>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Monday, July 25, 2005

Stupid People Give Me Migraines

Music at the moment: Rock 'n' Roll Soldiers - Funny Little Feeling

Well, my weekend was shit. Yay. We didn't go see Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (Henceforth referred to as "That molestation movie") because Bryan's nephew Austin didn't make it down here for birthday fun.

Austin, a great guy and fellow video game afficianado, was going to be coming down with Bryan Saturday afternoon for "That molestation movie" and then Sushi at Fuji's for his 16th. His "mother" (I use the term loosely since Hitler would have made a better mother) had planned to do whatever she was going to do for his birthday either Friday night or Saturday morning/noonish.

So Bryan heads down to pick up Austin and calls later to say that he's headed back alone in tears. I'm like what the???

Apparently Ingrid (henceforth referred to by many other more colorful names) thought differently of the situation. The douche bag, who for so long has been sweet and supportive of John and I and had some incredibly kind and meaningful words for me at their father's viewing suddenly decides to tell Bryan she doesn't want Austin hanging out with "The gays". She kept on repeatedly refusing to allow him to come down and be around "all Bryan's homosexual friends". Bryan tallied for her the hordes of gay friends he has down here that he sees: Me and John. He detailed how Myshe, Josh, heather, Jennifer and George are all breeders, but that did little to fix anything in Frieda Fuckup's little mind. On and on about not condoning that life and not wanting Austin around it (Even though he's hung around us plenty of times before with her consent and even came down here for Bryan and my mother's birthday bash), how she doesn't want him to come down here and drink (when her live-in boyfriend drinks more than our household combined on a daily basis) and how she doesn't want him coming down to see "That molestation movie" (Apparently that one came straight from her ass because I can't even begin to explain that one other than possibly saying: Um..IG-NO-RANT Redneck).

Then, after further details from Bryan later it came to my attention that we were most likely a means to an end and a convenient excuse to save her from looking like a shitty mother (You failed asshole). Apparently she'd done nothing Friday night and had been to lazy or intelligent to do anything Saturday morning as was planned. In fact, she was out picking up his birthday cake when bryan arrived there that afternoon. Nothing like waiting until the last minute and then using others to mask your incompetence.

There's a hell of a lot more to it, but I won't go into it. Suffice it to say she is a total wastoid cunt. That's right, I said it. Wastoid. She's a sad woman with mental issues who's mood and intelligence flounders like a fish on the beach. She has no business having kids and is too irresponsible to act as she should. She shits on her mother and did the same to her father when he was here.

So all that and apparently she never did anything for his birthday. Austin sat at Bryan's house all night for his birthday so Bitterella could "win".

Well Ingrid, you won the battle. But when your kids leave your sorry ass at the stroke of 18 and your family and friends drop you like the damaged goods you are rather than be repeatedly burned, you'll realize what a fuck up you are. Enjoy! I know I will.

Side note: As for anyone else in our lives that can't get over whatever problems you have with John and I, let me put it to you simply:

We do not need you. We do not need your ignorance. We do not need your conditional love. We do not need your presence. We will have a wonderful life with you or without you. It's your job to move past your own ridiculous issues, not ours to crusade for your evolution.

There it is.

You might wonder how things would work differently were this involving someone else:

Maya would have just used her molecular transformation to become some respected doctor, had Ingrid committed and the kids turned over to Lilia so they could have a good life. Problem solved. Because Maya rolls like that.


SDCrawford said...

I love both you and that man you love. Hi to you both. I thought of you on Sunday as I scoured our house of wild spiders. Those crazy arachnids love mi casa!

PHRED said...

Thank you Miss Sarah. And we love you and that woman you love! I think of you every day with my Chai fix ;-)

Bryan Kurz Photography said...
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