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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Compact Bits

So, I never seem to have time to sit down and type out anything of substance any longer. Time is a luxury now. So, here are some quick little reviews that may or may not be followed by more detailed ones at another time.

Spider-man 3
No identity. Too many subplots, no real meaty story.
Venom: Complete movie marketing gimmick. Had no reason to even be included and contributed nothing to the story.
Emo Parker: Hokey, cornball, cheese-o-licious and downright stupid.
Gwen Stacey. Why? See: Venom.
Moment of Screen-Zen: Sandman's "awakening." Beautifully done.
Phred Phun Phactor: 2 out of 10


Wow. Beyonce! I mean..wow!! She was so..wow! I can't believe how incredibly...wow!
Beyonce sucked mule. Her lines were read at best and her character stale and two-dimensional. Jennifer Hudson? Deserved every award she got.
Jamie Foxx: There.
Eddie Murphy: Not bad. Not INCREDIBLE, but not bad.
I'm not a fan of musicals. I have some tried and true loves, but generally movies like Rent do nothing for me (especially when constantly elevated by annoying fanbois.) But this one wasn't bad.
Moments of Screen-Zen: Jennifer Hudson and "And I am telling you I'm not going." Okay. DAMN girl, I mean DAAAAMN.
Surprisingly, another moment was Beyonce and "Listen." if she curbed the grace notes and "showcasing" a bit and sang like this more often I'd have a lot more respect for her. Good job betch.
Phred Phun Phactor: 6 out of 10


Little Children
Intense story.
Great acting.
Excellent script.
Pretty damn good.
Moment of Screen-Zen: Anytime Patrick Wilson showed a little skin. DAMN.
Phred Phun Phactor: 6 out of 10


Notes on a Scandal
WOW (As in an expression of delight, not as in that shitty game.)
Everyone in this was exceptional. Cate and Judi, I love you betches.
Moment of Screen-Zen: Beginning to end
Phred Phun Phactor: 8 out of 10


Poster Boy
Um. OK.
Attempted to be too heavy.
Attempted to be politically engaging.
Should have simply attempted to show more naked men thus ensuring a better Phred Phun Phactor rating.
Moment of Screen-Zen: Jack Noseworthy is a doll.
Phred Phun Phactor: 1 out of 10


The Queen
Fantastic. It's about damn time someone stood up and gave Helen Mirren a damn acknowledgment. This woman is among the absolute greats of the last few decades and it's taken so long for her to get what she deserves. Where was her award for "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover"?
Moment of Screen-Zen: Helen Mirren crying. I can't keep a dry eye when she emotes.
Phred Phun Phactor: 7 out of 10


Waiting for:

Across the Universe
Bug (I need some fun sci-fi fluff, Hopefully this will deliver.)
Pan's Labyrinth (still pissed we never got it here.)

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