>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Love this

Monday, October 27, 2008

Music at the Moment: JaConfetti - Step Up


I think I should go do something I DON'T love for work so I can simply finish and leave it behind to enjoy myself when not at work.. I sort of want to go to Vancouver now.

I'm formulating my thoughts before I vomit forth my review of the refuse that is the new Indiana Jones movie. Suffice it to say, it isn't good.

I met a hot Russian at church this weekend. Sergei. Сексуальный! I'll be asking John to get me one for Christmas.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Phred Phussilade - 10.20.08

Music at the Moment: Supergirl - Saving Jane

Early voting began today.

I went and voted.

No on 2.

The rest is a blur.

I think I wrote in Prince on the presidential ballot.

This chick next to me stunk like weed. I didn't have the heart to tell her that her boyfriend she was outside with likes men. She'll find out soon enough.

Michelle Obama looks like Satan.

I'm having Greek Pasta Cake and Sushi at my wedding.

My grandmother is a self-centered asshole.

My mother is doing better today. They took a quart of fluid out of her lung. We'll know more tomorrow I hope.

Low sodium soup is terrible.

I introduced Shannon to the joys of Horizen sushi today. She was smitten muchly.

I've come to love my next door neighbors. John and Melissa are the best.

I'm bored.

Heroes is a crap show.

I lost two more pounds, but I'm still sore from last week's workout.

I found myself missing old friends today. The meth addict, the hypochondriac, and the two-faced, insecure, lesbian gamer were not among them.

I'm excited about he prospect of continuing school after graduation. Vancouver Film School...hope to see you soon.

My car needs washing badly.

I have begun my Michaels Wretched-Wreath-Whore reconnaissance. Tis the season. Die bitch.

Blockbuster sells food now. Idiots.

Little Britain is okay. I'm scared of this second attempt at an American Absolutely Fabulous.

My new Keurig stuff came in today. YES to Spiced Mayan Chocolate. NO to Mahogany.

My nine pump chai burned my throat today. Hurts so good.

My pastitsio was a big hit. Thicker bechamel is the way to go.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Call to Floridians: Say NO to 2

I urge you when you vote, say no to Amendment 2. It is damaging and unconstitutional to more than just same-sex couples.

Say NO to 2

Saturday, October 18, 2008

À Dieu Vous Commant

I'm very sad. I just found out that one of my favorite actors died a few days ago.
Apparently it was complications from pneumonia.
Lovely, that's why my mother is in the hospital with as of yesterday.

Merci et je t'aime Guillaume.

Now I have to go watch Tous les Matins du Monde and bawl.

Guillaume Depardieu
1971 - 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nicked Quicker Than A Ray Of Light

I made a hobbit burglar on Lord of the Rings Online today. In going through and tweaking her look to something that was cuter rather than goofy, I stepped back and realized I'd made Hobbit Madonna. I love her.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Huntress: Hunters of the Pack Book 1

Now in Print!

Coming Soon...

i r keepz mah jee pee ay hi

Yay, another term down and still at a 4.0

Only a few left to go and then...

possibly going to another school for a year. More details later.


I thought I was going to absolutely soil my pants tonight when I saw this.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Music at the Moment: Britney Spears - Womanizer / Jack White & Alicia Keyes - Another Way To Die

1) It sounds like it could either be a continuation of Blackout or just a half-ass rehash of an otherwise good CD. I guess we'll see. The jury is still out.

I think nutjob Britney makes better music.
Maybe I'll "Spear"-head a "Keep Britney Nuckin' Futs" campaign.

2) I was quite wary when I heard about this combination for the next Bond theme. I'm still not convinced I like them together. Now, I love the music and it definitely has a 007 flavor, albeit a little rougher than I'd have liked. Mind you, it's hard to top Chris Cornell's You Know My Name, which blew me away. I'm sad to say this one will have to grow on me and I'll gain new appreciation (or loathing) for it when I see it in unison with the intro to the movie. We'll see in November.