>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Monday, November 01, 2004

Of Treats, Tricks and Halloween Hullabaloo

So, Halloween. It wasn't as bad as I'd expected it to be thankfully. I'd fully anticipated being in a slump because it was the first Halloween John was going to be home in a few years and then that was dashed against the rocks like some unwanted child before we knew it had happened. Luckily I filled the time with movies, games and friends. I still missed my John though :(

Halloween Highlights

Keep this nectar of the gods flowing and everything can be made enjoyable. Curse you Sarah for this addiction! I would have gotten away from it if it hadn't been for you and those meddling dogs! *cue canned laughter and closing credits music while the Mystery Machine drives off into the sunset*

New Sandwich @ Starbucks
This may not seem like a highlight to most but we eat there on a regular basis. (It's the Chai addiction and availability of literature). The have a new (limited time *weep*) honey turkey, cheddar, mozzarella and cranberry sauce on honey oat bread. DAMN. This is really good. It's like a Monte Cristo only not deep fried. I'm all over it until extinction.

City of Heroes Hijinks
You can read about this at the Phone Booth if you want. Neat pictures included!
Phred Phun Phactor: 7 out of 10

Late Night Bowling/Drinking/Eating/Debauchery
We were invited by our UPS Store friends to a charity party at the local bowling alley. The party was set up to help a local girl make it to the national cheerleading competition. Having had an ex who was a fervent cheerleader I understand the passion of wanting to go to this event, so it was a good cause. The food was yummy, the drinks were tasty, the shots were potent and the company was fun. I got a strike and 2 spares which is a record for me being that when it comes to bowling, unlike my champion brother, I suxx0r.
Phred Phun Phactor: 6 out of 10

I must reiterate my love for this liquid crack

We went to see Saw which we'd been waiting for forever. I was hesitant to go see another movie on a sunday since the previous Sunday we'd gone to see The Grudge and could barely enjoy the movie from A) The chorus of constant cell phone rings and usage and B) the apparent school-outing around us. I swear there was a busload of unattended, 13 year olds running about and laughing. Parents, either go to the movies with your pro-abortion example or rent them DVDs and keep their asses at home.

...anyhow, we lucked out and were three of the seven people in the theater. Yay! Thank heavens for hangovers and late sleepers. Saw was an entertaining film, but riddled with problems. It was somewhat fresh and fun, but really didn't meet the expectations I'd had. The funniest thing about it was the fact that not 2 minutes into the movie I'd leaned over to Myshe and sort of detailed what was going to happen without knowing I was right on the money. In the last couple of minutes in the movie where we should have been gasping wide-eyed, Myshe and I couldn't help but laugh because of my outline earlier. Surprisingly, despite everything I'd heard to the contrary, this movie is not that gorey. It really didn't have anything frightfully graphic in it at all besides a decent amount of blood which was usually on the floor, wall, door, etc. instead of spurting from an artery. I did, however, dislike the high-speed segments. While this sort of shot can enhance the disturbing nature of a scene (A la Tool videos) it really detracted from the scenes in this movie. All-in-all it was well worth the watch.
Phred Phun Phactor: 5 out of 10

Back to The Grudge since I never really got to blog about it, the movie was good. Good in an "ehh..it was good." way and not in a "WOW! That was some GOOOOOD shit!" way. As in all Japanese to American horror migrations it changes a good bit. The plus to that is that the story becomes a little less convoluted. Japanese storylines are notoriously out there and loopy and a lot of times hard to follow simply because you're just supposed to accept it and move on. American audiences find this hard to do because of lack of imagination, attention deficit, or even sheer laziness. The downside to Americanization of these films is the commerical/vanilla factor. Groovy things from the original film get processed into more formulaic versions to be spoonfed to the audiences here. It can really destroy a movie.

As I said though, The Grudge was good. We enjoyed it as much as we could with the cacaphony of hell-spawn children and cell phones and any chance to watch Jason Behr on film is an A+ in my book. Then there's Sarah Michelle Gellar. Graduate from the Kathy Ireland school of Acting, this rather unattractive woman has one expression. "Confused Chihuahua." They really needed someone else in the film.
Phred Phun Phactor: 3 out of 10

A decent attempt at a migration movie but not toally blown away. If you want to see some really good asian horror check out these that we really liked (But be ready to push suspension of disbelief to new limits)

Tell Me Something director Yoon-Hyun Chang (Bryan and I love this movie)
Audition director Takashi Miike (Probably one of my favorite horror films to date..kiti kiti kiti kiti kiti)
The Isle director Kim Ki-Duk (This is one messed up Korean movie, though allegorically a love story)
The Eye director Oxide Pang Chun, Danny Pang

Other Foreign Horror worth watching:

Anatomie (Franka Potente stars. I Adore this woman. She's great in everything: Lola rennt (Run Lola Run), Der Krieger und die Kaiserin (The Princess and the Warrior)
Promenons-nous dans les bois (Deep in the Woods)

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