>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I Still Hate Business

Music at the Moment: Maroon 5 - Makes Me Wonder (It's about damn time slowpokes)

I just wanted to reiterate that I still hate business and my idiot teacher. I'm beginning to wonder if there really is a teacher on the other side of the monitor or some half-witted sloth. Or maybe it's a poorly trained chimp. Or could it perhaps be a drooling conservative politician. Or maybe even Britney Spears. Regardless, I loathe her.

My Character Development class is actually fun, however the teacher is slow like molasses. Week 3 and I have no grades so far and two ungraded quizzes. Pretty bad for a class that hinges on the criticisms of the previous week's art.

Geometry is my shining light this term. How very weird. Never would I have expected that. I am convinced, however, that my Geometry teacher speaks English as a 58th language. I don't care if he doesn't speak much English at all as long as he knows that in the alphabet, "A" is preceded by "Phred you are to be receiving an..."

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

"Business" Is The Devil

Music at the moment: Mika - Any Other World

I hate business.

I hate our home owner's insurance company who has cancelled our policy effective the 25th of this month.

I hate my Intro to Business class because the teacher is a douche bag that apparently bought her teaching degree on Ebay.
