>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Music at the Moment: The Mars Volta - "The Widow"

Today finds me in no mood to do anything. I need to do a couple loads of laundry for the trip. I look at the clothing in a pile and it mocks me. I sneer at it with contempt and turn away to focus on the blog. Just when I think the conflict is over Kitty comes in bellowing at me to do something. What it is he wants I have no clue, but he wants something. Anything. Always. Kitty is omnipresent and all-consuming like some black hole of orange fur and hatred. He's so peculiar that when you look at him you simply stare in awe, caught in some power. He's like that sentence you heard someone say, but haven't quite figured out yet what it is they were saying or similar to that stain on the carpet at the party you're attending that looks like the Virgin Mary but no one will say anything about. But he's so fluffy!

So...what to talk about? Hmmm. I could always start with movie. Singular this time around since I've only watched one since my last review.


Hmm. Well. So, much like House of Flying Daggers I expected a lot more from this film. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't all that spectacular either. The acting was fine. The script was okay. The thing as a whole just sort of fell short of something. I'd get near the point of laughing and something would diffuse it or the lined up joke would suddenly just take a dive. Humorous Interruptus. Feh. It wasn't a bad movie really, it was just rather there.
Phred Phun Phactor: Pick a number that's totally uninspiring or average.

Random Cool Prince Pic Insert

So I'm diggin' on The Mars Volta right now. Specifically "The Widow". I get a really strong Led Zeppelin vibe when I listen to this song. The drug haze and all! The video is just weird for the sake of being weird. I guess there's a seldom seen secret rock band handbook for video making that requires clips of obscure imagery, strange acts and at least one person crying some substance other than tears or smearing themselves in some unidentified liquid.

Music at the Moment: Aimee Mann - Goodbye Caroline

New notable tunage: The above mentioned new release from Aimee Mann The Forgotten Arm, Gavin Degraw's Chariot, Ronan Hardiman's Anthem (Salve is just mmmmmmmm. I'd kill to find the lyrics), Fischerspooner's Odyssey and Jet among other things. The jury continues to be out on B.Y.O.B by System of a Down. It's a total roller coaster relationship. Up. Down. Up. Down. I like it. Wait, no I hate it. Just a sec, I like this part, maybe I do like it after a--nope, hate it.

Hey, here's a question. Is it wrong of me to think Adam and Aaron Crabb, a set of twins that sing christian music, are totally hot? Adam more than Aaron. I know, I know. "But Phred, they're identical twins. How can you like one over the other?" you ask. Well, Adam is just cuter and that's all there is to it. Don't get me wrong, Aaron's a babe, but Adam is just...damn. On a side note, they aren't bad singers at all, but their brother Jason...wow. He's got a really great voice that has some serious soulful R&B potential. Anyhow, tangent within a tangent. Back to the summation of my primary tangent: Adam Crabb is one word - toodamnhot. I bet John won't like him. We have such differing tastes.

Music at the Moment: The Stills - Retour a Vega

Friend Heather sent me a cute mail today with funny animal pics, two of which I must share.

Umm...EEK. This thing is eeeeeerie looking. His eyes burn into the depths of your soul and his dark forces command you to offer your soul relentlessly. He's so cute!!! I want him!

Anyone who knows Kitty would say "Hey look it's Kittums!" Apparently he has a thinner cousin who likes sprawling on the sofa arms.

Music at the Moment: Billy Miles - Sunshine

I need to find my unopened flonase bottle. I've looked everywhere and I'm running out of my last bottle. Dilemma! Irritating. I'll probably have to go to the pharmacy and get another one before the trip.

Okay, I'm out to do something. The clothes still glare at me and laugh because i can't find my flonase. It's hot water and crazy fast abuse wash speed for those bastards today.

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