>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Have A Phat Easter

Music at the moment: Nocturnal - The Unknown

Friday, March 21, 2008

Music at the moment: Madonna/Timberlake/Timbaland - 4 Minutes

Meshes and textures make my brain bleed.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another term down and 4.0 secure. Now for a break. I'm taking this next term off and getting the house and such in order while I take a breather.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Awwwwwww. I have absolutely no interest in the sport, but I happened across Brett Favre's retirement press conference and it made me all weepy-eyed. He's such a doll. I just wanted to hug him while he cried.

WOW...And Not That Crap MMO

So, I and a few others I know have been incredibly excited about the Watchmen movie since it finally started moving after so many years in limbo. My Mac Daddy Jeff and I e-mail back and forth all giddy and school-girl like about every little detail and I repeatedly swoon every time I think about Patrick Wilson in a Nite Owl costume or Billy Crudup all blue and in no costume at all. Unfortunatly, we've had very little in the way of stills so far other than some incredibly accurate location shots (The newsstand is straight off the pages of the graphic novel)

However, now we have a smattering of character shots. And let me just say, I got goosebumps. No Dr. Manhatten mind you, but Nite Owl is absolutely amazing (ship in the background behind him too!) and Ozymandias is way more than I'd expected. They all look amazing really and i can't wait to see them all in action.

Goodbye To The Greatest DM

I never expected this to affect me as much as it did, but I guess he was a man that really did totally affect my generation. Thank you Gary for making life so very cool.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

bedroom toys

Why am I going to school to make video games?

Monday, March 03, 2008

School Stuff

Okay, as I promised the fabulous Miss Sarah, here are the storyboards I posted about in addition to my final project animatic I had to create from them. Personally, I don't feel they're anything stupendous. I could have spent a lot more time on the detail had we longer to work on it. Either my teacher is very accepting of a lot of different qualities of art or he was simply bowled over by how good mine were in comparison to a lot of the crap I see come through the classroom.



So from those I had to create my animatic, which is pretty much the step between a storyboard and full-blown animation. This is my final and with any luck he'll give me a good score on it too.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Memory Lane

Our discussion in Sequential Art this week was on television ads and where/when/what they air. A couple of us talked about how when we were little were chronic night owls an would watch television in the middle of the night. One girl and I were practically identical in our "owlism." Six to Seven years old, go to bed at 8 PM, up at 2 AM and then a full night of drawing in front of the TV while we watched Space Giants, Prince of Space, Spectreman, Dynaman, and any cartoons we could find. It made me remember how much I loved one Warner Bros. cartoon in particular called Rocket-Bye Baby. On a whim I tried punching it in at You Tube and can't believe I found it. I miss these innocent days. Cartoons were so good back then.