>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Sunday, December 03, 2006

So, nearing the end at last. This term has been a little trying with my crappy photoshop class and all. (The teacher was pretty much useless and the book aspires to be a useless coaster) Everything I learned in the class was: 1) on my own. 2) trial and error until I got what I needed. And 3) from a CS2 for Dummies book I bought. I could have saved the money and taught myself.

Regardless, here is my final piece for the class. It needed to be original with at least 3 photos incorporated seamlessly and showing a proficiency in Photoshop. It also had to have text. I decided to visualize my feelings about the class and since a picture of a pile of horse manure wouldn't net me an A+ I opted for something more emotional. I guess we'll see how I do when the teacher gets around to grading my last 3 weeks of work.

"Frustration" by Phred, 2006

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