>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Friday, January 21, 2005

More fun with conformity

Yet another blog filler. Where do people get these things? Oh well...

A-Accent: I'm told I don't have one for being where we're from. For this I'm glad.

B-Breast Size: I like 'em big, juicy and usually stuffed with cheeses and an herbed sauce of some sort. Though the pistachio stuffed chicken breasts I had were great as well!

C-Chore you hate: Paying bills

D-Dad's Nick Name: You know..I have no idea on either one of them.

E-Essential Make-Up Item: Q-tips

F-Favorite Cologne: DKMen, alas it is no longer made so I'm rationing. I do like Mont Blanc and Burberry Brit though.

G-Gold or Silver: Silver preferred... platinum to be exact. (100% with you on this one Pete)

H-Hometown: Home is where the heart is and my heart sure as hell isn't in the south.

I-Insomnia: Frequently

J-Job Title: House Husband, balancer of finances, torturer of cats.

K-Kids: Children are the light of the future. Simply douse in gasoline and apply lit match.

L-Living Arrangements: The Husband, the pet girl and two fuzzy red walking carpets.

M-Mom's Birthplace: Brewton, AL I think

N-Number of Apples eaten: Well someone couldn't come up with a decent question for this one huh? That's just dense. Let's try something more like:

N-Night or Day: Night definitely! I'm more efficient and focused during the evening.

O-Overnight Hospital Stays: 1? The time I had the measles when just a few weeks old. I can't remember any others.

P-Phobia: Losing the use of my hands, legs, eyes, ears...I depend on them too much

Q-Question you'd like answered: How do people that are so two-faced live with themselves? Oh oh..and why are so many damn "bears" total assholes? (That includes the female bears as well and yes, they exist.)

R-Religious Affiliation: The Church of Logic

S-Siblings: Half brother and sister.

T-Time you woke up: 9:12

U-Unnatural Hair Colors you've worn: Red, green, purple, blue-black

V-Vegetable you refuse to eat: Beets

W-Worst Habit: Honesty

X-Xray: Hell if I know. Again, another reach for the letter X. I mean why not ask something like "Xylophone or Harpsichord?"

Y-Yummy Foods you Make: Just one? Hmmm. I'll go with my Rosemary herbed turkey in apricot glaze.

Z-Zodiac Sign: Aquarius and yes I've heard all the "Aqueerius" jokes.

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