>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Blow your Nose For Jesus!

Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938 really want me to flourish in the lord.

Returning from our trip to orlando, Myshe presented me with their latest addition to my "Holy Crap" collection: The Annointed Acts 19:11,12 Faith Handkerchief! This fine piece of sacred paper "is like an anointed prophet of God coming to your house to bless you."

According to the blurbs all along the accompanying paper people received special miracles of all kinds by using handkerchiefs and aprons sent to them by the Apostle Paul.

Well dammit. I get screwed again! The last time all I wanted to be able to do was see the damn camel. And now?! Now I get a handkerchief when I could have received an apron. I was just complaining the other week about not having a damn apron. Really! I even commented to Myshe that I saw one I really liked that read "Shiitake happens" and how much I wanted it. But hell, I'd be just as happy with an Anointed Acts 19:11,12 Faith Apron. I figure with it I can do all sorts of neat stuff that I couldn't with a normal apron. Undoubtedly I'd be able to make double if not triple the amount of fish and bread I could before with the same ingredients. And why part the red sea when I can simply walk through it as my Faith Apron deftly pushes water away from me keeping me dry and preventing any unsightly stains from my clothing underneath.

Oh well, I guess I can't have everything. But wait, according to Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938 I can! The testimonials from everyone that received the handkerchief list miracles from "Blessed With $6,000.00!" to "Son in Law Off Dope" (Yes, sans the proper hyphens). At the very bottom it tells me...

"Mail It Back To The Church In The Morning...
God is blessing people who have taken God as their partner."

Whoa whoa whoa! God as their partner?! So Massachusettes and Heaven both have same sex marriage laws in place?? Excellent! But they also say people taking God as their partner. That's plural, indicating polygamy is okay too! Wow, so many interpretations shattered by this one simple piece of paper sent from Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938. I had no idea!

So all-in-all this was a positive bit of mail. I feel good knowing God is okay with the gays and people who marry more than one person. I also walk away from this with no headache from trying to stare at Jesus to see the camel. What's more, I realized that the handkerchief sent from Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938 is also a miracle in itself! I discovered it had so many uses! So, to further this blessing of the postal service using my digital camera I decided to pass along my personal miracle with all of you:

It Doesn't Just Promise Salvation! It's Also...

A Fantastic bib! Though not as great as an apron.

A lovely addition to a place setting.
A little food on your chin?
Wipe away the mess while wiping on a blessing!

A comfy blankie for Kittums! He was so thrilled to be
so warm and toasty!

A Holy Beer Coozy. Perfect for sacred events
such as the Super Bowl and Martha Stewart Court Trials.

A welcomed diversion for the children of unexpected guests!
No more cranky kids! Set them down and let them color
their way to the Lord!

It's a shame the people at Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938 don't receive more mail like this themselves. I'm sure they would weep with joy. Here's to hoping Saint Matthew's Churches in Tulsa Oklahoma at PO Box 21210, Tulsa OK 74121-9938 starts getting a lot of wonderful mail in their mailbox as well!

Revenge of the Corporate Mogul or My Parents Went To Kashyyyk And All I Got was This Lousy Movie

So we bent over backwards to make sure that even though we were trapped in Orlando on May 19th we would not break tradition and we'd see Star Wars III on its opening day.

We should have saved our money.

You have to understand, this isn't to be taken lightly. I'm a huge Star wars fan. It's one of if not the fondest childhood memory I possess. It truly shaped my creative life and I still adore it to this day. That being said, I've waited for this movie in particular for a long time. Sure most people didn't like Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones. I did. They aren't the original's by a longshot, but i still enjoyed them. And besides, Darth Maul is in PM! I mean Darth Maul! I digress...that is a whole other sultry sexual fantasy.

So we go to see it at PLeasure 24 on Pleasure Island in Orlando braving the masses and the drunken vacationers so see this monumental tale of the final step from Jedi to Sith Annakin makes. Wheeeeee!

I was absolutely disgusted the entire way through.

The story was weak. Lucas insists you make all sorts of leaps of faith rather than actually SEE a progression from turmoil to dark side. Padmé and Annakin were as much paper cut-outs as really adding anything to the screen. Palpatine was an utter disappointment. What happened!? Is Lucas senile or did he step out, for oh say 2 years, while someone else made this movie? I bet it was Berman and Braga, they ruin everything.

There wer so many things wrong with this movie that I simply can't muster the will to put it all here. At random I'll insert Things I Hated About Episode III along the way. We walked away sad. And now it's over.

Back from The Money void

Music at the moment: The whoosh of the fan and other assorted outside morning noises.

Well, it's been over a week since we returned from Orlando on our trip to the capitalist Mecca known as Disney World. I have pictures, but why put them up? I hate the way I look in them and it's not like everyone hasn't seen some aspect of SellHell in pictures anyhow. So, without further ado here is my breakdown of the parks we visited:

Magic Kingdom - Sing with me! It's a hot, expensive, fairly boring, kid oriented world after all. Supposedly the happiest place on earth, I was surprised to find the number of Satan’s crabby minions that they actually allow to come into the park. Then again, money and root of all evil, I guess this is just one big refueling station for them. So, we split up for a bit to do some stuff right? John, Jersey Dad and I all go to something while Charlie, Tara and Jersey Mom take the baby to little kid things. We get done with the Haunted Mansion and such and decide, Hey we'll go in It's A Small World After All while we wait for them. It turns out they're in the impossibly long line to the Peter Pan ride directly across the street from us. We see them across the way and Alexis (My niece) sees us and waves. So I smile and wave back at her. Apparently in the 2.4 seconds I waved, the line ahead of me moved approximately 5 feet. Alarmed by the prospect that such a huge 5 foot gap will undoubtedly cause her to miss such a monumentally historic ride, the 65+ year old douche bag 3 people behind me yells "LET'S GET A MOVE ONNIT!"

um... OK.

Grandma has fucking issues. We are in line for IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL for Pete's sake! (Not you Pete, that other Pete.) The ride that teaches you "Hey! We're all the same wonderful people no matter where we're from! Let's all love each other and sing songs!" and this decrepit sack of osteo-ridden bones is snapping at us because the happy happy line isn't advancing the 5 feet she needs to get that much closer to the pinnacle of smiles and harmony. I didn't move. I continued to wave and looked back at the old bitty sorely in need of an ironing and smiled replying very loudly "The ride isn't going anywhere honey! I thought we were in Disney World where everyone is happy!" She immediately ducked back behind others in the line in what, I guess, was an attempt to hide.

Epcot - Epcot was groovy. The Spaceship Earth ball had just barely begun construction the first and only time I'd come to Disney when I was like 6. Though, in recent times they've apparently decided it wasn't flashy enough and added some ugly-ass Mickey Hand holding a wand onto the side of it. Feh. I think my and John's favorite part of Epcot was walking through all the countries. We made reservations for Chefs de France, in France of course, and had dinner there that evening. It was superb! John and I started off with escargot and both settled on the Cabillaud en croute de pommes de terre which is a baked cod stuffed with salmon and scallop mousse then wrapped in potato slices with a lobster demi glace! All this is served on a bed of leeks. Heaven I tell you. Our waitress, Melissa, was from Nice and surprisingly I understood everything she said. I guess a lot more French stuck with me than I thought. I was even able to order for us and respond appropriately. For dessert I had a scrumptious cannoli from Italy. Mmmm. The end of the night lightshow and fireworks were gorgeous and we had a great place right in front of Norway to watch them. Hot Vikings and Pyrotechnics, not bad.

MGM - This was fun for the most part. The shows were neat and the backlot tour was pretty groovy. Being able to take up close shots of the ship from Flight of The Navigator, the desert skiff from Return of the Jedi (A real star wars movie...more on that later) and a snow speeder from The Empire Strikes Back was trés cool. The Aerosmith Roller Coaster and The Tower of Terror were fun too. This was, however, the most expensive place along the way. I mean damn.

Sea World - We absolutely loved this place. I sort of wish we'd been alone so we could just take all day and meander from site to site. John and I love marine life and the associated things. The Manatees were sooooo damn cute and reminded us both of our cat. Kittums was definitely a Manatee in a former life. The dolphins were pretty and the seals were hams. The Otter and Sea lion show has us in stitches and the pre-show mime actually made me nearly pee myself. This was a great park.

Next time we go, we'll be hitting Universal and Discovery Cove to swim with the Dolphins. I intend to pocket one and bring it home so Kitty and Julio will have a playmate.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Music at the Moment: The Mars Volta - "The Widow"

Today finds me in no mood to do anything. I need to do a couple loads of laundry for the trip. I look at the clothing in a pile and it mocks me. I sneer at it with contempt and turn away to focus on the blog. Just when I think the conflict is over Kitty comes in bellowing at me to do something. What it is he wants I have no clue, but he wants something. Anything. Always. Kitty is omnipresent and all-consuming like some black hole of orange fur and hatred. He's so peculiar that when you look at him you simply stare in awe, caught in some power. He's like that sentence you heard someone say, but haven't quite figured out yet what it is they were saying or similar to that stain on the carpet at the party you're attending that looks like the Virgin Mary but no one will say anything about. But he's so fluffy!

So...what to talk about? Hmmm. I could always start with movie. Singular this time around since I've only watched one since my last review.


Hmm. Well. So, much like House of Flying Daggers I expected a lot more from this film. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't all that spectacular either. The acting was fine. The script was okay. The thing as a whole just sort of fell short of something. I'd get near the point of laughing and something would diffuse it or the lined up joke would suddenly just take a dive. Humorous Interruptus. Feh. It wasn't a bad movie really, it was just rather there.
Phred Phun Phactor: Pick a number that's totally uninspiring or average.

Random Cool Prince Pic Insert

So I'm diggin' on The Mars Volta right now. Specifically "The Widow". I get a really strong Led Zeppelin vibe when I listen to this song. The drug haze and all! The video is just weird for the sake of being weird. I guess there's a seldom seen secret rock band handbook for video making that requires clips of obscure imagery, strange acts and at least one person crying some substance other than tears or smearing themselves in some unidentified liquid.

Music at the Moment: Aimee Mann - Goodbye Caroline

New notable tunage: The above mentioned new release from Aimee Mann The Forgotten Arm, Gavin Degraw's Chariot, Ronan Hardiman's Anthem (Salve is just mmmmmmmm. I'd kill to find the lyrics), Fischerspooner's Odyssey and Jet among other things. The jury continues to be out on B.Y.O.B by System of a Down. It's a total roller coaster relationship. Up. Down. Up. Down. I like it. Wait, no I hate it. Just a sec, I like this part, maybe I do like it after a--nope, hate it.

Hey, here's a question. Is it wrong of me to think Adam and Aaron Crabb, a set of twins that sing christian music, are totally hot? Adam more than Aaron. I know, I know. "But Phred, they're identical twins. How can you like one over the other?" you ask. Well, Adam is just cuter and that's all there is to it. Don't get me wrong, Aaron's a babe, but Adam is just...damn. On a side note, they aren't bad singers at all, but their brother Jason...wow. He's got a really great voice that has some serious soulful R&B potential. Anyhow, tangent within a tangent. Back to the summation of my primary tangent: Adam Crabb is one word - toodamnhot. I bet John won't like him. We have such differing tastes.

Music at the Moment: The Stills - Retour a Vega

Friend Heather sent me a cute mail today with funny animal pics, two of which I must share.

Umm...EEK. This thing is eeeeeerie looking. His eyes burn into the depths of your soul and his dark forces command you to offer your soul relentlessly. He's so cute!!! I want him!

Anyone who knows Kitty would say "Hey look it's Kittums!" Apparently he has a thinner cousin who likes sprawling on the sofa arms.

Music at the Moment: Billy Miles - Sunshine

I need to find my unopened flonase bottle. I've looked everywhere and I'm running out of my last bottle. Dilemma! Irritating. I'll probably have to go to the pharmacy and get another one before the trip.

Okay, I'm out to do something. The clothes still glare at me and laugh because i can't find my flonase. It's hot water and crazy fast abuse wash speed for those bastards today.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Movie of Too Many Flying Things -or- Hoo Flung Doo?


I'm rather shocked and surprised at how disappointed I am in "House of Flying Daggers". I truly never expected to dislike it as much as I do. Understand that I am a fan of similar movies: CTHD, Hero, etc. This one though, just fails to compare.

The story for one is just rather *there*. For the first hour our trek through the woods with Blind Leader Daughter Number 1 and Jin was, well, TOO DAMN LONG. The scenes dragged on and on for so long I had a hard time sitting still.

Plot twists. I use the reference loosely because really, there were no "twists" per se as a twist will usually take one off guard. Myshe and I saw all these coming at quite a distance. "Oh wow. He's a double agent that the other double agent thinks isn't really a double agent at all while she's only pretending to be blind and isn't really the blind daughter of the former leader of the House of Flying Daggers but instead is the unknown sister of the main male character who was separated at birth so the Sith wouldn't find them and the force runs strong in her too. Wow." Sometimes, attempted "Plot twists" do nothing but add speed bumps to the path of an otherwise nicely cruising movie and simply ruin it rather than enhancing.








I mean damn. Watch out there goes a bean. Duck for the daggers! Here comes a bowl. Oh no, stake in the neck. Shooom Arrows galore! Bamboo barrage! Lightning bolt lightning bolt lightning bolt!

Please stop. If I saw one more thing C.G.Fly its way through the air I was going to kick Myshe in the head. I like sword fights and neat special effects as much as the next guy, but there is such a thing as too much. Watching Darth Vader use the force to choke Needa was great! However, had Vader stopped every minute or two to summarily choke each character he passed by in the movies it would have become old very fast.

The choreography in these types of movies is one of the most wonderful aspects of the genre. I thoroughly enjoy seeing moves and physical displays that step into the realm of the fantastic. There is, however, a point you cross that becomes TOO choreographed. This is what I felt from this movie. From the Echo Game at the beginning to the bamboo trap when Jin and Blind Daughter of Old Leader Number 1 are finally caught, it was all just TOO choreographed. It felt to me like read lines from a poor actor. The lines are simply said as learned. There is no making them real.

Related to the overuse of flying things and the choreography I come to the subject of "being unspectacular." You want the hero/heroes or whomever to do things that amaze you. Equally you want their antagonist to go just that extra distance to best the hero/heroes and astound you. "Oh no! However will beat ?!?" This is what makes them what they are. Let us use good old Vader again as our example. Darth V-nator rocks. He flips around and uses the force and messes people up left and right with his little old saber. Hell, he even shrugs off blaster fire with the palms of his hands. That's not too shabby. Now picture this. What if, in addition to Vader, everyone could do the same things? Han uses the force to hit Tie-Fighters with little effort. Luke uses the force to stop the trash compactor from crushing them, Leia uses the force to finish up her Danish-coif in her chambers, the ewoks whip out teensy lightsabers and beat the hell out of the storm troopers, C-3PO uses the force to clean jabba's palace...it would become QUITE vanilla. This is what happened in HOFD. Blind Daughter of Old Leader Number 1 could do pretty much anything combat-wise while dancing as well as using nothing but really long sleeves. Okay, cool. Jin was crazypowerfularrowmaster and a damn good flippity-flip-flip fighter as well. Okay groovy. Leo could bullseye dirt clumps on bamboos poles with daggers while blindfolded. Ummm..okay. The local law enforcement sent to apprehend them could jump around and fly up and down trees and do all sorts of other amazing things. Okay..okay...too much. EVERYONE was incredible in this movie. Everyone had access to amazing skills. When everyone can shoot beams out their eyes and fly through space, then shooting beams out your eyes and flying through space isn't so cool any longer. It becomes trite.

The redeeming quality of the film: Oh my god Takeshi Kaneshiro is so damn hot. I mean...DAMN. He is one of the sexiest men I've ever seen! What's funny is I thought he was hot as the model for Samanosuke in the Onimusha games, but he's five times sexier when not animated! Mmmmm. Three words for Takeshi. Se-eh-xy!

So, there you go. I was rather let down with a film I'd expected to totally want to own. And mind you, I would own it if there were some changes to it like maybe another scene with Takeshi in wet undies. Hey! That adds a lot to a film!

On a scale of 1 to 10...
Phred Phun Phactor: 3
Phred Phine Phactor: 14.6

Thursday, May 05, 2005

05.05.05: The number close to binary number of the next door neighbor of the beast's mailman.

Music at the moment: Black Eyed Peas - Don't Phunk With My Heart (Even spelled well!)

Okay so this sleeplessness thing is driving me batshit. It's not caffeine, I've cut that out almost completely. It's not really my schedule. I get tired early enough, but I just can't sleep. My mind just seems to keep going when I lie down ninety to nothing. Maybe I need one of those little noise machines that lulls me into a euphoric sleep with the sounds of the ocean crashing against the shoreline or the trickles of a babbling brook through a tropical forest. I'm just worried I'll piss myself in my sleep listening to that crap.

Music at the moment: The Bravery - An Honest Mistake (Superdiscount Mix)

I guess maybe it is the busy mind thing. The noggin's been packed with a lot more than usual lately admittedly: House repair limbo and the imminent hurricane season with NO fixes before hand, getting ready for our Disney World trip with the northern family once John comes home, worrying about the pet girl as she goes on her first business trip, Ritabobita's health, my family, friends having babies...what a jumble.

Yeah, the baby thing. Well this is my personal sounding board so I guess I'll use it. Mind you, if you're close to me and read this you know full well that not all entries are phast, safe, phamily phun so you've been warned, again.

I'm having a really hard time coming to terms with a friend who's health is volatile at best getting pregnant. What's more, this was less of an accident than we'd be expected to think. It was just a couple or so years ago that this friend commented that she wanted to have another child. Okay, okay. Let's make a list shall we?

1) Health.

Bottom line, this is irresponsible. It places the already ailing mother in danger and stacks the deck against the baby as well. I'm not prepared to lose a friend to some romanticized affirmation of womanhood or the fancy of the warm, snuggly "family environment" which barely exists in this situation as it is.

2) Parenthood

My friend works a LOT. She's a damn hard worker and spends a hell of a load of time in the office. In addition, she goes to school. All this to support herself, a 13 year old (Or is he 14 yet? I'm so bad with his age) and the deadbeat husband she's held onto for all these years despite his reluctance to ever hold a job or to act like a spouse. So now, having almost made it through the trials of raising the kid from the last wastoid on her own she jumps headlong into another child with yet another loser! Spock would be appaled at the lack of logic here. My friend is strong. But she isn't this strong. Something is going to give along the way and I'm worried for her. If this guy had ever acted like a husband or a father in any useful capacity other than being a warm body that was there so the kid wasn't alone I might feel an iota better about this. I don't however. Okay so, no job. Great, fine. Not a problem. Is he a house husband? No. Does he clean? Um..I can positively, absolutely guarantee that the answer to that is resoundingly negative. The only thing he seems good at is eating and holding a couch down. This worried me with the current kid, but he was already teenish when they got married. A new baby with him from the start terrifies me.

3) Time

As little time as my friend has now with her kid and herself a new baby introduced into the formula is just upsetting. I'd hate to think she'd lose her mind because she had no her time or the kid or baby felt neglected. All around it just doesn't seem good.

4) Finances

This goes along with the father that doesn't work as well as the singular income from a very hard-working woman. A baby is crazy expensive. Hell, a teenager is expensive too. Now she'll have both, including everything she needs as well as the monetary black hole that is the husband.

I've been trying to get happy about this and to be excited for her, but I simply can't get past all these issues. I'd wonder if it was simply me if most everyone else didn't feel the same way. I'm just very worried. I love my friend. She's one of the closest people to me and practically a sister. One never wants to see family go through something like this.

Oh wise and powerful Maya, please change into some useful form like a mouse or a bird or a groovy creature that breathes deadly gas and quickly bring me the guidance I need. Sometimes a little outside influence helps.


Music at the moment: Fischerspooner - We Need A War

So now the family thing.

I've been waffling on this family issue for a while now. It's funny, Mom and I have talked on many occasions about how we used to sit back and look at other people's families and say "Wow, they're really messed up. So glad our family is rather vanilla and utterly normal!" I guess the karma-go-round came back and bit us on the ass for that. In the last decade or so it's pretty much gone to hell in a rented limo with a wet bar.

For some time now I've wondered what exactly I should do. It helps to see that other people have wise words on similar situations (Not good that others are experiencing family drama). Recently a former friend (Former by her choice not mine. I still have fond memories of her and wish it were different.) blogged about the balance of the situation. Is it worth it? she asked. Pointing out that one starts to weigh support, shoulders to lean on, holidays with family and potential inheritances against peace of mind she really hit close to home. I mean IS it worth it??? I have no worries about my Mother. We have a great relationship and always have. My grandmother? Well, she flounders. One minute she's great and the next she pisses me off like you wouldn't believe with her treatment of family members, her favoritism of "the baby" and her general disdain for basic logic. There's my favorite aunt (Really I count her as the only aunt since the other has pretty much shit away any semblance of desire to actually be an aunt to me) whom I adore. Finally out of a terrible marriage for way too long and with a great guy, now she's being taken on a ride by her two-faced son. Like piece-of-shit father, like son apparently. And lastly we come to "The baby". The youngest sister of my mother. Pampered, coddled and spoiled utterly rotten. Holier-than-thou, socially inept, insecure and sheltered beyond belief. The sense of humor god gave a dead conservative nazi tasmanian devil and no desire to live or love beyond her own little MEMEME world. Thinking back about how she treated my fave aunt during the divorce, the convenience factor she exhibits when dealing with her father or what an asshole she's always been to me, there's no question here about my decision here. My main problem is why I have to come to such decisions. My family used to be pretty simple. Everyone got along and holidays were great. That's been dead for a while now. It's a damn shame that I count my Mother and Step-Father, My aunt and her husband, my northern family and my close friends more as family than the rest. I hate these situations. It always makes me ask:


I much prefer the phun blogs.

Music at the moment: Mariah Carey - We Belong Together

Well it's almost time to go out to dinner with busetta head and the Georgiffer. So I'll just shoot out a quick review of movies watched over the past couple of days.

Bad Education - Gael Garcia Yum-Yum Bernal

Excellent film. I like the layers of the film and the flow. Strongly suggest it. Did I mention Gael Garcia Bernal is in it? Did I mention he walks around in wet see-through undies? Really though, the story is rather intense and has some nice structure. Did I mention the wet see-through undies?


Elecktra - who cares

Crap. Well except for..no, that's crap. Crappity crap crap crapioso crapnoxious crapnicity with a craptitutde for crapricious crapillification. Though it IS better than Catwoman. Jennifer Garner is pretty. No wet undies in this one.

Okay off to eat dinner now. Oh yeah...

Happy Cinco De Maya!!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Back into the closet

Mom sent me an email today telling me how excited she was about December 9th and the release of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. I've wanted this movie for a couple of decades now, but never thought it would actually see the light of day. Sure there's the BBC mini-series and all, but I wanted to see it HUGE. Seeing what was done with The Lord of the Rings concreted my desire to see it happen. How great that the design team from LOTR felt the same way. I couldn't be happier that one of my favorite actresses, Tilda Swinton, will be The White Witch, who was actually my favorite character in the book. Well, she's tied with Mister Tumnus who'll be played by the quite sexy James McAvoy. And yay for Dawn French as the voice of Mrs. Beaver!!As excited as I am about seeing it I think I'm actually more excited about seeing it with my mother. One of my fondest childhood memories is lying on her lap as she sat in the chair in our den on Bartow Avenue each evening and listening to her read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Nothing got better than that.

Well, we *knew* it was coming...

We've only been waiting for it for a few years now and I've been truly shocked that it didn't make it here sooner. Still at least half a year until the beta starts, but finally 2006 will see the beginning of the highly questionable ride into the Star Trek MMORPG. Considering the direction of the franchise I'm concerned about this game boldly going were every crap writer has gone before and continuing to nail the coffin lid down tighter on poor Gene. I guess we'll see. Setting is tentatively right after STTNG: Nemesis and thus far seven player races are slated at launch: Humans, Vulcans, Klingons, Bajorans, Trill, Andorians and Bolians. At least I have Andorians and Vulcans to play and maybe even Bolians. I abhor humans in any game for the most part and Klingons used to be one of my favorite races until the onset of Braga and the Next generation that utterly ruined them by making them all Kiss Army rejects with gnarled maws and crimped hair. Warriors shithead, not savages in dresses. Come on guys, can't we do a game set in the original series movie era? I want to wear a Maroon Monster and be on an Excelsior class with Sulu! Oh yeah and Klingons rocked then! We'll see, we'll see. We'll all be there with beta bells on.