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Friday, December 22, 2006

Invasion Of The Mother-In-Law: Day One

Music at the Moment: Teena Marie - Shangri-La

John retrieved his creator at the airport at 2:15 and stopped to grab a sandwich while Myshe and I finished tidying the house and then ran some last minute holiday errands. We met back at the house around 6 and there she was. Small like I remember her, but far more talkative than the first time we met. She's very sweet and always laughing. I'm incredibly relieved. We went shopping for groceries for her stay here and ingredients for all our holiday cooking. Thankfully the Baked Brie is ready to go and beyond the apricot-glazed turkey the most time-consuming recipes are the apple walnut sausage dressing and the very interesting pumpkin bisque. The jury's out on that last one. It sounds yummy, but the ingredients leave me and my mother with an arched brow a la Mr. Spock.

"Fascinating. Never before have I encountered black olives in a pumpkin soup. This is certainly different from the Plomeek Soup available on Vulcan."
So, thus far the One Who Made John is great and I have less trepidation about the remainder of the visit. I just hope the meeting of the families goes well. Update later.

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