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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

You're A Good Man Charlie Brown

Well, the last week plus has left all of us here a bit emotionally drained. I haven't had the time nor the inclination to blog between recent events, John's imminent departure and not feeling well. Hopefully soon everyone will be closer to their old selves and a little more at ease.

Last tuesday, the 22nd, we lost a very dear friend. Bryan's father, Charlie Brown passed away in his sleep. Bryan's mother found him and immediately woke Bryan who took charge of the situation. I've always admired Bryan for his ability to enter into a situation and do what was needed while putting his hysterics on the back burner. I think he was the sole reason everything from beginning to end ran smoothly. Undoubtedly he had help, but Bryan kept it together.

By the time we got there that evening most Bryan's mother's church had cleared out and only Bryan, his mother Lilia, sister Ingrid and boyfriend Jeremy, Ingrid's kids Austin and Christine and two friends of Lilia's Migdalia and Luz remained. All day long the family had been surrounded by support from Lilia's church and friends. I was glad for Bryan and his family that he did have that immediate and close by care.

Charlie was always a funny guy. Anytime I'd arrive he'd greet me with a handshake and a hug and a big smile. In addition, the first thing out of his mouth after the customary greeting was the most recent batch of dirty jokes he'd encountered. He'd tell them in his measured fashion and when the punchline hit he'd laugh right along with us as if he'd heard it for the first time.

Charlie had a big heart and a lot of love. Despite his military background and generational upbringing, Charlie always extended his hand to me. Never in all the time I've known Bryan has Charlie ever acted awkward toward me or kept me at a distance. And later, when John came into the picture, Charlie greeted him as if he was genuinely my mate. Charlie didn't care. He treated us like people and loved us like a couple. That is a man at peace with himself and others. The ones that can't accept or won't accept or don't acknowledge the realtionship between two men or two women are inadequate themselves. It isn't a defficiency on our part.

Charlie was patriotic. Admittedly I don't like this country for the most part. The government is crooked and the people self-centered. But Charlie had enougb love in his heart for me and anyone else who didn't believe in it. A military veteran, Charlie always supported the country and its people. I think he sincerely felt that one day a nobler country would emerge from the ashes of a distraught one.

Charlie is and always will be a good man. I'm glad he isn't in pain any longer. I'm glad I had the chance to know him and to love him. I'm glad he had the family he did and I'm glad they had him. I'm also glad he helped to protect me and my country.

Thank you Charlie for being a friend and showing us the respect and love others can't afford.

I won't say goodbye Mister Charlie. I'll just use the words you did every time we left your house...

"Bueno pues, you take care now"

Charles Eldon Brown

October 11th, 1932
February 22nd, 2005

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