>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Friday, February 29, 2008

Belated Birthday Bonanza

So John told me to go and buy myself something I wanted for my birthday since I was between a few things I wanted. I couldn't tell him exactly what I wanted and kept waffling, so he gave me carte blanche. I never actually bought myself anything. A Bose iPod docking station? A cassette to MP3 digital component? Those are only two among many, yet I still never could decide.

Finally though I spurged on my music collection. I didn't expect to, but there were a few CDs I've never been able to find on eBay before so I couldn't resist the bid to win. I did make out with some of the ones I really wanted, though not all. The original Ta mara and the Seen CD went for 170 dollars. I have it on vinyl, so I wasn't about to shell out that much. The ones I did get are pictured below. All-in-all got some rare jewels that I've never owned or had to replace after the shattered-window-in-San-Antonio-CDs-stolen incident.

Monday, February 25, 2008

An Unexpected Surprise

So, I was floored today when I checked my grades for our mid-term project in Sequential Art and Visual Narrative. My teacher is picky and by picky I mean a perfectionist. I adore this guy truth be known. He was my 3D Modeling teacher and he pushed me hard in that class, but in a good way. A way that really helped me. Well this class hasn't been any change. He still nickels and dimes me to death with particulars an makes me work for my grade. I was dreading how much he was going to dock me on my mid-term storyboard project when, at logging in, I found he had given me a perfect score. That wasn't the exciting part though. Here's what he said:

Phred: Here's how the Week 5 Assignment was graded: Two parts to the assignment, 65 points each. First of all, Dang... These are just super, Phred. Just from a cursory look at them, they meet the required elements, but...

Storyboards: First of all, I look at whether the shot list and the storyboards are consistent. Yours are. Second, I looked at the sketches to evaluate whether they convey the action of the shot. Perfect... No problems. Third, I look at whether your boards include an additional area per illustration for a bit of descriptive detail on what is going on in the shot. You do this, and the needed information is there and neatly typed. GREAT. Fourth, I consider the design of the boards-- are they neatly drawn, sequentially numbered, and well labeled? In a word, AWESOME. They are so well drawn. This is exactly what you need in a storyboard, and I will be using yours (If you don't mind) as examples for this assignment in the course shell. NICE WORK!

Your boards are the best in the class. Your art is detailed and rich. Great work as always, Phred. You continue to set the bar in whatever class I have you in. -Mr. C

So, wow. I was blown away that they're going to use my stoyboards as the project example for the future classes in the program. I really never expected that.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dance Effect

Anyone who's played Mass Effect will appreciate this video.

IGN Mass Effect Video

Monday, February 11, 2008

It's A Good Day

So late last night (early this morning) as I drifted off I watched as the highlights of the Grammy awards were discussed on some news channel. Myshe and I had watched the Reader's Digest condensed version of the show last night after it recorded (Damn Tina you go!) and I was very happy to see Amy Winehouse win three awards. However, it wasn't until today that Myshe e-mailed me letting me know she won a total of five. Yay! All the loony music broads are making decent music recently. I was glad to see too that Prince won another Grammy for Male R&B Vocal Performance. That's like three years in a row now I think.

Not only did Myshe send word of Prince's win and Amy's sweep, but she sent this as well:

From: Myshe

Suck it Statesman

Great News

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Awwwwww Yeah Baby! By Crom, It's Awn

Age of Conan

February 10th. A short, but sweet technical beta. In like Flynn baby!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

OMGWTFBBQ! w311 t34r ur 50u1 4p4r7!!1

So I've waited.

And waited.

And waited still.

But never did it look like I'd actually see my all-time favorite author's best book series make it to film.

Until now.

I can't say how I very nearly peed my seat while at the computer. Interested in monitoring the progress on my next anticipated Clive Barker movie fix "Midnight Meat Train" (Trailer embedded at bottom) and the production on more movies from some of my favorite barker stories "Pig Blood Blues", "Dread", and "Age of Desire" I ran across this fantastic and jaw-dropping tidbit that somewhoe flew under my radar. At last, a series of films made from my absolute favorite series of Clive's that even starts with the correct story. Hallelujah!

Book of Blood

"Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red."

Midnight Meat Train Trailer