>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Friday, January 30, 2004

Happy Birthday to Me!

Jan 30th

on this day in:

the U.S. No.1 on the 30th January 1970 was... Raindrops Keep Fallin' on my Head by
B. J. Thomas


1956, Elvis Presley started recording what would be his first album at RCA's New York Studios. Songs recorded included his version of Carl Perkins' 'Blue Suede Shoes.'

1961, The Shirelles started a two week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with 'Will You Love Me Tomorrow', it reached No.4 in the UK.

1964, The Searchers had their second UK No.1 single with 'Needles And Pins.'

1969, the rooftop gig took place with The Beatles appearing live on top of the Apple building, lasting for just over 40 minutes it was the last time The Beatles performed 'live.'

1970, Marc Bolan married June Child at Kensington registry office, they divorced in 1975.

1971, George Harrison became the first solo Beatle to have a No.1 when 'My Sweet Lord', went to the top of the UK single charts.

1972, Paul McCartney wrote and recorded his protest song 'Give Ireland Back To The Irish' within 24 hours of Bloody Sunday, when 13 Catholics were killed by British paratroopers.

1978, appearing at the Vortex, Wardour Street, London, The Police.

1981, appearing at the newly opened 'Rock City' in Nottingham, Toyah, tickets £2.50.

1982, Barbra Streisand started a seven week run at No.1 on the UK album chart with the 'Love Songs' LP.

1982, blues guitarist, singer Sam 'Lightnin' Hopkins died aged 70. One of his best known songs is 'Bald Headed Woman', influenced Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix.

1982, Hall and Oates went to No.1 on the US singles chart with 'I Can Go For That, (No Can Do)', the duo's fourth US No.1, a No.8 hit in the UK.

1982, Paul McCartney guessed on BBC radio's 'Desert Island Discs', his selections include, Elvis Presley's 'Heartbreak Hotel', Chuck Berry's 'Sweet Little Sixteen', John Lennon's 'Beautiful Boy', and Little Richards 'Tutti Frutti.'

1982, Shakin' Stevens had his third UK No.1 single with 'Oh Julie.'

1988, during a court case involving Holly Johnson and ZTT it was revealed that Frankie Goes To Hollywood had not played on their hits 'Relax' and 'Two Tribes'. The court was told that top session musicians were used to make the records.

1988, INXS had their first US No.1 hit single with 'Need You Tonight.'

1988, Terence Trent D'arby went back to No.1 on the UK album chart for an 8 week run with 'Introducing The Hardline To Terence Trent D'arby.'

1988, Tiffany had her only UK No.1 single with 'I Think We're Alone Now.'

1990, unhappy with the re-issue of the single 'Sally Cinnaman', The Stone Roses trashed their former record company Revolver FM's offices and threw paint over cars, the band were arrested and charged with criminal damage.

1991, 22 years to the day that The Beatles played live on the roof of their Savile Row offices, Manchester band James played a live set on the roof of Manchester's Piccadilly radio station attracting several thousand on-lookers.

1994, Dina Carroll went to No.1 on the UK album chart with 'So Close'.

1999, after spending 11 weeks on the chart Britney Spears started a two week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with '...Baby One More Time'. Britney's debut album also went to No.1 on the US chart on the same day.

1999, in the NME readers poll results the winner of 'The pop personality that you would like as your doctor' was won by, Natalie Imbruglia.

2000, Gabrielle went to No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Rise'. The song used a sample from Bob Dylan's 'Knocking On Heaven's Door', giving Dylan his third UK No.1 as a writer, the other two being 'Mr Tambourine Man' and 'The Mighty Quinn'.

Sarah is chastising me for not posting on a regular basis. This is for her. Pbpbpbpbpbpbt!

Q: How many lesbians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: Four. One to change it, two to organize the potluck and one to write a folk song about the empowering experience.


A woman walks into her doctor’s office and says “Doctor, I have this terrible rash.” She lifts up her sweater to reveal a large ‘M’ shaped rash. The doctor replies, “Now that is the strangest rash I’ve ever seen.” The woman explains, “Well my boyfriend goes to Michigan and refuses to take off his letter sweater when we make love.” The doctor shrugs her shoulders, prescribes some lotion and sends the woman on her way.

The next day another woman comes in with a very similar rash.“How did you get that?” the doctor asks. “My boyfriend goes to MIT and he refuses to take his letter sweater off when we make love,” she says. The doctor prescribes some lotion and sends the young lady on her way.

The third day another young woman comes into the doctor’s office and she too has a big rash in the shape of an ‘M’ on her chest. “Let me guess,” the doctor says. “Your boyfriend goes to Maryland?” “No,” the patient replies, “My girlfriend goes to Wellesley.”

Monday, January 26, 2004

Fun with Divinity!

Yay! More fun from Jane! She finds the neatest things.

Phred's Results:

Become a God or Goddess. by zerogirl
God/Goddess ofCreation
Animal Companion:Dragon
Weak againstFood
Weapon:Bow and arrow
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

They sure as hell got the weakness right!

John's results:

Become a God or Goddess. by zerogirl
God/Goddess ofDarkness
Animal Companion:Rabbit
Weak againstFire
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Friday, January 23, 2004

The Trip Out West pt. Deux or An Ode to Lushbians

Music today is Wendy & Lisa's "Eroica". Superb.

Friday we were allowed to sleep in by our gracious hostessesses until 9:30ish before motivating to ready ourselves for our day of wine tasting! After gathering ourselves into warm bundles we headed to Sonoma and decided to fill our tummies at the Sonoma Cheese Factory. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM! We sampled the little cubes of cheese along the front before heading outside to order our burgers. They even had a veggie one for me! John had a regular one with Garlic Jack while I had my veggie with a melted piece of Mediterranean Jack which was absolutely delicious. While lusting over Jane's with Chili Cheddar on top we decided to have another veggie to split only this one with the same cheddar. Each was spectacular and we were wonderfully sated in preparation for our day out destroying our liver.

We first headed to the lovely Sebastiani to begin our tasting day. The décor was pretty, though a bit like some corporate storefront. The wine was good and John and I bought a bottle of 1999 Sylvia Sebastiani’s Symphony. As per the back label “Symphony is an improved, high-quality Muscat hybrid”. All I know is that it’s a dessert wine and it’s damn good. Unfortunately we didn’t get any pictures here, but we have plenty from other vineyards.

Next was Ravenswood. From the lush greenery everywhere to the cobblestone walkway the grounds are so beautiful! Inside the actual building is warm, cozy and quite comfortable. The woman serving us was very knowledgeable about the wines there and their histories. She was very nice, but lacked a “fun” quality. Here we bought our little bottle of 2002 Late Harvest Gewurztraminer. I have found that Gewurtz is probably one of my favorite wines ever.

Faces have been smileyfied to protect the innocent.

Off to Gundlach Bundschu we went! When we arrived we were so impressed with how beautiful it was. I took lots of pictures of “The Shire” as I’ve come to call it and half expected to see little drunk hobbits after each turn.

Inside the room was heated by an old-fashioned wood burning stove and was so comfortably rustic. Our server here was knowledgeable AND fun! She made us feel at home and we enjoyed listening to her as much as she seemed to listen to us talk about subtle “coconut” and “oak” flavors. My phrase du jour for our wine tasting day was “Gay and Sprightly” which really didn’t apply to anything we sampled there. We ended up leaving there warm, toasty and happy with a bottle of 2002 Morse Vineyard Zinfandel which I’ll be cooking with.

On suggestion from the woman at Gundlach Bundschu we then drove to Artesa. This was a gorgeous building set into a hill with fountains galore and babbling brooks running down each side of the stone steps. We really liked the look of the place as it had a feel of museum/art gallery. The downside to this, however, is the lack of “wine love” and personality noted by Sarah at first. Architecturally it was great, but we opted to browse and leave rather than stay and sample.

The last stop on our wine trip was Cline Cellars. Very homey and transporting me to the set of “The Waltons” our experience here was nice as well. The man serving was chatty to a point but let us have our time and look around at the wonderful marinades and spreads they had to offer. John picked the wine here and he chose a delightful (good wine word I find) 2002 Vin Gris. We had 4 bottles of wine at this point. I think our lovely tour guides had 23. Them’s is some wine-lovin’ ladies!

After walking the grounds and looking at the ponds and various birdies in cages we headed back to the city to meet J&S friends Austin and Jane (Referred to as Fuego given her FLAMING red hair) for dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant. The Blue Nile I think it was called and all our food was served on one large round pan with lines of pastes, rices and salad that we ate with torn pieces of spongy crepe-like bread. It was really cool and delicious. I ordered a glass of Honey Wine which we passed around the table. The whole experience was tres groovy.

Done with dinner we returned to homestead and Austin broke out his Munchkin game that none of them had played yet. We jogged through rules as we sipped on Port and played one very long game while the dogs, Timmy and Otis, dined in the background on dried cow penis…the things pets will eat! We had a blast laughing over the cards and everyone’s back-stabbing. It truly is a game for friends! Done with this, we had our fun with “Dirty Mad-Libs”. Each was great but I think the evening’s winner was Sarah’s “Monstrosity” a new dance, which John and I had to perform. Fuego and Austin were great and I hope to keep in touch with them as well. Who knew Austin, a studying priest, would be so good at “Dirty Mad-Libs”!?

All retired soon after our long eventful day and evening and slept soundly. That is, until I awoke at 5:45 am sick to my stomach and feeling dizzy. Which brings us to my Saturday in California!

This was the extent of my site-seeing for the majority of Saturday.

Apparently I picked up some sort of 12 hour virus that left me leaned over the pot rather than running around enjoying myself. John and Jane did venture out and went to do their own thing while Sarah watched QAF downstairs and then left to go play soccer. After hours of moaning, groaning, expelling and finally getting over it. I came downstairs a new, albeit sore, man. We left after showers and the like to eat at a really good Cambodian place (We think it was called Mekong Delta) where I had clay pot chicken in a caramel sauce. Damn it was good!

With dinner done we headed to Alameda and to my Mecca!

I could have spent a whole hell of a lot of money in Trader Joe’s had I not felt icky and sore. Thankfully that stopped me. We did get some yummy things to bring home and a lovely new Soy Vay sauce that I’m dying to try out. It was time well spent!

Having sated my TJ fix we returned home and settled in to watch my dance tape and “All Over The Guy” with yummy Sarah Chai Lattes. I was so very pleasantly surprised by a sudden birthday celebration when we settled in. A biscotti "birthday cake" and pressies from my baby and my two wonderful hostesses made the whole day fade away. I love you guys!

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of the Trip to California!

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

John's Results

Jane and John have a lot more in common than I thought!

Eleanor Roosevelt! Nice to see you.

A Roosevelt yourself, you married your fifth cousin Franklin; despite the obvious incestuous overtones, your six kids were happy and healthy.

When Franklin got elected, you became perhaps the most controversial first lady ever - you spoke out for the rights of women; for the rights of the poor; for world peace. You were even a member of a union while your husband was in office - and when he died, you were the head of the UN Commission on Human Rights.

All of which is pretty kick ass, but to top things off you had a hot and steamy relationship with the lesbian journalist Lorena Hickok, who was so madly in love with you that she halted her career for you. Unfortunately, you couldn't give up your public life that easily - leaving her heartbroken.


Which Famous Homosexual are you?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

National Phredpoon's: San Francisco Vacation

Today is a musicless day. The hubby is feeling icky so I'm keeping it quiet.

I have truly never had such a great time in my life! Our trip to see Jane and Sarah was out of this world! So much in fact that a mere 24 hours into it John was whispering threats of "not going home" to me all through Fisherman's Wharf. I have to say, I was entertaining the very same thoughts myself. A mix of wonderful things to do, great weather (at least to me) and two incredibly compatible new friends made it very hard to even think of packing up and coming home.

On Wednesday the 14th we arrived and were greeted by Miss Jane in the Oakland Airport Baggage Claim with her cute "Pashyd, Catavaluni" sign. Once collected we headed off to the homestead and stopped for "Flipper" burgers on the way. Mmmmmmmmmmm! The rest of the night was spent meeting The Sarah, tasting white wines for selection, eating an incredible pork dinner prepared by Chef Jane and relaxing for the next day's events.

Thursday we hit the road bright and early where Miss Sarah dropped us adventurers off for our Alcatraz trip. The weather was crisp and cold and felt SO good! We walked about and fed overweight seagulls bits of pretzel before embarking on our boat trip.


The Boat ride was cool and we took many a shot of the island from a distance before making our way onto its shores.

I don't know these people and they weren't with us. I think they were foreign. Most on the boat were.

The island was too cool with its winding walkways and excellent views. We had a really good time and enjoyed the history offered about the facility. First stop a winner!

After that we spent a good portion of the day walking Fisherman's Wharf eating truffles, China Town searching for "Hello Kitty" Chopsticks and various other trinkets and eventually made our way down to meet Sarah at the Grace Cathedral.

From there we headed to Haight-Ashbury to have dinner. The drive was colorful and yielded many a good picture.

The restaurant we went to was called Cha Cha Cha and was carribean in flavor. The food was outstanding! My favorite part of the meal was the Platanos dish in black bean sauce with drizzled sour cream. Either it was the best thing on the menu or the two pitchers of Sangria were. Needless to say, we enjoyed the hell out of it.

After this, to sober a bit before drinving home, we stopped down the street at Amoeba Music. A second hand store of CDs, Vinyl and various other things it reminded me of my long stints in Atlanta's Litte Five points and my favorite music stroe there Wax-n-Fax, only much larger. I found my Frogs CD and Sarah left with an armful of music ranging from Poi Dog Pondering to the new Nelly Furtado. After that we headed back to the house and chilled before hitting the sack.

Wedesday and Thursday down. We still have Friday, Saturday and Sunday left to go!

Join us again next Blog for the continuation of our little Florida couple's adventures in the west!

Saturday, January 10, 2004

I have this tree out my deskside window. It's past our privacy fence and beyond the evil pot-smoking neighbors' yard to our rear. In fact, I think it's across the street from them. But from here I can see it standing there over the barriers and climbing into the telephone cables. I don't know what kind of tree it is admittedly, but I have a fascination with it just the same. I'll find myself leaning back in my chair and just staring at it or I'll pause whatever I'm at in the kitchen and look out the sliding glass doors at it and just zone out.

During the summer the leaves are a nice green as is most flora here in Florida. However, when the fall comes and most other trees or bushes here just stay green or turn a dull brown this one deepened to a lovely red. What a vibrant red it was too. In fact, it was one of the deciding factors in the color I wanted to paint the kitchen. Later the leaves turned a bright yellow. It happened almost over night. I remember coming downstairs and heading into the kitchen to take my vitamins one morning and as I turned to swig my water the yellow jumped out at me through the blinds. I stared at it for a while before continuing with my daily pill-taking routine. I don't know why, but there is a certain solace in that tree for me. It's mine alone in the house and no one can touch it. I love that tree.

I'm sure one day someone will cut it down.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Yay! I'm sexy, greek AND formidable!

How spiffing! You're Alexander the Great!

Yeah, baby. You were the King of Macedonia, and conqueror of much of the world; you're responsible for the spread of Christianity, as well as Hellenistic society and even the Roman Empire. Your power was feared for thousands of miles around.

And how gay were you. When you'd conquered Persia, you fell in love with a male courtier from that court - scandalous in those days, because the Persians were believed to be uncivilised barbarians.

You were always really in love with your boyhood friend, Hephaestion, and when he died you were grief-stricken to a legendary degree: convinced that he would live on after death, you passed away soon afterwards.

Which Famous Homosexual are you?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

Monday, January 05, 2004

Lord of The Blogger: Return of The John

Starting a new feature on the blogger as of this post. One that I will not candy-coat for anyone whether it makes me look bad or not. This is the "What I'm listening to" line. This will allow the reader to enjoy the full interactive experience of my post by listening to the same music I am whilst posting! How new-fangled! Fun huh? We start this post with: Britney Spears - "Toxic". Listen...I said I wasn't going to candy-coat it by pretending to listen to ALL good music. I hate the bitch yes, but this song is infectious. Dare I say it's...Toxic? It's the beat and I'm a born dancer. Whatta ya do?

Okay...so November 21st was my last Blog. Sue me. I am admittedly not as prolific in my thoughts as dear Jane, but I try. I suppose if you're lucky enough to have Jane's phone number you could always call her and pump her for my latest antics. She gets them all in IM or on the phone. I know, I know...you think her lucky. I think she'd disagree given her exposure to the rantings of a Phred.

1.) So update yes? Got over the abscess. Thank every deity conceived.

Song switch: Basement Jaxx - "Get Me Off"

2.) Our thanksgiving, which took place on the 30th, was very nice. We held off for The John to come home and then coordinated with everyone. Attending were Myself and The John, Myshe, Bryan, Josh, Melonie (surprisingly), Robby, our pet hetero couple Jennifer & George and last but not least our out-of-towner friend Heather who drove down to be with us from Tennessee. Unfortunately Adam was unable to attend for all the work he had. C'est la vie. The food was splendid and the event lasted most of the night finally ending around 5am.

Song switch: Garbage - "Cherry Lips"

3.) With the December ensued the realization of "shit I waited too long this year". Thus the onslaught of baking, candy making, card writing and shopping. And so we're on the same page, the "Gays like shopping" stereotype is a load of bunk. I like to go out , get what I need and come home. There are times, though few and far between, where Phred will actually go to shop simply because he wants to hang in a mall. I rarely leave the house without purpose.

Eventually all things done, the packages and cards were sent out and with nearly 2 weeks to spare until Christmas! I felt accomplished on the "removed distant Christmas" front. The holiday at home crap had yet to begin. Only one casualty along the way with the mailed gifts. My sister and brother-in-law did not receive theirs thanks most likely to some asshole UPS driver. (He delivered to my mother and brother on the same day and was TERRIBLY rude). Someone else got to eat chocolate boobs. I hope they choke on the nipples.

Song switch: Christina Aguilera - "Falsas Esperanzas"

4.) Shopping was finally completed the day after Christmas proper for all the at home gift-giving. Again we've put a hold on the holidays to coincide with The John's return on January 8th. We'll be doing "Friend Crimmus" on the 10th to be followed by Family get-together on the 11th. I look forward to both with the addition of my sudden new grandfather Lee! You see, now that it's passed I am allowed to talk about my grandmother's elopement. I was privy to the information before it happened but sworn to secrecy. December 16th was the day in question. Good guy lee. I think my grandmother will be quite happy.

Song switch: Jennifer Lopez - "Baby I Love You" (I hate her too, but this is a really good song)

5.) Plans made and tickets purchased, The John and I will be flying out from New Orleans on the 14th of January to play with the Californian Boo Daggas who we've come to adore. We'll be at Jane & Sarah's through the 19th and will most likely return home exhausted and ready for another vacation. John will leave the night of the 21st to head back to the ship. Thankfully the rig they serviced has been pulled in and a new one is going up in the gulf nearer to Louisiana instead of Texas. This means The John's boat will be docked at Fourchon again taking 7-9 hours off each crew change's travel times. Praise the lord!

Song switch: Justin Guarini - "Sorry" (He may look like Kid's In The Hall's "Chicken Girl" but he's got a great voice)

6.) Between Christmas and the New year I received a wonderfully unexpected phone call. I picked up the phone and a voice on the other end said "Phred?". I answered with my usual "yes?" and was met with "It's Claire. Guess what?". I was so happy to hear from her that I just laughed. She continued with an excited "I'm in town!". Needless to say we got together over at her mom's house and had a blast. Claire is my a dear friend from High School that acted with me for years. My "Drama Sister" she and I were voted most talented in '88. Well she's pursued the art in New York since and is finally making the grade. She was featured in an oscar winning short called "By courier" and has a substantial part in the last 20 minutes of "Elf". In 2004 she'll appear in "House of D" directed by Duchovny. I got to meet her husband Brian who is a successful director in his own right. Hopefully we'll be going to visit them sometime this year and they might be able to make to our wedding.

Song switch: Macy Gray - "Caligula"

7.) Mother just IMmed me and informed me...she informed me that new Absolutely Fabulous started on the Oxygen channel! How did this escape my notice? I'm usually the one up on this. Kudos to my Mom! Maybe she's learning. The new Ab-Fab season will be 8 episodes long and appears on Oxygen Friday nights at 9 central. Cheers, yeah, cheers sweety.

Song switch: Kara's Flowers - "Rag Doll" (This group is what is now known as Maroon 5 and finally breaking through with "Harder to Breathe".)

So I think this brings us up-to-date on the goings on. As I sit here and type the sky darkens. It's been drizzling all day and my mood seems connected to it. Blech. I need to motivate again and finish organizing our room and doing my preliminary packing for the trip. I should also look up ticket prices for Albuquerque or Lubbock for The John's trip home in February.

Song switch: Kate Bush - "Why Should I Love You?" (Penned by Prince with background vocals no less. I love that man.)

He'll be going up to do a very late Christmas with his folks. I'm also finding out that this is the trip apparently. He says we talked about it but knowing my mind during the holidays it's like a sieve. I'm nervous for him about telling his mother that we're a couple. She already knows he's gay. They had that particular talk years ago before we were together but I think it was dismissed and swept under the rug. I just hope it goes well as he has no support there. I wish I could go.

Song switch: Linkin Park - "Faint" (Yes I listen to "hard" stuff too.)

Okay. I guess that's it for now. I really should get up and get going. Myshe will be home soon and I'm feeling a trip to Bluh-Bluh-Bluh (My name for Bed Bath & Beyond since I have this apparent inability to say those three words together in that order intelligibly).

I leave you all with the final song switch: Aimee Mann - "One" (One of the best covers ever. This is off the Magnolia soundtrack. Good movie too!)