The Channel 4 Gay-O-Meter has calculated that Phred is 40 percent gay! Find out just how gay you are with the Channel 4 Gay-O-Meter!
Wow...only 40%?! Is that good or bad? Should I feel proud that I'm not nelly or ashamed that I might get my gay card taken away? Great! Now I'm confused. Isn't that what got me here to begin with?
It turns out John is 43% gay. He is "A happy and well-adjusted homo guy" according to his assessment.
I rated 43% under hetero. It said about the same thing as it did for John.
BTW, I got your phonecall this morning as I got in the car and realized I left my phone in there. If you get this message before 1pm EST, go ahead and attatch a message to my most recent blog. I can't read my yahoo email at work, but I can read my blog as well as reply to them.
56% Here, happy well adjusted hetero girl...if only they knew!
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