>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Friday, February 11, 2005

Back in Phlorida

Getting back into the swing of things here at home once again after a lovely trip to DC/New Jersey. It was so delightfully cool up there, but not as cold as i would have liked it to be. There was still, however, copious amounts of snow on the ground and everywhere else which lent to the "winter wonderland" flavor.

It was good to see Ron and to hang out. We hit a few great restaurants during my stay. Lista's Mexican was fabulous and Joss Sushi was even better. What a treat it was to try out each and every Starbucks we could find and discover that all of them pay attention to instructions quite well. My chai was just like at my home base Starbucks thank heavens! There'd have been some picking off coffee shop employees from a bell tower otherwise. (I've graduated to Soy Chai Lattes with no water now Sarah! Mmmm)

Sunday Ron and I travelled to Joisey to stay with my family. My sister Tara's new game room addition was all set up for a large superbowl party and ready for entertainment. The new wing looks great! Electronic dart board, wet bar with the proper amount of scarface/sports memorabilia on the walls (Say hello to my little friend), lots and lots of hardwood floor space. Electronic ball dunking game with net thingy (so I don't know what to call it...you all know what it is), fireplace, beverage vending machine and last, the most important focal point of the game room..the giant 72" TV. Superbowl heaven. Accompanying was a side table with various pasta salads, mussels, hot cherry pepper poppers with provolone and proscuitto, rolls and hot wings from the Picalilly (Heaven I tell you. The Pic is the best!). All of this topped off by a large roast pig that, despite the glazed look in his eyes, seemed to be enjoying himself. Almost all the ingredients needed for a rip-roaring time. Just throw in eager men or lesbians, add liquor and shake. Yay.

However, the party was quite the success. Ron, my Jersey Mom Georgene, Tara, sister-in-law Barb, myself and the babies watched the game in the living room. We were in it mostly for the family time and the commercials.....which SUCKED MULE ASS! I'd always heard that superbowl commercials were the pinnacle of all ads. It's what little baby commercials aspired to be when they grew up. Well apparently that is no longer so. We sat there and watched them, faces unmoving, pinks untickled as we waded through crap commercial after abysmally crap commercial. I actually became somewhat interested in the game at this point and the sisters began to answer my questions. I educated myself on downs (not the pillow kind) and quarters (not the drinking game) and yards (not the ones with grass) and slowly began to understand the concept of american football. Interesting. Not overwhelmingly addictive and, quite honestly, still boring, but interesting. It was more fun to watch Barb and Tara talk about the score and what the numbers needed to be so they'd win their pool. Barb ended up winning 250 dollars since the patriots were tied 7 to 7 at the end of the first quarter. Then suddenly, we were treated to the only delight during the entire game! And no, I'm not talking about Paul McCartney with the skin of his face stretched so far back so many times that eventually he'll wear his puic area as a beard, I'm talking about the Ameriquest commercial Cat Killer! (Under Ameriquest Mortgage Company) We all nearly peed ourselves laughing over this one. That alone was worth it and undeniably crowned Ameriquest the King of the Superbowl Ads.

The next day my brother Raymond, Tara, Barb, Ron and I went for lunch at the Picalilly. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I say. Creamy Crab soup and spicy hot tenders was what I had as well as a piece of crab bread. DAMN I love that place. After eating, Ron and I went back to Raymond and Barb's house and sat around visitng. It was really nice to spend time with them and every time I do I realize how much I miss being around them. Cue soft sappy music. It's true though. I think being able to be a part of my brother and sister's lives is a lot more important to me than I ever thought. It's probably also the reason I'm leaning towards Cue dramatic musical swell moving to that area. It's no secret that John and I don't want to stay here in this go awful state, let alone in the south. And while Jersey isn't bad, it will probably be Maryland that we settle on.

Anyhow, after time at Raymond and Barbs we headed to eat dinner at Tara's and the whole family sat down for belated/early birthday cake for Georgene, myself and Ray (The father, not brother). Yummy cake, and lots of birthday presents in the form of pictures of my nieces! Yay! The prospect of being able to watch them grow up is nice too. I hate kids, but these two are making me soft.

Ron and I came back monday night and Ron played City of Heroes on his laptop to see how it would run. Apparently it ran just fine as the I.V. stayed in his arm until 4 am and only came out with the promise of purchaing the game the next day. Yay! Another one hooked!

Tuesday we went to my favorite mall there, Arundel Mills and picked up his game. We grabbed a bit to eat and waited for James to meet us for a movie. The Boogeyman was terrifying! Let me expound. It was terrifying to me that I would spend 6.25 (Matinee price even) on such a piece of shit without having a gun held to my head. Ah well, you do crazy things on vacation huh?

So then the next day we gathered my things and headed to BWI for my trip home. Subway and a chai on the way to the airport was a nice send off, but i found myself missing Ron as soon as he left. It'll be nice to live near him again.

Pre Trip Stuff

I hadn't blogged about my birthday much and wanted to point out the best present i got. Mind you I adore everything I got, but one present was certainly the most personal. Thank you Mom and dad!

Mom and I used to watch a movie called Trilogy of Terror when I was little. It scared the hell out of us every time. One particular story in it called Amelia was our favorite. A sad Karen Black whose mother is an annoying nag and her life is in need of a little excitment. Well she gets it in the form of a little zuni fetish she biys for her boyfriend. The protective gold chain that keeps the fetish's warrior spirit in check comes off and much fun ensues! Well, mother found me the zuni fetish and I about died when i saw it. he's soooooo cute! We look back at that movie and just laugh each time we see it. Thanks Mom!!!!!!!!!

Zuni Fetish - I love him!!

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