>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Blog Shui

Music At The Moment: Reactor - "Feeling The Love"

Yay! New blog setup complete. At least I hope so. Redesigning the whole site wasn't as time-consuming as I'd expected but I did actually discover broken links to sites, missing links to other blogs and various other errors that probably happened during regular updating and the like. With any luck I've caught everything and fixed it all. If not, it will eventually make itself known.

Begin Quick Rant Here I appreciate the concerns. I really do. But Frances is not here. She is not on our doorstep. We are not wading up to our knees in flood water. It is currently 88 degrees here and it feels like 90. The sun looms down oppressively above us, not some eager tsunami. I'm sure we'll get some weather eventually, but not that much. There is always the chance she will make it over here and if so we'll deal with it then and you will all receive yawn-filled phone calls letting you know we've left for the hills of Tennessee. Those of you worried about us, it's okay. We're on the other side of the peninsula and not in the projected path. For those of you worried she will miss us, get a real hobby. End Quick Rant

Song switch: Sarah Brightman - "Harem"

Picked up much fun and childhood glee yesterday at Best Buy! The Season One DVD set of Challenge of the Super Friends. Now I get to watch all the terribly written, cheese-filled episodes completely devoid or truly evil villains or the least bit of continuity. I'm so excited!!! On the subject of DVD viewing, I'll be sitting down this weekend to make sure Bryan watches "Kalifornia" which he still hasn't seen. I mean come on! One is not complete without watching Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis play some of the most sublime white trash ever placed on screen. (Juliette really deserved an Oscar for this). And, of course, his archive of quotes is most incomplete without such great hits as "Put your titty up, Adele"

Song Switch: Rick James - "You and I"

Did I blog about our camping trip? I don't recall doing so and I'm too lazy to go back and look in the archives. I'll talk about it soon and maybe post some pics. It was pretty groovy.

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