>>>>> Remember: I speak my mind here. If you don't want to see it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. <<<<<

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Defender-ship.I am a Defender-ship.

I am fiercely protective of my friends and loved ones, and unforgiving of any who would hurt them. Speed and foresight are my strengths, at the cost of a little clumsiness. I'm most comfortable with a few friends, but sometimes particularly enjoy spending time in larger groups. What Video Game Character Are You?

Friday, March 12, 2004

Okay in my quest for a decent lotion for dried skin (A common thing in diabetics) I have experienced many a product: "Choice" diabetic care lotion, "Shea it isn't so" foot lotion, the various jergens, "Diabetiderm", you name it. I have recently found one for diabetic use called "DiabetAid" which is VERY nice. However I was directed to one other that I swear by now. "Udderly Smooth" Udder Cream. Yes, you read right. Udder cream. Sarah dear, you might try it. The Shea it isn't so was good but this stuff rocks. I share with you now the directions so everyone knows what they need to do.

Wash udder and teat parts thoroughly with clean water and soap before each milking to avoid contamination of milk. Use clean individual towels for this purpose. Apply to the udder after each milking, massaging into the skin. For teat cracks apply in sufficient quantity to fill crack and cover surrounding area. Apply uniformly to chafed area and bruises to maintain skin suppleness.

For aid in softening swollen udders following calving, apply liberally twice daily with gentle massage.

There you have it. I know all of you were concerned with cracked teats and chafed udders. Now you can rest easy!

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Now I can be an X-Man

by using the X-Men Genetic Mutation Finder I was able to ascertain that I am, in fact, a mutant! Now i live out my life long dream and join my favorite superhero group. Wow. To think I have powers! I've always known I was Homo Superior, but this adds a whole new dimension to it.

My Powers:
Paranism - Extremely sensitive hearing that allows you to hear what anyone is saying about you.

John's Powers:
Americanism - Inability to walk out of your house without a hand gun.

I think my code name will be something like Earshot or Grapevine. John's will definitely be Charlton Heston.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

Yet another comes into the fold. Please welcome Josh aka "Dimples" to blogging. Josh is on the road right now on his move to Georgia to live :( At least this way we'll be able to see into his daily life. We miss you already Joshy.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Last night the group, sans Bryan, Josh and Heather, went out to Fuji for an evening of sushi and sake in celebration of Leap Year. Fun and a good time was had by all as we sat on the floor in one of their large party rooms delightfully set up as a japanese dining nook. We sat on little pads on the floor surrounded by the paper walls. (These were actually plastic giving the illusion of authentic Japanese walls while being more durable and flame retardent at the same time) Having been wanred, everyone wore decent socks since the shoes came off. After a few hours of Sunshine Rolls, Lobster Rolls, Volcano Rolls and the like all served on groovy little wooden plates with legs (Robby's on a little boat no less) and then dessert consisting of some Sweet Red Bean ice Cream and Fried Bananas in Honey, we were ready to come home. A fune little jaunt out for a day that only comes around every four years.


Reaching further back a day before this, we return to Saturday. I was too busy to blog that day about the happenings, but they beg recording so here I am. Myshe and I headed to the Pensacola Regional Airport to fetch John after his flight from New Mexico. We made our way to the lobby outside the terminal and stood there waiting for his flight to arrive. Luckily gate 3 began to unload only a couple of minutes after we took our places. Now it wouldn't be long bfore I got to see my John. Whew! I was ready for some quality time before he had to leave, yet again. Passengers flood out past us. I sway back and forth looking past the misshaped heads and general fashion ignorance of the sea of people trying to spy my beau. Of course, he'd be the last one off the plane I thought. As I'm craning my neck to look for the man I know so well Myshe pipes up next to me "That isn't coming in our house!". I knit my brows and look at her to guage where she's looking when i realize she's staring at a man standing almost directly in front of me. A double take at him registers that this is the man I was looking for and God help me, he found me. There stood John bathed from head to toe in parental abuse. Cowboy boots, brand new, starchy, dark blue, boot-cut, denim Jeans with no belt, a long-sleeve plaid shirt with dark blue shirt underneath topped off by a large beige Cowboy hat. To this moment I feel horrible that the first look John got from me on his return home was one of dawning horror, but it was a knee-jerk reaction I swear! I hugged him while avoiding the hat and asked him what happened. As it turns out, this was his christmas present. Before I could make a joke about "What? No horse?" he mentioned that that had been in the plan too if there'd been a way to transport one and keep it here. Help me. Luckily we got him in the car, home and changed before too much exposure to the outfit. I'll be making space in the bedroom closet for the hat and the boots when he leaves. The jeans will be washed a few hundred times in a healthy detergent/bleach mixture and may even become summer cut-offs. Before long the house will be exorcised of this texan demon. Just look for me at the top of the stairs done up like a little woman and declaring "This house...is clean."