>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Thursday, October 16, 2003

And away we go...

So this is my first blog. Admittedly I didn't even know what a blog was until my dear friend and confidant Jane opened my eyes. Thank you Fishlady! Let's hope this yields something worth the effort. If nothing else I can damn and curse the people that irritate me to a faceless listener. Couldn't hurt.

Blog. Blahg. Blahhhhhg. It isn't a very attractive word is it? It falls into a category with words that just make me wrinkle my nose like kumquat or yogurt or republican. It can even get worse if pronounced with a tangible southern drawl. Blawg. Blaaaawg. Ew.

So, beyond my assessment of the word Blog I really have nothing to add. Jane and I had chatted in IM about the trip I just finished and it seemed at the time the perfect opener for my first post. Now, however, It seems redundant to type it all out again so soon. I'll give it a day and then see if it begs a body of text. If not, I'm sure there will be plenty to put down later.

On a personal note: The husband hasn't called and I'm feeling dismal. This transfer to another vessel and the possibility that his gone time will stretch from 4 weeks to 8 has me churning butterflies. I hate him being gone for so long, but the money is excellent and allows us to do what we need to and a little beyond. Maybe I should go work offshore too and coordinate my off-time with his. I just don't know if we could afford that in the long run given that all of my paychecks would be going to the makers of Dramamine. Life with motion sickness, gotta love it.

Okay so that's it I think. I have things I should be doing, but inevitably I'll sit here and talk to Jane for a bit longer. She's addictive like a good cigarette, though I'd wager she smells better.

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