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Friday, October 01, 2004

"Frank Herbert doesn't know the meaning of Dune, but at least Pensacola doesn't have giant worms" - A Post Ivan Blog

Music At The Moment and VERY loud: Kierra Sheard - "You Don't Know"

Okay, quick summary as I'm in no mood to blog and have too many other things to do. We're back obviously. We were without power for about a week. Cable came up a couple days later. Water is now drinkable.

Fence pretty much gone.
Part siding/insulation on tallest eave of roof gone; tarped and awaiting repair.
Punctures in siding of house rear.
Exterior pane of storm window shattered. Interior intact. Thank you!
Trees, trees and more trees down.
Piles of debris prepared for the eternal cleaning.

We got away very lucky. Scenic highway is a once beautiful route along the bay reduced to something from a stage production in a local theatre...Houses look fine from the front for the most part, but lack insides or backs like prop scenery or painted scrims. It's rather surreal.

Music At The Moment: The Killers - "Somebody Told Me"

Thank You:
Bless you power workers from various states and Canada. You deserve that 1,000 dollars a day. Hell, I'd give you 5K a day if I were running it.
Neighbors for coming together for the most part. At least our immediate next doors and a couple others like the marine God two doors down with the big blue eyes, incredible smile and body by greek deities.
The Military for the comfort stations, ice, water, and yummy MREs. Those things are really good.
My dad and Uncle randy for bringing us food and water when we were running low. They'd been working non-stop on the beachevery day since they're the law, but they came to make sure we were good.
For our family and friends that helped us or checked on us: Heather for a place to stay during evac. Lisa and Sam for worrying about us. We miss you two so much! My northern italian blood for trying to constantly keep in touch with me to make sure we were all safe. I love yous guys! My Mom and Grandmother for weathering the storm and making despite deciding to stay. Grrr. Pete, Josh, Rita, Ron - You guys are real friends and I cherish you deeply. Thank you for having one face.
Kittums for being so wonderful on the evacuation trip. You really impressed me you behemoth.
The Bill/Credit Card companies for being understanding and bending over backward to help everyone in this area out.
My hubby for staying safe and loving me.

Fuck You:
Generator Mongers and their price-gouging asses.
Firestone on Davis Highway in front of the mall. Return day from evac - 175 dollars for a "car battery that was hard to get because even walmart was out of them." Went to walmart right after, they had 8 batteries for our car. I've already spoken to Firestone corporate and they'll be investigating for potential gouging and we might just sue.
Rude white trash that cuts in front of people in the very long comfort station lines.
Rude Rougenecks® (Those are the local vermin that are simply white trash with money) that feel they deserve power before other people or quicker service because their manure business took off and they swim in that green paper with those alien number things printed on the corners.
Julio for being such a little penis head on the evacuation trip. Why do you emulate everything else Kitty does except behave???
Ivan for ruining our trip to Seattle in which we could have: Visited Rita, gone to neat places, seen Scissor Sisters live and attended a Clive Barker book signing. Bitch storm.

Music At The Moment: Toby Lightman - "Devils & Angels"

Wow. I guess I did have some desire to blog. Maybe it's more of as trance-like state and just spills from my fingertips like those channelers spouting woes and demands from beyond the grave. Later.

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