>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The panhandle continues to slowly lift its head from the aftermath and life goes on. Still no adjuster. I'm sure it will take some time considering the amount of damage done to all the businesses and homes. C'est la vie. When one chooses to live on the coast, one must accept nature's tantrums. The saddest part of "our" damage is the loss of my tree. The one I'd look at out our sliding glass doors and just drift. I'd looked forward to staring at it before school in jan uary when I start. I'm pondering planting another. I just don't know what it was.

Onto other subjects...

I'm more than a little irritated over John's birthday. I took into consideration that it took place only a few days after Ivan, but by now calls, cards or whatnot should have already made it to him expressing birthday joy and congratulations. He received absolutely nothing. We had a candlelight cake-munching/present-opening event on the actual day here in the slightly warm house and when businesses were open again we went for sushi and so John could get his birthday hashi. I'm a strong believer in celebrating the ones you care about on the day they were born. Frankly, birthdays are the most important holiday to me and it offends me when someone can't even pick up the damn phone or shoot off a lazy e-card. It just tells me that people are self-centered even moreso than expected and while it's fine to receive, giving is way too much of a hassle.

*topic switch*

The Sims 2 rocks. Beyond playing other characters, I'm engrossed in a "Save the Aliens" project. I'll let you know how it goes. Hmm maybe I should follow the example of a former friend and set up a separate blog for City of Heroes and Sims 2. I know Sims has its own blog so that would be easy. We'll see.

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