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Thursday, September 02, 2004


Music at the moment: Scissor Sisters - [Self Titled] Current track - "Better Luck"

I'm on "parade of demons" overload at the moment. I couldn't be sicker of politicians, political supporters, political agendas, political back-stabbing and the like. I feel like I'm in an EQ guild again. I'm certainly ready for it to all be over and for the media to go back to spotlighting Michael Jackson and that Peterson guy. Those were easier to escape.

The next couple of week’s schedules are sort of hectic. (Contrary to what some people think, my days are sometimes filled with work and frenzy. There is validity to the housewife/husband life being a fulltime job and let no one tell you any different. If they do they're probably just bitter because they don't get to stay home.) The ongoing project of organizing all my art and writing is still in full swing while Saturday and Myshe's brother's engagement party approaches.

Song switch - "Laura" (This is one of the best songs on this CD.)

Family arrives on the 7th for 5 days of family antics. It's looking more and more like I will be spared any involvement as the schedule is rigidly packed with stuff to do with other family members every day. Mixed feelings on this, ones of relief and resentment. Oh well. I'll certainly move past it. It's become steadily more apparent over the years that the word family has evolved to include very few of the actual blood members and more of the people I love around me.

Song switch - "Lovers in the Backseat"

And speaking of those I love, John will arrive on the 16th (I hope) and we'll frantically make sure we haven't missed anything before we leave to New Orleans the next day. Off on the 17th from the NO Airport to Seattle to visit our dear friend Ritahead. Lots planned there while we visit. The Science Fiction and Music Museums, The tourist-mandatory Space Needle, Trader Joe's, some restaurants that Rita swears by and John's birthday on the 20th! Robert (Rita's youngest gay son) will be taking us out for fun on the town and we'll see what Seattle has to offer in the way of "gayness". I doubt it will beat our trip to San Fran on a sheer scale of homonicity. (Come on...you stay with 2 lesbians, you walk the Castro, you eat fruit at a lesbian outdoor café and get hooked on Chai lattes? You CAN'T get a higher homonicity rating than that. Well...maybe if everyone was wearing tutus.)

Song switch - "Take your Mama" (This track is hardcore oldschool Elton)

On school...

The closer it comes to the spring term the more excited I get. I'm sure that will change once I'm in the swing of actual school, but for now I'm jazzed. Unfortunately though, it looks like I'll have to take Spanish as my first language course. At the moment it's the only beginning language class offered in the spring. The rest all begin fall. Now, if I was feeling brave I could always do as the college suggests and skip the straight to French II since I've had 2 years of previous French. That would allow me to start Fr4ench in the spring like I wanted. I think I'd rather start fresh though since, without an outlet for practice, my French has all but completely atrophied. Of course, I still remember all the swearing, but that's only because I use them frequently.

Music at the moment: Basement Jaxx ft. Michelle Ndgdgggegdegggggdgdgegdgegd'ocello
"Right Here's the Spot"

I'm excited about Halloween this year. John will actually be home! We're trying (we being John, me, Myshe, Bryan, and the Georgiffer) to take a trip to Atlanta to meet Pete and Frank for a rip-roaring good time. I hope it works out.

Oh and on a more serious update note...John came out to one of his co-workers. Jim is the guy he rides with back and forth from Pensacola each crew change. He’s a nice guy and I think he's John's only real friend out there. John downplays their friendship but I can see he really enjoys the things they talk about and do. I just worry about loose lips. I can't bear to think that he may have troubles on the boat resulting from this. I guess we'll see.

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