>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Music at the moment: Janet Jackson "Sexhibition" (Didn't she perform this one at the superbowl?)

Wow..I came on once I got home to post today's not so great happenings and was taken aback by the new Blogger cinfiguration. *blinkity blink* Having to relearn my way around.

Went out this evening with our friend Jennifer to have some food, coffee and a necessary meshing of mindsets. Turns out today that she receives a collection notice from AOL saying she owes them $75. Shocked and bwildered she began her phone tag with the various parties (AOL, Collection Agency, etc.) Turns out that Adam, our "friend" having "successfully" gone through rehab and served his 1 year of house arrest for cocaine and crystal meth abuse, used her credit card number to secure his own AOL account. The account was cut-off for non-payment last november and Jennifer is just finding out about it. Wow. And here we thought he was doing so well. So, I checked the Clerk of the Court page this evening and lo and behold, his case is reopened. There before my eyes was text I'd expected/dreaded/wanted to see for a while.

4/14/2004 ALERT ISSUED
Violation of Probation Warrant Issued issued on: 04/14/2004
Bond Amt:

This is his second VoP so from my understanding it's straight to prison this time. I hope it does him good. I doubt it will, but one can always hope. Our friendship had never reclaimed what it was before on our reconciliation and if nothing else it was good closure. I wish him the best and if the best is staying in prison so he's off drugs then I wish him a long sentence.

Song switch: Christina Milian "Dip It Low"

This event and the overall malaise that comes with it doesn't help this rut of depression I've been in for a while now. Nor does it help that dear friends of mine are going through the same thing. John, my heart, is getting depressed after 6 weeks on the boat. He's ready to come home. I think Bryan is in a slump from travelling so much lately. he's ready to stay home for a while. Jane is depressed over , well she isn't sure, but that was just like me so I totally understand. Heather's crapped out over school and this shitty class she's in. My mom's depressed over the court case she and Dad are going through with Bank One. I'm sure they will come out in the end owning their house outright as well as comfy from the punitive settlement. For now though, she's stressed and bleh. Maybe it's life in general and the state of the world that helps season everyone's routines here lately. I, for one, could use a trip off this rock to some super planet with neat things to see, plenty of entertainment, flying people and spaceships. Little green men are fine too. I like green okay and I'm partial to short men. They just have to be good looking little green men and none of that probing on the first date.

For what it's worth, all my love goes out to those people in a similar rut. Things will get better eventually. Have a glass of wine and a super dickmann on me.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Today was a nice day.

I got up and felt generally icky as I'd slept for too long. I went to bed at 11:30ish last night knowing full well I'd be up at 6 am for hitting the hay before midnight. It's my curse. But no, I woke up out of a dead sleep at 10:30 and though "Holy hell!" My body must have needed it.

Cleaned up and headed out to do the mother's day card roundup and mass mailing. The sun was bright, the air was clean, the humidity was thankfully absent and there was a slight breeze blowing. It was a perfect Florida day. (Though I still prefer overcast dark clouds, torrential rain and wind, but hey, that's me.)

I picked out my cards and meandered through the store just looking. After a bit I headed a few doors down to our UPS store where Stacey (The ultra cool store owner) was in and began to chat as she processed my mail. She updated me on some problems they’d had with a former employee and caught me up on how David and Bart were doing. After a bit she introduced me to their new employee Nichol. Nichol and I got to talking and somehow it came up that she was Greek and Stacey made jokes about how she’s related to or knows everyone that comes into the store. I asked if she knew an old school friend of mine named Anna Maria and low and behold, she goes to church with her! Then she asked if I knew a Casey Gill. I was floored! Casey and I used to pal around in the late 80’s early 90’s at the club and in general. Last I’d heard he’d gone into the military. Well sure enough it was the same Casey and he’s Nichol’s cousin. They talk regularly and she’s going to put us back in touch. He lives in San Diego now and comes back to visit every so often. (Beginning to look like California really is where I need to be.)

Stacey, Nichol and I talked for about 2 hours and then I finally loaded up and came back home. Not much happened in my time out, but it was all good and I laughed a lot. I guess that’s the important thing.

My tree is green and bushy again. They haven’t cut it down and I’m happy. I wish John was home.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Please welcome Pete to the world of ramblings, What ??? Are You? Quizzes and general text chaos. Yay Pete!
Interesting Musicology Review
One of my faves on the CD. Thought I'd share the commentary.

"Dear Mr. Man" - Prince

What's wrong with the world 2day?
Things just got 2 get better
Sho' ain't what the leaders say
Maybe we should write a letter

Dear Mr. Man, we don't understand
Why poor people keep struggling but U don't lend a helping hand
Matthew 5:5 say "The meek shall inherit the earth"
We wanna b down that way
but U been trippin since the day of your birth

Who said that 2 kill is a sin
And started every single war that Ur people been in?
Who said that water is a precious commodity
Then dropped a big old black oil slick in the deep blue sea?

Who told me, Mr. Man, that working round the clock
will buy me a big house in the hood
with cigarette ads on every block?
Who told me, Mr. Man, that Eye got a right 2 moan?
How about this big ol' hole in the ozone?

What's wrong with the world 2day
Things just got 2 get better
Dear Mr. Man, we don't understand
Maybe we should write a letter

Listen, Ain't no sense in voting - same song with a different name
Might not b in the back of the bus but it sure feel just the same
Ain't nothing fair about welfare
Ain't no assistance in AIDS
Ain't nothin' affirmative about ur actions until the people get paid

Ur thousand years r up, Mr. Man
Now U got 2 share the land
Section 1 - the 14th amendment says "No state shall deprive any person of life,
liberty, or property, without due process of law"
Mr. Man, we want 2 end this letter with 3 words
We tired a-y'all

Don't Call It A Comeback...

Okay. I think I'm fully recovered from May 1st and the totally mind-blowing experience that was the Prince: Musicology Tour 2004.

I tried to blog about the experience the day after but I found that each time I tried to describe it I was at a loss for words. It was simply one of the best perfomrances I've ever seen. The Lovesexy tour in 90 was incredible mind you, but this one just drained me and exhilerated me all at the same time. I guess it didn't hurt that if i'd spit I'd have hit the man dancing on the stage. I've never been so close to Prince before and to see him that close while dancing, performing and singing well, it was the closest thing to a religious experience I've ever had. I love music more than just about anything else. I love this man's music especially. And if anyone wants to know, he sounds exactly the same live as he does on a record. No studio cleaning there *coughbritneycough*

If you have the chance and the tour comes near you by all means go. It was truly an incredible performance. I was so ecstatic that I was able to see "Habibe" his Auerswald custom symbol guitar. In purple, this is one of the most gorgeous guitars I've ever seen. The man has taste.

If you haven't picked up "Musicology" give it a try. The album is great.

Thanks for the music in my life Prince. It's been a great ride since 1978. I look forward to many more years.