>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Happy Birthday Pete!

Again with the jumbled dates in the head! This blog entry is late by 2 days unfortunately.

A very happy *62nd birthday to my dear friend Pete! Sorry I mixed up 12th and 15th. I'm hard pressed to block this small section of June from memory since it encompasses another birthday that is better left forgotten. I'll try harder to replace June 13th birthday alert with the 12th.

* Just kidding folks. I think he's closer to 43 or something.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Phred! :p I thought you just didn't love me anymore...

And P.S. - BITCH, I'm BARELY 6 months older than you, so I'm all of 36 now.


PHRED said...

36, 43, 62... what's the difference? It's all one foot in the grave anyhow. ;-)

Bob said...

And considering this groups strange need to celebrate a birthday a few dozen times within a two month span, you're probably 62 by now. :P