>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Don't Call It A Comeback...

Okay. I think I'm fully recovered from May 1st and the totally mind-blowing experience that was the Prince: Musicology Tour 2004.

I tried to blog about the experience the day after but I found that each time I tried to describe it I was at a loss for words. It was simply one of the best perfomrances I've ever seen. The Lovesexy tour in 90 was incredible mind you, but this one just drained me and exhilerated me all at the same time. I guess it didn't hurt that if i'd spit I'd have hit the man dancing on the stage. I've never been so close to Prince before and to see him that close while dancing, performing and singing well, it was the closest thing to a religious experience I've ever had. I love music more than just about anything else. I love this man's music especially. And if anyone wants to know, he sounds exactly the same live as he does on a record. No studio cleaning there *coughbritneycough*

If you have the chance and the tour comes near you by all means go. It was truly an incredible performance. I was so ecstatic that I was able to see "Habibe" his Auerswald custom symbol guitar. In purple, this is one of the most gorgeous guitars I've ever seen. The man has taste.

If you haven't picked up "Musicology" give it a try. The album is great.

Thanks for the music in my life Prince. It's been a great ride since 1978. I look forward to many more years.