>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Sunday, December 23, 2007

One Standing On My Last Nerve


I could not be more disappointed in the end of Last One Standing.
No, no, that isn't true. Brad could have won. Then I'd be more disappointed.
Honestly, I was very sad that my man Richard didn't win, but I would have been perfectly content at Rajko taking the whole shebang. But Jason? The last thing that cocky, arrogant, narrow-minded, typical-poor-American-stereotype needed was to win. They say it was because he grew. Yeah. Maybe into a bigger, more annoying standard-issue Floridian thug. Frankly, even though I liked Corey, I would have simply preferred that no American won. How very, very disappointing. I still love you Mark, Richard, and Rajko. You'll always be my main athletes.

Mark, Richard, Brad, Rajko, Corey, and Jason

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

8 Films To Yawn For

"the content of these films are considered too graphic, too disturbing, and too shocking for general audiences."

Yeah. So.

Having missed the first horrorfest when it came through last year, I was pondering the thought of going to this one.

Last years batch of movies weren't innovative or especially, well, anything. Some were good, some were terrible and none of them were "too graphic, too disturbing, and too shocking for general audiences." The realization there was that the whole thing was complete gimmick formulated by Lion's Gate to show straight to DVD movies for blockbuster prices.

Since the access passess were 75 dollars a pop (yeah, thanks, but no thanks) I decided to take in one or two of the films. I love monster movies. Give me a good monster flick and I'm happy. So, tonight we were lucky to see that one of the 8 Films playing was just that! We took in "Unearthed" at 4:05. In short, it should have stayed buried.

The story was eh. They focused too much on trying to give these boring characters some sort of depth with more subplots that took up time better used to flesh out the real story. The acting was there. Then there's the monster. Okay...I'm a huge Giger fan. I have been since the 70's when I shouldn't have liked such graphic artsy fartsy stuff. I was spoiled, as was the audience world, when Alien came out and the most chilling, most creative creature to date hit the screen. Giger set the movie monster bar way the hell up there. I think maybe too far. Now every single creature in nearly every single movie looks like the bastard child of the xenomorph. This movie is no exception. Can NO ONE make something different? I mean christ, no one??? I love you H.R., but I think you ruined the next few decades of monster.

All-in-all, Unearthed was feh. I could have spent that 6 bucks on Wii points.

Phred Phun Phactor: 2 out of 10

Friday, November 09, 2007

Trinity of Terror

Music at the Moment: Britney Spears - "Break The Ice"


I actually purchased a Britney Spears CD today.

*cue the shrill organ music*

The CD is really dancey and good hip-shaking music. Almost every song on it has me singing another song that I know so it's all pretty derivative, but still decent ("Heaven on Earth" is a total Goldfrapp rip-off, but fun for that very fact.)

What's more is I bought a Justin Timberlake CD earlier this year. Now if I just buy a Diddy, Daughtry, or Wicked CD before 2008, the circle of evil should be complete.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

I Feel Dirty.

Music at the Moment: Britney Spears - "Hot As Ice"

Is it wrong that I love this new CD? Should I go into voluntary exile?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Phunky Phinds Pt. 4

David Bowie

Ashes to Ashes


Life On Mars?


Ziggy Stardust (Live)



Love Is Like Oxygen


Ballroom Blitz (For Heather)


Arcadia (For Kithy)

Election Day


Goodbye is Forever


Duran Duran

The Chauffeur


Phunky Phinds Pt. 3


Pretty Mess (Link)


Jody Watley

Still A Thrill


Real Love


I Want You



Dead Giveaway (Yay more Jody!)


Starpoint (For Bryan)

Object Of My Desire


Five Star (For Pete)

Let Me Be The One


Whenever You're Ready


Rebbie Jackson (For Bryan)


Hanging on a Heart Attack (I've looked for this video for YEARS)


Phunky Phinds Pt. 2




I Wish U Heaven





10 & 13 (Partial Dammit)


Prince & Nona Gaye



Candy Dulfer (w/Dave Stewart)

Lily Was Here


Grace Jones

I'm Not Perfect (But I'm Perfect For You)


Ta Mara & The Seen



Everybody Dance


Phunky Phinds

Videos for phriends who never got to experience them new

YouTube has some uses...

Sheila E.

Sex Cymbal


Love Bizarre


The Glamorous Life


Jill Jones

Mia Bocca


Wendy & Lisa



Satisfaction (w/Jesse Johnson)


Are You My Baby?


Strung Out



Thursday, October 18, 2007

Aunty Em...

...there be tornadoes here. Plural.

Article & Video

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Across The Universe


Critique for Across the Universe.

Cons: It didn't have Eleanor Rigby

Pros: It's hands down the best movie I've seen in a few years.

Phred Phun Phactor: 10 - 1* = 9 + 1** = 10/10

* It didn't have Eleanor Rigby

** I'm in love with Jim Sturgess

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Music at the M oment: Jane Child - Welcome to the Real World

August term is over and my 4.0 is thankfully secure.

The superb Miss S made my day by directing me to a site where I found this:

I luz teh kiteez

Monday, September 24, 2007

Adieu Marcel

Merci de votre silence.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Dirty Mind

A fond childhood memory was playing a game like this where one person would draw a number of abstract shapes and then we'd pass it around drawing a picture from each. I love creativity like this. I saw this last week and a friend forwarded it to me again this week, so I thought I'd share it on the bloggerino.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Panet Unicorn, Yayyyyyyyy

Planet Unicorn Episode 5



Today the world welcomed the brightest light in my life.

I love you John!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy Breakaway Day!

Almost a decade ago in our distant future, this fateful day saw a staff of over 300 people catapulted into the deep reaches of space. I couldn't have been happier to see the moon go!

That's right! How much more fun could we have with nucelar waste? To think that anything great would ever come of stockpiling hazardous radioactive materials on the moon and then populating it. Who knew?!

Oh the joy of watching our poor Alphans set adrift in the most vast ocean of all. Thankfully they hit multiple space warps to ensure that this intergalactic pinball game would take us to new and interesting places to meet fascinating and otherworldly beings. One of those being the beautiful, the exotic, the Marvelous Madame of Molecular Transformation, Maya!

Maya, did you ever imagine while growing up on Psychon that one day you'd be on Moonbase Alpha? Aren't you grateful to have such great companions? If you had it all to do over again, what would you do? I bet not a thing different!

"I'll tell you what I should have done! I should have gone ahead and gone with that fat @#%! Taybor and gotten the $!@* off that speeding lunar pile of *&%$#! All those primitive !&#*% humans and their %$#@*! problems. And have you ever tasted Tony's beer?!!? Sweet lord in heaven, that %$#@ could kill a Dorcon! Yeah, I'd do a hell of a lot of things different. If these stupid &%$# people knew anything about saftey and science, they'd still be home and I'd still have a &%$#@ planet! I hope the moon collides with a star. Bastards."

As you can see, like me and so many others, Maya couldn't have been happier meeting such a great staff who rescued her along their perilous journey. Thank you Gerry & Sylvia! You helped to inspire a lifetime of creativity in me.

Moonbase Alpha's Last Transmission

Friday, September 07, 2007

Who Wants To Be The Next To Throw Up A Little?


Complete Crap.

I think it was decided from the beginning of the show that he'd be the winner. He could do no wrong. And even when he did do things that were cardinal sins for superheroes (Um, yeah..let's give little kids weapons. That's smart.) it was still glossed over and someone else got the axe.

It just solidifies that there is nothing real about reality TV. They really should rename it "Who Wants To Be The Next To Suck Up To Stan Lee?"


Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I'm going to pee cute for a month after seeing this.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Thank Goodness

I managed to hold my 4.0 for another term. I'm halfway there!

"General Kala, Flash Gordon Approaching."

"What do you mean, 'Flash Gordon approaching?"

That's right! August 7th.
I have waited so long for this and I hadn't even heard about it until last night.
First thing Tuesday I am so there!

Friday, July 13, 2007


September 28 baby! I cannot wait!

Across the Universe

Wow, I just noticed my counter hit 5000 today. I guess someone reads this.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007

Please Be Great!

Thanks to my booooeeeeeeeey Jeff for this one!

Rorschach's Journal

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Missing Queens and Drag Kings

Yay! Thank you Myshe for sending me thi link! You made my day!
All my life this has been one of my favorite egyptian mysteries.
I was hoping they'd find her in my lifetime.

Queen Hatshepsut identified!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Who Watches The Watchmen?

Music at the Moment: Perry Farrell's Satellite Party - "Hard Life Easy"


I've only waited for this to be made (well) into a movie since the dawn of time and at last the ball has been rolling for some time. I was absolutely horrified to hear that the almighty dollar seemed to be impetus for the film and among the casting rumors Keanu Reeves was being looked at for the deliciously naked and blue Dr. Manhattan! WHAT THE!?!? Are you KIDDING me?! I was immediately sorrowful and quite let down.

Well apparently that is no longer the case. Now, there is talk that Jason Patric is being tapped for the part. Oh. My. God. Jason Patric? Jason Patric blue? Jason Patric naked?! Buy me two tickets; I'll go twice in a row.

Additionally Patrick Wilson is slated to play Nite-Owl and possibly Jude Law as Ozymandias. Um...okay, hot with the hotness on the hotnacity scale. Those three are like one big cluster of onscreen Rrrrrow! I've yet to hear anything about the Silk Spectre(s.) Insinuations also point to Thomas Jane as The Comedian.

On the not so yum, but definite "I love him" acting chops front is Rorschach who will hopefully be filled by Jackie Earle Haley.

This guy is scrawny, crazy looking and a damn good actor. He's perfect! I loved him most in Losin' It, but recently in Little Children (also with Patrick Wilson) he blew me away.

This is shaping up to be the best Watchmen news I've had in a while.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

55% alone? Wow. So that's 105% chance of survival if I have Cillian Murphy with me. Mmmmmm.

Zombie Survival Quiz

Eight Things About Me: A Meme

Miss Sarah tagged me.

The rules:

1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.

3.At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.


OK, so here we go with eight things:

1. I used to love "The Tick", but watching it after all these years it's just not funny anymore.

2. I wish I'd pursued my desire to be a food or movie critic.

3. I don't like sleeping because I feel like I miss too much.

4. I like escargot

5. I want to hang glide.

6. I loathe "prolly," "kewl," "ne1," and emoticons. >:-(

7. I think parents should blister their children's asses for being bad. I look at all my friends that grew up getting spanked and they are level-headed, well-developed people. If Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan had gotten their butt's torn up, they might not be such skank tramps.

8. One of the most emotional moments I've ever had was in Las Vegas as I watched the Bellaggio fountains dance to "Time To Say Goodbye" (Sarah Brightman/Andrea Bocelli) and wished John was there with me. I know, I know...Phred, emotions? Well, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.


9. I've never been able to whistle or roll my R's

Okay, so I tag Pete, Bryan, Myshe, Josh, Jennifer, and Heather. I'd do Sarah too, but she beat me to the punch.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007



Monday, June 11, 2007


Music at the Moment:

"Guitar" - Prince

All is right in the world.

Thursday, June 07, 2007



Thank you for filling most of my life with a theme to walk to.
Keep on keepin' on with your guitar my brother!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I couldn't be more happy that one of my favorite asian actors and all-around hotness Takeshi Kaneshiro is going to be playing Samonosuke in the Onimusha movie. The character had been modelled after him in the games, but there was always the worry that gans would get someone else to play the title role. Thankfully that isn't the case!


Saturday, June 02, 2007

For Bryan...




Interestingly, two of these are very similar to the one Bryan placed on Pete's LJ. I guess there was a "Mentally Challenged People Need Sex Ed Too" series in the 70's.

Friday, May 25, 2007


This is my new addiction:

Episodes 1 & 2


Episode 3

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Grades in...

GPA as of term 6:

That's hot betch.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Which psychedelic children's movie do you belong in?

You are from Yellow Submarine. Trippy, spaced-out, artistic and fun to be around.
Take this


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Compact Bits

So, I never seem to have time to sit down and type out anything of substance any longer. Time is a luxury now. So, here are some quick little reviews that may or may not be followed by more detailed ones at another time.

Spider-man 3
No identity. Too many subplots, no real meaty story.
Venom: Complete movie marketing gimmick. Had no reason to even be included and contributed nothing to the story.
Emo Parker: Hokey, cornball, cheese-o-licious and downright stupid.
Gwen Stacey. Why? See: Venom.
Moment of Screen-Zen: Sandman's "awakening." Beautifully done.
Phred Phun Phactor: 2 out of 10


Wow. Beyonce! I mean..wow!! She was so..wow! I can't believe how incredibly...wow!
Beyonce sucked mule. Her lines were read at best and her character stale and two-dimensional. Jennifer Hudson? Deserved every award she got.
Jamie Foxx: There.
Eddie Murphy: Not bad. Not INCREDIBLE, but not bad.
I'm not a fan of musicals. I have some tried and true loves, but generally movies like Rent do nothing for me (especially when constantly elevated by annoying fanbois.) But this one wasn't bad.
Moments of Screen-Zen: Jennifer Hudson and "And I am telling you I'm not going." Okay. DAMN girl, I mean DAAAAMN.
Surprisingly, another moment was Beyonce and "Listen." if she curbed the grace notes and "showcasing" a bit and sang like this more often I'd have a lot more respect for her. Good job betch.
Phred Phun Phactor: 6 out of 10


Little Children
Intense story.
Great acting.
Excellent script.
Pretty damn good.
Moment of Screen-Zen: Anytime Patrick Wilson showed a little skin. DAMN.
Phred Phun Phactor: 6 out of 10


Notes on a Scandal
WOW (As in an expression of delight, not as in that shitty game.)
Everyone in this was exceptional. Cate and Judi, I love you betches.
Moment of Screen-Zen: Beginning to end
Phred Phun Phactor: 8 out of 10


Poster Boy
Um. OK.
Attempted to be too heavy.
Attempted to be politically engaging.
Should have simply attempted to show more naked men thus ensuring a better Phred Phun Phactor rating.
Moment of Screen-Zen: Jack Noseworthy is a doll.
Phred Phun Phactor: 1 out of 10


The Queen
Fantastic. It's about damn time someone stood up and gave Helen Mirren a damn acknowledgment. This woman is among the absolute greats of the last few decades and it's taken so long for her to get what she deserves. Where was her award for "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover"?
Moment of Screen-Zen: Helen Mirren crying. I can't keep a dry eye when she emotes.
Phred Phun Phactor: 7 out of 10


Waiting for:

Across the Universe
Bug (I need some fun sci-fi fluff, Hopefully this will deliver.)
Pan's Labyrinth (still pissed we never got it here.)

Thanks Miss Sarah!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I Still Hate Business

Music at the Moment: Maroon 5 - Makes Me Wonder (It's about damn time slowpokes)

I just wanted to reiterate that I still hate business and my idiot teacher. I'm beginning to wonder if there really is a teacher on the other side of the monitor or some half-witted sloth. Or maybe it's a poorly trained chimp. Or could it perhaps be a drooling conservative politician. Or maybe even Britney Spears. Regardless, I loathe her.

My Character Development class is actually fun, however the teacher is slow like molasses. Week 3 and I have no grades so far and two ungraded quizzes. Pretty bad for a class that hinges on the criticisms of the previous week's art.

Geometry is my shining light this term. How very weird. Never would I have expected that. I am convinced, however, that my Geometry teacher speaks English as a 58th language. I don't care if he doesn't speak much English at all as long as he knows that in the alphabet, "A" is preceded by "Phred you are to be receiving an..."

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

"Business" Is The Devil

Music at the moment: Mika - Any Other World

I hate business.

I hate our home owner's insurance company who has cancelled our policy effective the 25th of this month.

I hate my Intro to Business class because the teacher is a douche bag that apparently bought her teaching degree on Ebay.


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Music at the Moment: Ray LaMontagne - Hold you in my arms

This time with John leaving is a lot harder than usual for some reason. I don't know if it's just being wound tight from last term or stress or what, but I'm just really bad already and he only left Tuesday night.

John voiced concerns over when I graduate and how little time we'll have together. I told him we'd be just fine and we'd find a way to make it work. I want a career, but I won't let something come between us and our time. Life is too short to waste what little time we have not spending it with the one we're meant to be with. Especially when we finally found that "one". We celebrated out 8th year in January and I fully intend to celebrate our 28th.

I think I want to get married this year.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I'm So Bluemuhumunukunukuapuaa

Myshe just sent me this article.
It's old, but I'd heard nothing abut it :(
That was my favorite state fish.

Sad Fish

Friday, March 16, 2007

Term 5 Verdict...

Hallelujah! It's another

Thank goodness. I was totally sweating this one. I'm rather worried about next term too. I may have aced Algebra I and II, but Geometry might be my undoing. My Character Development and Design class looks kind of heavy too.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Week's Reprieve

Music at the Moment: Amy Winehouse - "You Know I'm No Good"

So the term is over at last. This last nine weeks has been the worst yet and really put me through the ringer. Fingers are crossed that I keep my 4.0, but I won't know until probably the middle of the week. We shall see. I really need a vacation.

Happy Daniel Craigmas!

I'll be rising and shining all the way down to buy Casino Royale today. Mmmmm. I might just watch it all day long as I clean and organize in anticipation of John's homecoming. Bond. Hot Bond. Of course, Eva green isn't hard on the eyes either and the movie was pretty damn awesome.


Gorgeous On My Mind

Jason Behr

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Music at the moment: Brooke Hogan - "For a Moment"

I feel crazy dirty. I actually like a Brooke Hogan song. I want to bathe in sand paper and gargle drain-o. At this point I might as well hang out with Paris Hilton and go to Britney Spears concerts. That's hot.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Big Deal

Music at the moment: Mika - "Grace Kelly"

Marvel's Queseda "says" no publicity, but I'll be shocked to see Cap actually stay dead. Marvel's writing is pretty abysmal and has been for some time now. I grew up Marvel loyal and collected and worshipped X-Men when everyone was Spider-Man, Captain America, Fantastic Four and Hulk-centric, but even their writing has been awful enough to make me stop some years ago. I've actually been reading a hell of a lot more DC than usual, this mostly due to the incredible writing in Identity Crisis and many a good limited series. So really, Steve dead? Big deal. He'll be back all polished and new. Maybe he'll come back a la Superman: Captain America Red, Captain America Blue, and Captain America White. Yawn.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Marcel was robbed. Ilan's a pissy queen.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


What a crap birthday. Thanks to those of you e-mailed or called.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Song of the Heart

Yay! Prince won a Golden Globe!

Monday, January 01, 2007