>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Thursday, March 31, 2005


Yay! John's home!
Yay! Terri is no longer a pawn in a disgusting political/religious fiasco!
Yay! We're finally going to deposit our insurance check and start fixing the house!
Yay! John's home!
Yay! Julio's birthday is tomorrow!
Yay! I lost another pound!
Yay! I finished Freddom Force vs. The Thid Reich!

Boo! It's raining today.
Boo! I don't want to do anything today.
Boo! I desperately need a haircut.
Boo! Most people still suck.

Okay, Yays outnumber the Boos. It'll be a decent day!

Monday, March 28, 2005

I was cleaning off the old computer tonight after Myshe and I totally renovated my office and came across this little clipping my mother had found and sent to me. It was from a cookbook the students in my christian kindergarten class had put together many many moons ago. Being Italian, of course I submitted a proper recipe, albeit simplified for those having a difficult time with pastas and sauces...

My First Ever Published Item!

and yes, Wibble is a word. Despite it not really fitting in the clip, I was quite ahead of my time.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Watch Out For The Fireworks...

Music at the moment: So What The Fuss - Stevie Wonder ft Prince and En Vogue

The family reading this should have a field day. I won't be surprised if I get calls or Chick Tracts in the mail with scrawled pleas from those worried about me. But if you READ the description you'll see it doesn't mean what you think. Also, a good practice for anyone condemning another religion is to get to know it. I mean really research it. I read the Satanic Bible years back and was suprised to find it wasn't at all what people expect. This doesn't mean I'm a Satanist. It means I'm not arrogant and ignorant.

You scored as Satanism.
Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism!Before you scream, do a bit of research on it.To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan.Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancementof the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set ofmoral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of thesatanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble thoseof earth-based religions such as paganism.

Satanism 83%

Agnosticism 79%

Atheism 67%

Buddhism 58%

Islam 58%

Paganism 50%

Judaism 29%

Christianity 25%

Hinduism 25%

Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)

Friday, March 11, 2005

You Belong in Australia


Sunny, upbeat, and cute

You make the perfect surf bum

Now stop hogging the vegemite!

When Project Runway started on Bravo I avoided it as best I could. It was hard, however, to totally miss the horribly in your face Austin Scarlet on the adverts. From the first moment I saw him I was stalked by this feeling of familiarity. It was teriffying.

It wasn't until today while looking through movies and sorting them a bit that I realized I did know him, just in an earlier child role. That of Hermey, the elf that wanted to be a dentist. I'm glad he found work.

Austin Scarlet aka Hermey

A Few Flicks...

Music at the moment: Lonely No More - Rob Thomas

Admittedly I haven't blogged as much as i usually do. Things have been weird since Charlie's passing and John leaving again. I've found it hard to get back into a swing. No idea why, but that's the way it goes I guess. So...in the interest of kicking myself back into gear I thought I'd blog about some movies viewed recently. Possible spoiler alert. Proceed with caution.


Okay, based on the Hellblazer comic that I did enjoy a bit here and there, what i read of it, this movie was set up to disappoint me. Or more pointedly, maybe I was set up for it to disappoint me. Keanu...well, past him being in it what can you expect? "Whoa, Satan. Excellent!"

Surprisingly I thoroughly enjoyed this film. I really like Rachel Weisz. I think I even like to look at her. She's kind of hot. Then there's Tilda Swinton. I was already a huge Swinton fan and then I found out she's playing Gabriel. Fun! She didn't disappoint. I can't wait to see her as the White Witch in The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe. Anyhow, the film was fun and it kept my attention. Minor editing problems that irrtated me, but nothing to ruin the movie experience.
Scale of 1-10, Phun Phactor: 6

Music at the moment: Hotline - Ciara

The Last Samurai

Hmm. Okay, I didn't turn it off. I still dislike Tom Cruise and his unerring capacity to always play Tom Cruise. I actually did enjoy it, but not to the point that I was moved. The problem with this movie is not the actors or the setting or the dialogue. The problem is I'd already seen this movie before. Change some skin tones, change the backdrop, change the culture, change Tom Cruise to Kevin Costner. Voila, Dances with Chopsticks.
Scale of 1-10, Phun Phactor: 2

Ichi The Killer

Well, believe it or not, I actually did like this movie. I especially like Kakihara (Tadanobu Asano). It has its ups and downs like any other, but for the most part it kept me watching. Number one, you really have to like asian film to get through it. Number two, you can't scream or puke at the sight of a papercut. Number three, you can't be a prude who "can't get past" the sexual content of a movie. It all happens and wrinkling your nose at it doesn't make it go away. There are some parts that totally throw me off and make me go "huuuh?" however. Jijii emerging from his dumpy jumpsuit to reveal this powerhouse of muscle. "huuuuuuh?" Then there's the end. Maybe it was me and the fact that I started watching this late when I was already tired or maybe it was just vague on its imagery, but "huuuuuuuuuuuuh??" And by the end I mean the very last scene with the man hanging in the tree and the young man walking away. I got it up until then. I think maybe there was serious symbolism going on there and my mind was just worn out and half-lidded saying "Check please." If you want a really good Miike film, watch Audition. Mmmmmmmm.
Scale of 1-10, Phun Phactor: 4

Music at the moment: Breathe - Blu Cantrell ft, Sean Paul


Okay remember what I said about having to like asian film? That isn't always a saving grace. I wanted a creepy horror flick. I got creepy. Unfortunately it was sucking-thumb-fetal-position creepy like I enjoy. It was more like a creepy/confusion mélange. Sort of "Creeehuuuuuh??" For the most part it just seemed scene after scene of creepy situations of imagery for the sake of creepiness with no reason to it. This threw everything off for me. I like story behind my creepy. Creepiness that mottivates the story because it's supposed to be creepy, you know? This just didn't do it for me:
Cow headed people that have no plot involvement. I mean what exactly does a damn cow head have to do with anything in this film? (Other than the name)
Old woman Inn owners that bottle their own breast milk.
Old woman Inn owners that have flakey mentally unstable brothers.
Disappearing dead bodies that turn up later alive and having switched gender like it's an every day occurrence.
Freaky restaurants with drag queens and disturbed bald men in bras.
The list goes on. I really wanted to like it, but just couldn't. I love you Miike, but this was a no go. Leave the full grown man birth to Xtro.
Scale of 1-10, Phun Phactor: 1 (Minami was cute)

I'm looking forward to getting a copy of Visitor Q to watch. I hope it's as good as I hear. Also anticipating some upcoming films:

H (Jong-hyuk Lee) the driector of Tell Me Something, which I really liked
Acacia (Ki-Hyung Park)
Mirrormask (Neil Gaiman and David McKean)
The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe (Andrew Adamson)

Music Meme from Pete

1. Total amount of music files on your computer?
1132 on the "old" computer and 622 on this one. I really need to clean these off.

2. The last CDs you bought were...
The Beekeeper - Tori Amos
Scissor Sisters - Scissor Sisters
Love, Angel, Music, Baby - Gwen Stefani

3. What was the last song you listened to before reading this message?
Listening to Magnificent by Prince as I type.

4. Write down five songs you often listen to or mean a lot to you.
We Belong - Pat Benatar
Anna Stesia - Prince
The Name of the Game - ABBA
Sometimes It Snows In April - Prince
Everything's Alright - Yvonne Elliman/TedNeeley from Jesus Christ Superstar

5. What new music are you really excited for in the coming year so far?
The new Prince CD!

6. What people are you going to pass this to and why?
I'm sure Josh will do this. Bryan will want to, but he blogs every year or so. Maybe Heather will, she likes music too.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


A couple of these had to be luck. Honestly though, all the answers seemed really easy. It makes me wonder. English genius, Grammar God, perfect score on my english CPT giving me the option for english honors, is someone trying to tell me something about a career direction? I always thought I hated english.

English Genius

You scored 100% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 100% Expert!

You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go! Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 62% on Beginner

You scored higher than 70% on Intermediate

You scored higher than 79% on Advanced

You scored higher than 99% on Expert

Link: The Commonly Confused Words Test written by shortredhead78 on Ok Cupid

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Yay! Another friend succumbs to the way of the blog. Welcome Heather!! Heather's personal blog is linked on the Remote Sensing menu and her CoH Blog is under Vicarious Gaming.

You're A Good Man Charlie Brown

Well, the last week plus has left all of us here a bit emotionally drained. I haven't had the time nor the inclination to blog between recent events, John's imminent departure and not feeling well. Hopefully soon everyone will be closer to their old selves and a little more at ease.

Last tuesday, the 22nd, we lost a very dear friend. Bryan's father, Charlie Brown passed away in his sleep. Bryan's mother found him and immediately woke Bryan who took charge of the situation. I've always admired Bryan for his ability to enter into a situation and do what was needed while putting his hysterics on the back burner. I think he was the sole reason everything from beginning to end ran smoothly. Undoubtedly he had help, but Bryan kept it together.

By the time we got there that evening most Bryan's mother's church had cleared out and only Bryan, his mother Lilia, sister Ingrid and boyfriend Jeremy, Ingrid's kids Austin and Christine and two friends of Lilia's Migdalia and Luz remained. All day long the family had been surrounded by support from Lilia's church and friends. I was glad for Bryan and his family that he did have that immediate and close by care.

Charlie was always a funny guy. Anytime I'd arrive he'd greet me with a handshake and a hug and a big smile. In addition, the first thing out of his mouth after the customary greeting was the most recent batch of dirty jokes he'd encountered. He'd tell them in his measured fashion and when the punchline hit he'd laugh right along with us as if he'd heard it for the first time.

Charlie had a big heart and a lot of love. Despite his military background and generational upbringing, Charlie always extended his hand to me. Never in all the time I've known Bryan has Charlie ever acted awkward toward me or kept me at a distance. And later, when John came into the picture, Charlie greeted him as if he was genuinely my mate. Charlie didn't care. He treated us like people and loved us like a couple. That is a man at peace with himself and others. The ones that can't accept or won't accept or don't acknowledge the realtionship between two men or two women are inadequate themselves. It isn't a defficiency on our part.

Charlie was patriotic. Admittedly I don't like this country for the most part. The government is crooked and the people self-centered. But Charlie had enougb love in his heart for me and anyone else who didn't believe in it. A military veteran, Charlie always supported the country and its people. I think he sincerely felt that one day a nobler country would emerge from the ashes of a distraught one.

Charlie is and always will be a good man. I'm glad he isn't in pain any longer. I'm glad I had the chance to know him and to love him. I'm glad he had the family he did and I'm glad they had him. I'm also glad he helped to protect me and my country.

Thank you Charlie for being a friend and showing us the respect and love others can't afford.

I won't say goodbye Mister Charlie. I'll just use the words you did every time we left your house...

"Bueno pues, you take care now"

Charles Eldon Brown

October 11th, 1932
February 22nd, 2005