>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Who needs Excedrin? Let New Improved PHRED get rid of your migraine!

Music - listening to a various playlist consisting of the new Janet jackson song "Love You For A Little While" (No Jane, it's not called "Lookitmytit"), "La Belle et Le Bad" by MC Solaar (French Hip-hop..tres cool), and "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness (I think the lead singer is definitely the next Freddie Mercury)

Okay, so this is a place to record my life to some degree eh? I suppose it could just be a place to vent assorted crap as well just to get it ut of my skull, meaningless or not. So, I suppose this is blogworthy.

It's never a fun thing when you split with a friend. However, it can be a healthy thing. I think this was on both sides. Melonie, who I've not mentioned in Blog before since she's pretty much fallen from our lives over the last few years, called me yesterday on my cell phone. I was in no mood to deal with her having recently been forgotten by her on my birthday, but I called her back nonetheless. Call me a masochist. Maybe I psychically knew this was the conversation that would end it all and maybe, just maybe, I welcomed it.

There were the obligatory "I'm sooo sorry"s that one gets in between each of her excuses or streams of verbal tripping while fabricating new lies (um...er..uhhhh..um...uhhhh..err.ummm). I simply sat there and listened and made no noises nor words of my own. As the conversation progressed I could see that she was looking for a confrontation. Maybe she wanted it over too. Thank God. So, one remark lead to another and before long we were both raising our voices. Things like It's always her fault and never ours. Why is it never us? We don't think anything could possibly be our fault. Hmm...let me see, She's a slob. She's a hypochondriac. She's a liar. She's a thief. She's a freeloader. She's always making excuses and those excuses are usually "I have a migraine". She's had 238 Jobs in the last 2 years because she stays at one for, at best, a week and gets fired or leaves them because "She had a migraine" or some fictional boss called her and her fictional co-workers "Lazy Bitches". So they all fictitiously walked out. (But never pursued a lawsuit. Hmm.) During all this we've reached out to her. We've had more "Interventions" than we can count and all cried with her saying "What's wrong?" and "We want to help you become the old Mel again". Each to no avail of course. Then there's the plethora of excuses as to why she acts this way "I'm depressed", "I'm Manic", "I was abusing my Mom's prescription medication...but I'm over it now and okay.", and on and on. Yeah...we're the ones that have the problem. Not Melonie, Goddess of Purity and Light.

Nutshell, she's gone. It's sad. The old Melonie we knew years ago was a great person. This new, dumpy, self-loathing, wallowing, lazy, wannabe-disability collector Melonie, well...she sucks dirty mule ass. Good riddance to bad rubbish.



Much to my elation, my roomie Myshe has taken to blogging! Please welcome her and enjoy her musings. Her initial post is a poignant one that details a category of people we have coined "GGs". This will, no doubt, help those of you reading my blog in the future should I refer to these "GGs". Welcome Myshe!!!

Friday, February 20, 2004

And Finally...California Trip Episode III: Attack of the Castro

No music today - it is quiet and I like it that way

Okay so it took a while to get the final part of the california trip up here. Bite me. Look how long it took for the "first" three Star wars movies to come out. You'll get over it.

Though seriously, everytime I've sat down to finish this something's come up. There was "Phone won't stop" day followed by "Myshe's car is dead" day and various other "You aren't allowed to do anything you want to" days. So, now that the John is home, the house is quiet and both of us are basking in the afterglow of a wonderful surprise breakfast made by John himself I have time to blog. Yay me.

Our final day in California with our newfound wonder-buddies was so very nice! We rose mid-morning and readied ourselves for brunch in the Castro. How gay huh? Well when in Rome...

Anyhow, we ate at a busy little corner cafe (The name escapes me but Delores was in the title) which had really yummy food. John and I each had a ham dn cheese croissant while Jane ate some other sandwich monstrosity and Sarah watched her girlish figure with eggs and fruit. Go sarah!

After eats we started our trek through the gay mecca. It was actually very neat. Lot's of little shops with different themes here and there and all sorts of interesting little yummy things, to borrow a phrase from Edina Monsoon. We walked quite a bit and went in almost every other shop we passed. It is truly its own little city.

Once done communing with the nexus of Gaydom we headed off to take in random sights. The Pacific ocean was beautiful as was the Palace of Fine Arts. Even our zig-zagging down "The World's Most Crooked Street" was delightful, albeit devoid of cell-phone signal.



Come dinner time we headed to Jane's favorite Chinese place "Hunan House" (I believe the name was) where we yet again ate family style. I love Jane and Sarah for that alone if nothing else. Sharing food has always meant something to me for some reason. It denotes a comfort that has been lost in today's Mine Mine Mine portions that are usually served in reatsaurants. Anyhow, the food was great despite their lack of alternative sweetener. I guess being a Chinese place they thought "Swreet and Row" was some form of fish egg special.

Patting our stomachs we made way to our last big shebang in SF before departing the next morning bright and early.

This was, by far, one of the best things I've seen on stage in years. It's been a long time since I've actually cried because I've laughed so much and damn did it feel good. I couldn't have asked for a better way to end our trip to the west coast. If you haven't been and are planning to be in SF at one point, make time for this. You won't regret it.

Thus ends our story or at least this chapter. The next morning we rose before the sun did, hugged a sleepy-headed Sarah still in bed and were dropped at the airport by the sweet Miss Jane. I'll admit I got teary-eyed as she pulled off but I covered it up well. A few hours later we were back here at home with wine bottles and other assorted goodies intact. Our trip made us consider a few things, one being a move. We enjoyed ourselves, the city and the climate so much that I think we could be happy on the other side of our current world. The next were two wonderful people. To steal a remark from the Janester, I could grow old living next to them.

So much fun was had and only one real regret followed...I wish we'd waited to go until later. We could have brought back a Marriage License with all our tarder Joe's goodies.
Again, Jane finds cool stuff

Phred - yeah so there! I eat my French Toast while sipping on French wine and hurling French obscenities at all you "Freedom Fry" eating bigots. Vos mères suce des ours dans la forêt!

You're France!

Most people think you're snobby, but it's really just that
you're better than everyone else.  At least you're more loyal to the real
language, the fine arts, and the fine wines than anyone else.  You aren't
worth beans in a fight, unless you're really short, but you're so good at other
things that it usually doesn't matter.  Some of your finest works were
intended to be short-term projects.

Take the Country Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid


John - It's beginning to look like I'm married to Jane

the United Nations!

Most people think you're ineffective, but you are trying to
completely save the world from itself, so there's always going to be a long
way to go.  You're always the one trying to get friends to talk to each
other, enemies to talk to each other, anyone who can to just talk instead of
beating each other about the head and torso.  Sometimes it works and sometimes
it doesn't, and you get very schizophrenic as a result.  But your heart
is in the right place, and sometimes also in New York.

face="Times New Roman">Take the Country
at the Blue Pyramid