>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Saturday, September 30, 2006


a huge


to Linwood!

Wish you were nearby so we could take you out!

Craft on crafta'

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Music at the Moment: The sound of my stress-filled weeping

New nephew Tyler. Cuter than shit. That is all.

Music at the Moment: Kitty Quacking

197 today. Yay. Too tired to really get excited.

Friday, September 22, 2006

I Passed Go And Collected 100 Dollars!

So I went to see Jenn up at the Circle K and to grab a cup of coffee today. Hanging around chatting with her, I decided to throw 8 bucks away on scratch-off cards. Mind you, this is like my second time ever buying these things. I think the last time was 1832. I absent-mindedly cleared the little windows and saw that I'd won a ticket. I was excited! It's rare I win anything you see. So I collected my other ticket and summarily won 100 dollars. Yay me!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

28 years Sexy!

to my favoritist man in the whole wide world!
I love you more than I can ever express John!!

And yes Sarah, his ass still won't quit.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Dirty Phun!

Play this quick little interactive game. Dirty Dirty Dirty! *ecstatic giggle*

The House

Continuing Progress

Music at the Moment: Morris Brown - Outkast


This is great! I'm thinking of keeping this tapeworm and naming him George. I will squeeze him and pet him...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Time To Go WABAC

I awoke in agony with nothing to look forward to other than continuing the wailing, life-draining abomination that is my Animation final. Have I mentioned how much I hate animation? Anyhow, I was greeted with an uplifting bit of news that helped make my day a lot shinier thanks to Myshe.

There was hardly a morning I didn't watch The Rocky & Bullwinkle show while getting ready for school. Personally I abhored Rocky and Bullwinkle, but I lived for Aesop and Son, Fractured Fairytales and my favorite: Peabody's Improbably History.

Dreamworks has a chance to treat a childhood favorite of mine with respect now. I PRAY it doesn't go the way of Dudley Do-Right or The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle.

Peabody's Improbably History

Thursday, September 14, 2006

From Morning Chai to Mourning Chai

Music at the Moment: The Raconteurs - Steady As She Goes

So, I've come to the tear-filled and sorrow-laden conclusion that my chai latte addiction is not conducive to weight loss. So, after much deliberation and soul-searching I've come to the decision to bid farewell to chai until I am to my ideal weight. I shall simply have to find a suitable substitute in the meantime. Perhaps I'll fill the chai void with crack, smoking, cutting and random piercings, but it just won't be the same. Damn thee Sarah and Jane. I am a slave to the chai.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering 911

Music at the Moment: Psapp - Hi

I remember 911 is that emergency number you have to call if your roomie lops off an arm or if there are 6 masked men with guns standing in your foyer looking at you as you turn on the light in search of a midnight drink of water.

Also, 911 is eerily mystical in nature. 9+1+1=11! And then if you add 1 and 1 you get 2 which added to 9 is 11!!! Consider also that if you add 911 to itself you get 1822. In November 1822, Luis Arguello became the first governor of California under Mexican rule! Luis! Louis! Louis Cypher! Lucifer! Even more uncanny is that the same trick with Lucifer's name was used in the 1987 movie Angel Heart which I must have seen 911 times!!

Further, 9 sounds like Nein which is German for No. 1 is also one that can represent a person. 1 is also won which is the past tense for being victorious or succeeding in a competition. Do you realize that this, loosely translated, means "No one won!?"

I'm fairly certain Kitty weighs 911 pounds.

When I was 9 I had a crush on an 11 year old. Together, he and I witnessed two 1-year-olds beat up a 9 year old. We tried to stop them by hurling the bricks we were playing with at them. I must have thrown 9 of those things, but my friend only threw 2 and hit each one of them squarely on the head. One of them had to have 526 stitches while the other had 385. That adds up to 911 stitches!

I had a breakfast bar this morning that was 90 calories. I remember having thought to myself, wow I could eat 11 of these. Gasp! Coincidence?

So, remember that the numbers 911 are very mysterious and you should always remember to never forget that it's good to always remember not forgetting to not forget what you should always remember to always never forget.

As I head out to my car adorned with it's 1,456 different "I support" ribbons, my Choose Life tag and my 50 or so ingeniously witty flag stickers, I shall get in and head proudly to Starbucks to order my Chai Latte which most likely has 911 calories per venti all while cursing liberals and talking on my cell phone.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Weight Plateau Destruction: "Fatality!"

Music at the Moment: Goldfrapp - Strict Machine

Welcome to 200! Finally I broke through that damn 206ish barrier that would not let me pass. Come Christmas and the great initial meeting of the mother-in-law entity I shall be Gorgeulicioufabulantastic!

Maybe my TRIMminent thin godliness is already visible? The really cute, short, blond contractor that was here for our replumb said I was a liar when i told him I was 36. He said I was no older than 25-26 tops. He's now tied up in the room and I'll be marrying him next week.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Heroes Are Hard Work

Music at the Moment: The Silence of late night and sleeping cats

So was anyone surprised that Feedback won Who Wants To Be Stan Lee's Next Tool? We sort of all knew it from day one. He deserved it, but I missed Major Victory. Stan Lee is a total dimwit. Some of those "challenges" were rridiculous and let's not even go into the constant contradiction of criteria to win challenges Stan would vomit forth with each episode. Le sigh.

School has been a pain in the ais this week and I just finished my first and most involved assignment this week. This one was for Digital Illustration. We had to take a photo of a relative, a friend or ourselves and make a superhero comic cover from it. Yay you say? I did too, until I slaved over it. What a headache. At least it's done. I used the only real hero in my life as my subject...my hubby. I love you John!

When an enthusiastic field reporter and avid storm chaser happens onto the site of a secret weather controlling experiment gone awry, little does he know that he is about to become his next big story...