>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


WARNING: This entry might contain spoilers. For those who intend on watching Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars but have not, continue at your own risk.

Well...I really had been excited about The Peacekeeper Wars. I looked forward to seeing a conclusion to the show I'd come to love so much. Now I almost wish they'd just left it where it was.

Admittedly the last run since Zhaan left was spotty at best. In my opinion, the writing declined and the story's direction was lost in a jumble of subplots and overlapping pointlessness. Again, my opinion. Others may have liked the last run.

I did not like Zhaan's "replacement" character Jool at first, but within a couple of episodes she'd really grown on me. I came to adore her and looked forward to her contribution to the run of the show. Then they drop her off on Arnessk and she leaves the series. Sigh.

Then we get Sikozu. Ick. Never liked her. Glad she turned out to be a Scarran spy. Wish she'd died.

All-in-all I really enjoyed the first two hour part of TPW despite certain issues:

1) We're left with John and Aeryn at the end of the series being blown into little bits of crystal on some unknown water planet and we're all like "Holy hell! What next!!!???" We return to the mini-series and within a very short time of the beginning they are reconstituted and it was "all a mistake". Okay, bleh. Talk about diffusing the climax of the series ending.

2) So one little crystal piece is left in Rygel's stomach when he collects what remains of John and Aeryn off the ocean floor by eating it. Well, when they're reconstituted we find out what that crystal piece was. Was it Aeryn's ear? No. Gasp! Was it John's wang?! No. Oh...Joy...it just so happens that the piece left out was John and Aeryn's child that Aeryn had been carrying. How covenient. No, not part of the baby mind you. The whole self-contained, perfectly intact little crystallized baby. And suddenly, now Rygel is carrying the growing child as if he'd been impregnated. Um...what happened to it being a little crystal? So Rygel carries the child through most of the mini-series until Aeryn can transfer it back to her for birth. Yeah. Okay. Hokiness factor from 1 to 10 - 12.

3) Okay, I love Commandant Grayza. She's a ballsy peacekeeper bitch who apparently picked up tricks from Elaan, Dohlman of Elaas, but has a sweaty chest instead of tears. Despite that, I still liked her. So, what's the point of the pregnancy? Unless the only reason she was pregnant was so that she could issue some line at the end of the series about "for the sake our our children" then it was pretty pointless.

4) I finally get to see Jool again on Arnessk. Yay! Oh..eww...boooooo. Okay so here's this incredibly intelligent Interion female who's so academically accomplished and she's running around like an alien Pebbles Flintstone? What gives? Was it really necessary she look like a cast member of The Interion That Time Forgot? Oh yeah and getting past this, still glad to see her what happens next. Oh yeah. They kill her after 10 minutes or so. Thanks. Pointless.

5) Okay...this crazy powerful ancient Luxan ship that D'Argo got. It's "unlike anything he's seen before" and he manages to play with it through a good bit of the last run. So it's destroyed in this mini-series (blown to bits by Scarran fire I might add, but Chiana and he are left floating in space without a scratch. Yeah. Gotcha. Hokiness factor from 1 to 10 - 10). Well who suddenly rescues them from space? None other than Jothee, D'Argo's son who happens to be in a Luxan ship that has capabilities like the ancient one and is a shaped remarkably a lot like Talyn. (Make that Hokiness factor 13)

6) HARVEY. HARVEY. MORE HARVEY. I can't relay my hatred for this scenario. Overdone and boring.

So part two wasn't any better. I felt rushed. WARWARWARPEACE. Boom, just like that. Wormhole weapon presented (and might I mention by this point in the series I am sick to shit of wormholes.) and voila, truce. Next we have Scarran Emperor Staleek and Commandant Grayza stamping what one assumes to be some peace document. I find this interesting given that Grayza isn't the highest of the high in the Peackeeper ranks and that she even acted without talking to her Peacekeeper superiors before heading to Arnessk to engage the Scarrans.

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot...D'Argo's climactic death. I use the term climactic loosely. What a waste. It was like the writers felt that unless they killed a well-known character in the mini-series then it just wouldn't have any impact. Well, it still didn't. D'Argo's fate was forced, meaningless and trite. He didn't die in any explosive gut-wrenching manner and it didn't snatch my heart from my chest that he "sacrificed' himself for those he loved. It just wasn't done well. And really...we didn't see him die. So...if ever it comes back to TV or the movies, then I'm sure they'll diffuse that "climax" by bringing him back. (Hey guys! Dead? Awww, no. I took out those Charrid and Scarran soldiers and then napped a little. When I woke, I was on some person's ship and peachy keen!) Oh and at this point, who didn't know what Aeryn and john would name their baby? Vomit. Four words for you, pre-dic-ta-ble. Hokiness factor from 1 to 10 - 10.

So where does that leave everyone come the new "end" of the show?

John and Aeryn - On Moya with baby D'Argo.
Chiana - Assumed to be going to Hyneria to settle down like D'Argo wanted.
Rygel - Assumed to be returning to Hyneria to take up his rule again as Dominar
Scorpius - Who knows? We weren't really given anything about him.
Pilot and Moya - Again, who knows? Pilot got ridiculously little screen time. One of the most underrated characters on the show. Watch his episode and you can't help but agree. (Now THAT was heart wrenching)
Jool - Unfairly Dead
Sikozu - Should be dead
Zhaan - Painfully absent

I say do another mini-series to really end the show. I'll write it real quick!

Baby D'Argo meets and marries the "V" baby and the two follow in hot Pursuit of Dana and Fox's baby who's on the run and lost in time with Dr Sam Beckett. Soon they all meet up at the relocated Cheers on Jupiter where the jovian ruler Bailiff Bull performs the wedding for Ross and Rachel.

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