>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Friday, October 31, 2003

Elvis Has Left The Building

Well things here at home are back to a dull roar. The husband, John being his given name, has left once again for his tour of duty (doody?) on the ocean. This means another 28 days without my rock. As I told Jane yesterday it's not his being gone that's hard. It's the leaving part once he's been home. That's what gets me. Even worse, this hitch will drop him back on on the evening of the 27th. So much for Thanksgiving. I suppose I'll mope that day as I can't go spend money to forget my woes. Everything's closed!

So, speaking of Turkey Day, I haven't a clue what's going on. Claudette (Aunt #2...and yes, her name really is Claudette. Alabama, people...Alabama.) sent an E-mail asking what our plans were this year but I've yet to hear from Kathy (Aunt #2) about their ideas. I suppose it'll be another Thanksgiving at my Grandmother's without John. That is, unless we do it after Thanksgiving which I highly doubt. I'm expected to be the flexible one schedule-wise and always have been. I could relocate to Tatooine and I'd still get "Well Phreddy, Kathy and them can't come the week you can and they have to travel all the way from Texas. Can't you hop an interstellar shuttle and come when they're here?" Family. Just goes to show you that not all bad words starting with "F" have 4 letters.

Halloween is here! Yay!
John isn't! Shit.

I guess it's not so bad. We went to a Costume Ball on the 25th which wasn't too bad all-in-all. I and John went as a Sultan and his Djinn respectively. He looked so great with his gold skin and long black nails. He really did look the part. Bryan and Myshe went as "FrankenPimp" and "Ho of FrankenPimp". All night long I couldn't look at Myshe without wanting to wet my pants. We'd placed this BIG yellow rose in the side of her Bride of Frankenstein wig and her pale blank face coupled with that flower just messed me up. I'm sure the big gold ball earrings, gold lashes, black & white feather boa, zebra mini-dress, fishnets and platform shoes helped.

The food was good and it had an open bar. The band was okay despite one member being flat in each song. The only downside to the evening was Daniel. Daniel is this waste of flesh that thinks he can dance. That's pretty much him in a nutshell. We were actually friends at one time, or at least I thought we were friends. Don't you love how that comes around and bites you on the ass? People...I'm truly beginning to hate the whole species. The whole situation wasn't a total bust. Apparently he came up to talk to Bryan and Myshe as John, I Adam, Jennifer and George (All other names you will undoubtedly here a lot) were getting drinks. I guess he tried to be witty in his cheesy "I wish I were an extra on the Sopranos" outfit and says to Myshe "I could put you in the movies." Bryan responds with "If you did that, I'd have to charge you." Myshe simply looked at him, realized it was Daniel and then said "Oh, food!" and beelined away from him without so much as a "Die, Daniel!" Apparently Bryan thought it was someone just being chatty as he didn't recognize Daniel for all the weight he'd put on. Daniel walked off after that and avoided us the rest of the night. Sublime.

Current Objective:
Infiltrate Jane and Sarah's home and retrieve the glazed almond recipe. This task should be fairly low risk given our invitation into their home. Will utilize special tools to distract the Hostesses while we search for said recipe.

Require Tools:
Jennifer Lopez Blow-Up Doll
Assorted Football Paraphenalia
A Home Depot Catalogue
A Border Terrier hand puppet

Success is imminent

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Ode to Fishlady

I'm linked now! Jane has graciously placed me on her Blog. Wow. I feel like I'm syndicated. I can only return the love:Jane

And away we go...

So this is my first blog. Admittedly I didn't even know what a blog was until my dear friend and confidant Jane opened my eyes. Thank you Fishlady! Let's hope this yields something worth the effort. If nothing else I can damn and curse the people that irritate me to a faceless listener. Couldn't hurt.

Blog. Blahg. Blahhhhhg. It isn't a very attractive word is it? It falls into a category with words that just make me wrinkle my nose like kumquat or yogurt or republican. It can even get worse if pronounced with a tangible southern drawl. Blawg. Blaaaawg. Ew.

So, beyond my assessment of the word Blog I really have nothing to add. Jane and I had chatted in IM about the trip I just finished and it seemed at the time the perfect opener for my first post. Now, however, It seems redundant to type it all out again so soon. I'll give it a day and then see if it begs a body of text. If not, I'm sure there will be plenty to put down later.

On a personal note: The husband hasn't called and I'm feeling dismal. This transfer to another vessel and the possibility that his gone time will stretch from 4 weeks to 8 has me churning butterflies. I hate him being gone for so long, but the money is excellent and allows us to do what we need to and a little beyond. Maybe I should go work offshore too and coordinate my off-time with his. I just don't know if we could afford that in the long run given that all of my paychecks would be going to the makers of Dramamine. Life with motion sickness, gotta love it.

Okay so that's it I think. I have things I should be doing, but inevitably I'll sit here and talk to Jane for a bit longer. She's addictive like a good cigarette, though I'd wager she smells better.