GREAT. Fourth, I consider the design of the boards-- are they neatly drawn, sequentially numbered, and well labeled? In a word, AWESOME. They are so well drawn. This is exactly what you need in a storyboard, and I will be using yours (If you don't mind) as examples for this assignment in the course shell. NICE WORK!

Your boards are the best in the class. Your art is detailed and rich. Great work as always, Phred. You continue to set the bar in whatever class I have you in. -Mr. C

So, wow. I was blown away that they're going to use my stoyboards as the project example for the future classes in the program. I really never expected that.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dance Effect

Anyone who's played Mass Effect will appreciate this video.

IGN Mass Effect Video

Monday, February 11, 2008

It's A Good Day

So late last night (early this morning) as I drifted off I watched as the highlights of the Grammy awards were discussed on some news channel. Myshe and I had watched the Reader's Digest condensed version of the show last night after it recorded (Damn Tina you go!) and I was very happy to see Amy Winehouse win three awards. However, it wasn't until today that Myshe e-mailed me letting me know she won a total of five. Yay! All the loony music broads are making decent music recently. I was glad to see too that Prince won another Grammy for Male R&B Vocal Performance. That's like three years in a row now I think.

Not only did Myshe send word of Prince's win and Amy's sweep, but she sent this as well:

From: Myshe

Suck it Statesman

Great News

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Awwwwww Yeah Baby! By Crom, It's Awn

Age of Conan

February 10th. A short, but sweet technical beta. In like Flynn baby!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

OMGWTFBBQ! w311 t34r ur 50u1 4p4r7!!1

So I've waited.

And waited.

And waited still.

But never did it look like I'd actually see my all-time favorite author's best book series make it to film.

Until now.

I can't say how I very nearly peed my seat while at the computer. Interested in monitoring the progress on my next anticipated Clive Barker movie fix "Midnight Meat Train" (Trailer embedded at bottom) and the production on more movies from some of my favorite barker stories "Pig Blood Blues", "Dread", and "Age of Desire" I ran across this fantastic and jaw-dropping tidbit that somewhoe flew under my radar. At last, a series of films made from my absolute favorite series of Clive's that even starts with the correct story. Hallelujah!

Book of Blood

"Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red."

Midnight Meat Train Trailer

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

So, assessing my life today as I bummed around the house, did school work and generally nothing else except age, I found this little quiz. I guess it's good.

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz