>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

8 Films To Yawn For

"the content of these films are considered too graphic, too disturbing, and too shocking for general audiences."

Yeah. So.

Having missed the first horrorfest when it came through last year, I was pondering the thought of going to this one.

Last years batch of movies weren't innovative or especially, well, anything. Some were good, some were terrible and none of them were "too graphic, too disturbing, and too shocking for general audiences." The realization there was that the whole thing was complete gimmick formulated by Lion's Gate to show straight to DVD movies for blockbuster prices.

Since the access passess were 75 dollars a pop (yeah, thanks, but no thanks) I decided to take in one or two of the films. I love monster movies. Give me a good monster flick and I'm happy. So, tonight we were lucky to see that one of the 8 Films playing was just that! We took in "Unearthed" at 4:05. In short, it should have stayed buried.

The story was eh. They focused too much on trying to give these boring characters some sort of depth with more subplots that took up time better used to flesh out the real story. The acting was there. Then there's the monster. Okay...I'm a huge Giger fan. I have been since the 70's when I shouldn't have liked such graphic artsy fartsy stuff. I was spoiled, as was the audience world, when Alien came out and the most chilling, most creative creature to date hit the screen. Giger set the movie monster bar way the hell up there. I think maybe too far. Now every single creature in nearly every single movie looks like the bastard child of the xenomorph. This movie is no exception. Can NO ONE make something different? I mean christ, no one??? I love you H.R., but I think you ruined the next few decades of monster.

All-in-all, Unearthed was feh. I could have spent that 6 bucks on Wii points.

Phred Phun Phactor: 2 out of 10

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