Music at the Moment: Black Eyed Peas - Pump It
Sinuses like stone
Cats are playing at my feet
Man, Kittums is fat
*Necessary addition*
Music at the Moment: Spoon - The Way We Get By
Mortgage companies
are evil and keep your cash
Storms should hit them too
*further addition*
Music at the Moment: Prince - Black Sweat
New Prince is drug-like
March 21st is too far
I need my fix now
Three Haikus today?
Someone is muy talented
and his name is Phred.
My last comment rocked
It posted at three nineteen
that's a Prince song too
Wow dude, you so rock
Your comments were all haikus
That's why we're best friends
So a Mexican
Is your best friend of all time
This explains alot
His only purpose
is to get on my last nerve
I dub it's name: Pete
You both are evil
TAB is not a healthy drink
and "broughten" is wrong
Evil is as evil does
I've never understood that
But it just felt right
You ruined it Pete!
Five, seven, five syllables
for decent Haiku
Ugh, I messed up bad
Evil has two syllables
Short words should have one
Much better my friend!
You've redeemed yourself mister
don't screw up again
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